When my son was just a small boy (he’s 19 now and in no way is he ‘small’ anymore) –but when he was just a boy, he loved to tell stories ……just for fun.
He used to play this game with his teen-aged babysitter and her boyfriend.
After work I would go to the babysitter’s house to pick up Sean and his sister Heather.
The boyfriend was usually there. He was a good kid, good with children and he loved playing with Sean too.
When I came in, the boyfriend would say, “Hey Sean, what’s the Good News and what’s the Bad News?”
Then Sean would just make up his stories….
He would chatter away and tell us what he thought the Good News was and what he thought the Bad News might be…
He would just make things up!
It was fascinating to hear what my 6 year old boy thought was “Good” or “Bad” about the world.
It is truly amazing what children will say when you give them the chance and then really listen to them.
Well I have some ‘Good News’ – ‘Bad News’ stories to tell of my own…and they’re all true!
The Bad News….
I’m fat.
Not crazy obese, but fat…too fat!
And for ‘the fat-loss guy’ that’s some really, really bad news.
The thing is….it sorta ‘snuck up’ on me too (doesn’t it always?).
See, I had this goal. I wanted to weigh 260 pounds by the end of February.
It was September when I dreamt this up and I only weighed 245 at the time.
Of course, I didn’t just want to weigh more….I actually wanted to add more muscular weight. That was my real goal.
I wanted to remain the same body fat percentage ….just add more muscle to my frame.
I didn’t do too badly either.
I only missed my goal by 4 pounds. I made it up to 256 pounds and my strength was higher than it has ever been.
I set all kinds of new ‘personal bests’ in the gym and on the lifting platform.
That was my ‘Good News’ …I got stronger! Yeah me!
Stronger Paul = Good News
But back to the ‘Bad News’
Now it’s mid-March and I’m fat.
Fat Paul = Bad News…Really, really Bad News
I worked real hard, gained muscular weight and I got stronger….and that’s great.
But I gained too much weight in the process …..too much body weight in the form of adipose tissue and ‘adipose tissue’ is fat …yuck!
So guess what?
The ‘fat-loss guy’ has to lose some fat now….
Should be easy, right?
Yeah right…..not so fast.
It’s no easier for me than for anyone else.
I hate dieting….hate ‘cutting weight’
But I have to do it, so here goes….and you get to watch …umm, well sort of.
What I mean is that I’ll document my progress for all to see.
This should be interesting….and maddening at the same time (for me, at least).
Stick with me here….
We’re all going to learn a thing or two.
~To your good health!
Paul D’Arcy
(517) 673-5286
“Committed to your Success!”