Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do Fit People Earn More Money?

In a word, yes.

A study published in the British Medical Journal finds the healthier you are, the richer you will become. Researchers examined the link between health and wealth in rich countries, and found that healthier people are more productive at work, earn more, and spend more days in the work force because they don’t take as much sick leave.

It may seem obvious, but an investment in health produces big returns for individuals, their families and the economy as a whole.

Exercise and healthy eating improve the blood flow within the most vital organ to your success…your brain.

You, like all of us, most likely want more money and more success, but the very first steps should be incorporating exercise and a regular diet into your schedule.

Here is a quick question for you:

Have you ever been at work and eaten a very unhealthy lunch or snack while sitting at your desk (99% of you are answering yes right now, we all do it).

What follows this snack or meal however, is what we are talking about…

Did you feel lazy, unexcited about work and uninspired? Chances are you did.

Conversely, if you ate a healthy lunch and went for a walk, you would have come back rejuvenated, thinking in a positive way, and thinking clearly.

Here are couple interesting stats:

(1) People that are fit earn more money

(2) People that are fit get better jobs

(3) People that are healthy typically experience less stress

(4) People that are fit have a more positive outlook on life

So, if you want more money, a better job, less stress and a better outlook on life, you should incorporate a “fitness” and “health” routine in your diet.

Strip that Fat, the world famous guide and diet plan generator system will help you incorporate both healthy eating and healthy living into your life.


Fat loss and healthy living is just around the corner. AND, just around that corner is more success!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, that losing weight thing obviously did not work.


Now, I am doing rather well in that department! Er… relatively well.

Six pounds have been shed! Considering how much more I exercise than I used to, one would think that I would have lost much more than that. I blame my lack of consistency in terms of exercise and love of muffins.

Anyways, I have been jogging (up to thirty minutes without stopping) and biking (one hour, high resistance, no stopping) and it seems to be working! My legs are leaner and stronger and my pants fit better. And that is only after six pounds!

I am excited to see how the rest of the weight looks when it is no longer on me.

I have been unable to jog recently thanks to a pretty gnarly shin splint, but the bike does not seem to bother the injury at all. Speaking of which, the time has come for me to ride off into the sunset! (Not really. The bike does not move.)



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Astronaut food

I decided to make one of my goals for 2009 to eat healthier. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Eating healthier! Of course, the question became – exactly what does that MEAN, to eat healthier? Obviously fruits and vegetables are healthy. I get that. What I don’t understand is everything else. All those packaged meals that are so convenient – are those healthy? The salads and other meals – are those good for me? I haven’t the faintest idea. I find it all overwhelming. They print nutrition labels on everything at the store, but all that information – are those grams of fat and protein and carbohydrates healthy?

So, I decided to start with a plan where someone else figured all that out for me. It didn’t take me long to decide on a plan, as the one I picked looked like the only “diet plan” out there that had a vegetarian program. I figured it was worth a try. It might have been smart for me to check it out a little closer before ordering that first month of food, as I was pretty surprised when it arrived. I called my dad and told him – it’s astronaut food! None of it is frozen or refrigerated, it looks like it’s freeze-dried and you add water and it’s instant food. I don’t know, that concerns me a bit.

Well, I’ve been on the “astronaut food” for over three months now, and I love it. First of all, it’s not all “add water instant food”, like the instant potatoes or soup. Some is microwavable instant food, like the lasagna and ravioli. Some is just instant food – like bars and cereal and pastries. I eat four entrees a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert) and add in my own vegetables, fruit, dairy, and protein items.

I’ve been learning to prepare some pretty tasty food! This shocks my friends and family who know how helpless I am in the kitchen. However, I love food and it didn’t take me long to figure out how to open bags of pre-washed lettuce and top it with my favorite fixings, or buy vegetables and cook them, or sprinkle cinnamon on a bowl of fruit.

So my meals are tasty and I feel MUCH better. I have more energy and have a lot less stomach upset. I’m pretty close to losing 30 pounds. People are starting to notice my weight loss, and I’ve been “forced” to buy new clothes. Lucky for me, I was trained by my mother, who’s a world-class shopper. My mom can out-shop anyone. She can smell a bargain a hundred miles away. I didn’t inherit or learn all her shopping skills, but I can hit a store, find bargains and try on twenty items over a lunch hour. I can’t do the marathon shopping expeditions my mother is capable of, but I can spend two hours in a shoe store.

I’m also starting to understand those overwhelming nutrition labels, and learning how to prepare meals that don’t involve the “astronaut food” but are still health. So, am I eating healthier? You bet! I’m also eating BETTER.

submitted for publication in The Greeley Citizen

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Fitness Goals

In the words of Joey Atlas, “fitness goals come in many forms and definitions”.

He then lists “the broadest terms that encompass the majority of fitness goals as applied to the general population.

  • 1) Fat loss/Weight loss
  • 2) Muscle ‘Toning’
  • 3) Strength Building
  • 4) Muscle Building
  • 5) Energy Enhancement
  • 6) Body Shaping (Re-shaping)/Body Sculpting
  • 7) Flexibility Improvement
  • Reduction in Aches & Pains
  • 9) Improved Self-Image & Self-Confidence
  • 10) Improved Health/Medical Profile
  • 11) Cellulite Reduction and Flab Lifting”

In my case my fitness goals are 1, 2, 6, 7, 9 and 11.

The main, driving force behind them being number 9 - improved self-image and self-confidence. All the other goals will happen as a result of me doing my sexy butt makeover workouts and will ultimately lead to my main goal of having improved self-image and self-confidence.

In order to get your program to work for you, you need to work out what your fitness goals are and which one means the most to you. You have to put that above all else and keep it at the forfront of your mind. Especially on the days when you are tired, or can’t be bothered to do your workout or somebody offers you a chocolate biscuit!

I just keep focussing on how great I am gonna feel when I have achieved weight loss, muscle toning, body shaping, flexibility improvement, cellulite reduction and flab lifting and how my self-image and self-confidence is gonna go through the roof!!

If you want to make your goals happen, sign up for your Sexy Butt Makeover today!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to Sculpt a Rock Hard 6 Pack

How to Sculpt a Rock Hard 6 Pack

The first thing you need to realize if you want awesome abs is that no matter how developed your abdominal muscles are, no one is going to be able to see them under a layer of belly fat.

This means that in order to have a visible 6 pack you’re going to need to reduce the amount of fat on your stomach.

One thing you can do to burn more calories and reduce fat is to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 larger meals.

Another fat burning diet tip is to make sure you have breakfast every morning.

A lot of people think that skipping breakfast will reduce their caloric intake and help them lose fat, but actually a small breakfast in the morning helps get your metabolism going after being shut down all night while you were asleep.

While the old classics such as sit ups and crunches are a good foundation, you’re really going to need a bit more than that if you truly want a defined stomach that will impress everyone at the beach.

If you’re sick of struggling with that excess belly fat and are looking to tone your stomach muscles into a rock hard 6 pack, then I’ve got the perfect 6 Pack Program for you.

Related articles by Zemanta
  • Need To Lose Arm Fat? Check This Out! (
  • Belly fat burner (
  • Ab Exercises To Shape Your Tummy This New Year (

Friday, April 24, 2009


Why do we sabotage ourselves? Any ideas?

I have been sooo emotional today. I did fine with breakfast (porridge with sultanas and honey) I have drunk over a litre of water and while that isn’t great in the big scheme of things, it is better than the none that I had been having per day. Lunch was to be a chicken foccacia from work but we run out and I didn’t get a chance to make more before I left so I had 2 spinach and feta strudels and a banana. I got home from picking up ds and just lost it. The stress of this week has been building up and building up and tonight I lost it. I didn’t go crazy but I lost all motivation to do anything for anyone. The temptation to tell ds to get himself to bed and forget that he is only 7 was very strong. Thankfully the maternal part of me that cares even when I don’t stood strong.

So where does the sabotage come in? The pizza I ordered for tea and the icecream with sprinkles I am having now. I have lost the care for tonight and want to punish myself. I know that tomorrow I will jump aboard again and start strong again but for now… I am just going to finish the icecream then head to bed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Nicotine Experiment: Can it Help You Lose Weight?

It’s been about 13 days since I started the nicotine experiment, using Commit lozenges in an attempt to help me lose weight.

There is nothing on the Internet I could find that talked about this - except to say: ‘don’t do it.’ Now, I try not to be a dope about things, but this ‘don’t do it’ message didn’t seem to be evidence-based, but rather it came from a moral base: cigarettes are bad, so using nicotine lozenges to lose weight it bad, too.

The disconnect in logic here is: nicotine lozenges aren’t cigarettes.

Cigarettes are a delivery mechanism for nicotine, and there’s no doubt these suckers are bad for you. Jeez, we instinctively know not to inhale smoke, but smokers pull that smoke way down into their lungs for pleasure.

At all costs, the lungs should inhale only air. Dumb animals know this.

The guy who invented smoking had to be really, really bored. Imagine all the other stuff he tried smoking before he hit on this.

So nicotine is not tobacco - now that we’ve gotten around that mental block, we need to take a hard look at the nicotine compound myself.

Wikipedia’s entry is somewhat convoluted, needing citations, and flat out contradicting itself. It does hint at a number of things, which I recounted in my previous post, that do make it clear that nicotine is serious stuff.

I’ll use the same cop out all researchers use - more research is needed.

I’ve stumbled on some real research that says: there might be something to this - here’s a study that purports that transient nicotine lowers the body weight set point.

Ugh. Read it yourself - researchers seem to need to write in the most obscure prose possible, though their thoughts could easily be written in a more engaging and readable manner.

William Lutz, in his book  Doublespeak, showed this language for what it is - an artifice to hide meaning and to inflate ones ego. You look smart when you use big words - and most people don’t have the mental energy to translate every line into intelligible English to notice that the thoughts in such writing are mediocre.

Anyway, my personal experience so far has been a mixed bag. I haven’t lost any weight that I can attribute to this - the Holy Grail of why I’m doing this. The stuff can also cause heartburn, upset stomach, an unpleasant jitteryness and headaches.

When I first started, I got a blood pressure device - precisely because I don’t want to kill myself over a few pounds - and found that even without the nicotine, my blood pressure is elevated - even on medication.

It’s from the excess weight. When I lost 80 lbs, my diastolic number went down to below 80 for the first time in 15 years of being treated for hypertension. Now that I’ve porked up to near 220, that lower number has porked itself up as well.

So concurrently with the nicotine, I am experimenting in caffeine reduction - I drink a pot every morning - and kept going throughout the day, but for maybe the past 2 months I have switched to herbal teas (ginger tea, to be exact) during the day.

While part of me sees this as somewhat effeminate, another part of me says: If my gender identity is defined by the type of tea I drink, I have bigger problems than a few pounds to lose.

So nicotine experimentation has led me to watch my blood pressure more closely - a positive side benefit to this experiment, whether or not it helps me lose weight.

As to dosing, I obvious had no clue how to do this - there’s no guidance on this at all. At first, I probably took too much. The Commit manual says that not taking enough is a major cause of failure - but I don’t smoke.

So after a lot of experimentation, I came up with a dosing plan that seems to work for me.

First, I make sure I don’t skip some kind of breakfast - usually a few pieces of cheese the past few days. I normally skipped breakfast, but the potential for stomach upset has been higher - and my past writings indicate that I lost weight better when I had some sort of breakfast, so it’s a sort of serendipity for me.

At about mid morning, I have some coconut oil as a snack (the details here are too complicated to mention now - another post someday), then, if I am hungry, I pop a lozenge for between 15 and 30 minutes - then take it out and wrap the rest in a candy wrapper. I do not suck on these lozenges, so they can last me over 2 hours, which I have found to be way too long.

15 minutes on the lozenge is all that is needed to kill the appetite - actually, I’ve found that my appetite goes away in less than 5 minutes most times. I might even be able to cut back the lozenge use even further.

This gets me to lunch, where I have a salad with greens and protein - either eggs, chicken, cheese, or whatever else is lying around that can have oil and vinegar splashed on it and tossed in a salad.

If I’m hungry after lunch, I pop the lozenge back in my mouth for another few minutes and the hunger dies down.

Late afternoon is another scoop of coconut oil, and maybe another few minutes with the lozenge if I’m hungry after.

Arriving home, I might have a small dinner, then pop the lozenge again to kill the appetite.

This notion of using a very small amount - at most 2 - 4mg lozenges a day, seems to help regulate appetite.

This is far less than the Commit recommends for smoking cessation - they recommend something like 20 a day. As I’m tkaing 1/10th the amount, I probably am doing minimal harm (the jury is still out here).

The summary to my ‘dosing schedule’ can be summarized as: ‘after meals and only until appetite diminishes’.

With this amount of nicotine, I doubt that it will ‘reset my weight setpoint’ as described in the research above, but I don’t care - I want to use as little as possible, and the appetite reduction effect does seem to be real.

Will keep you posted on future developments.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon.... Those Gentle Voices are calling Me

Just getting a bit more settled in,  and at the same time my work schedule is increasing.

We will be hosting the Bloomington raw food potluck at our house in May…. details to follow

A bit pumped and muscles knockered after ramping up the workout a notch.

Moving the alarm back at 20-30 increments to get back to waking up early enough to knock out meditation, yoga, pranayama and still get an early start on work.

Hope to get the dehydrator back soon so I can make a few flax crackers and raw veggie burgers.

Rainy cold day in Bloomington… but a high pressure coming with weather in the mid 80’s.  So may be a good time to pick up the magnetic chi qong with sungazing and deep breathing.

When you do a book… 10% is writing…30% editing… and 60% marketing…. will we are in the beginning of the marketing phase and I can assure you it is a lot of work and lose ends,  not to mention costly.

Still working on getting all the you tube demos and podcasting going… but it is a sequential layering to the whole progress..

Love and Light

Dr. George

Monday, April 20, 2009

6 Reasons Mini-Meals Might Work For You

It’s already been established that eating Mini-Meals, or spreading your caloric intake out over several eating events during the day, does not impact metabolic rate or on its own burn more calories than fewer meals eaten over the course of the day.

Yet I know that many women swear by this method as a weight-management and control measure. At the same time, knowing that metabolic rate is not effected by same, I suspect that one reason this may be a positive weight loss or weight control tool is because the planning that may be involved - and executed - pays off!

For example, if you portion or otherwise plan out the content for your mini-meals for the day, and adhere to the planned meals, then you have created a plan-for-success situation, which may well be paying off for you. This is just good planning, and if the process and the results are delivering, then more power to you!

I wanted to be sure to point out that there are some circumstances, other than simple metabolic concerns or weight management, that the mini-meal approach may be beneficial.

When Mini Meals Might Be The Best Choice:

The most obvious circumstances under which mini meals are the best choice is when larger meals are simply not well tolerated. For example:

1) Active children, who may have smaller appetites and smaller stomachs, yet still need the fuel for growth, repair, and maintenance, and

2) Older adults, who may have diminished appetites or interest in food for a number of reasons

In both of the above circumstances, it becomes important to have high quality food frequently available, to be sure these individuals are eating enough!

Additional Reasons You May Do Well With Mini Meals:

3) Appetite Control: for some people, eating smaller frequent snacks flattens the hunger profile: this means that for some, not allowing yourself to get as hungry between meals makes you less likely to gorge at mealtimes. (Note: At the same time, there is evidence that more frequent eating keeps hunger levels elevated due to the repeated stimulation of insulin release upon the occasion of eating. This may explain the checkered experience women have with different eating schedules. Time for more research!)

4) Possible Cholesterol Control: some short term studies in humans have indicated that people who eat six times a day or more have lower total blood cholesterol and lower LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol compared to those eating only three times a day or less. Recently, a large scale study of over 14,000 middle-aged British adults found that as meal frequency increased, blood cholesterol fell (both total and LDL cholesterol). These findings held true even when possible confounding factors like body mass index, cigarette smoking, physical activity and dietary intake were taken into account.

[Ref: Titan SMO, Bingham S, Welch A, Luben R, Oakes S, Day N Khaw KT (2001) Frequency of eating and concentrations of serum cholesterol in the Norfolk population of the European prospective investigation into cancer (EPIC-NORFOLK) cross sectional study. British Medical Journal 323:1-5]

5) Schedule: It simply may work better for your schedule to have multiple mini-meals then fewer, larger meals. If you are very active on on the run quite a bit, then eating more frequently, though not as much, may be just the ticket to better nutrition.

6) Insulin Control: Short term studies indicate that eating more frequently is associated with beneficial reductions in the production of insulin, which is released on every eating occasion to shuttle sugars from the bloodstream into muscle tissue, the liver, and fat cells. This may also decrease the potential for developing insulin resistance.

My question here is this: how does this play out with my notes in reason #3, where insulin release is more frequent yet evidently not as strong? (note: In patients with Type 1 diabetes who have to control their blood sugar by carefully balancing food intake with insulin administration, no long term beneficial or detrimental effects on blood sugar control have been observed with an increased meal frequency.)

[Ref: 17. Jenkins DJ (1997) Carbohydrate tolerance and food frequency. British Journal of Nutrition 77 (Suppl 1) S71-81]


Truthfully, I’ve used BOTH mini-meals and 3-meals-a-day with good result, and it all has to do with good choices, good planning, and appropriate calorie load for weight management. Sometimes my schedule has demanded the mini-meals, and other times it has been way too logistically challenging to “minimeal-it” and 3 meals for the day have been FAR more user friendly and a big relief. And at other times, I just go with it and the day decides itself!

Keep in mind that the truth is it is overall calories that matters, bottom line, when it comes to weight management, and the eating avenue that creates the best way for you to work with that, along with your energy, well-being and lifestyle, is the best approach for you. The method that gives you the best control over caloric intake is probably the method that is going to be your most optimal, personally, for fat loss and weight management.

© Lani Muelrath, M.A.

Go to the truth about fat loss for women for more expert advice on how to master your fitness by breaking through fitness myths to lose weight and stay trim, energetic.

Lani Muelrath, M.A. Physical Education, award winning holistic fitness coach and expert trainer, is a Credentialed University Instructor with Certifications and Credentials in multiple fitness and behavioral disciplines. Her copyrighted Woman’s Fitness Blueprint: An Action Plan For Success has generated volumes of success testimonials for weight loss, energy, and positive change for women. She is also managing editor at Healthy Woman

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Auto-Experimentation With Supplement X - Don't Try This At Home

There’s a reason this blog is called ‘Low Carb Confidential’:

  1. The ‘low carb’ part being because I follow a diet based off of the Atkins approach
  2. The ‘Confidential’ part because sometimes…I feel a little weird writing some of the things I write

I feel a little weird about this post because I’ve started experimenting with a new supplement - for now, let’s call it X.

While not a completely original idea, it is somewhat (ahem)…unusual. A bit more on that later, but here’s a little back story.

For some mysterious reason, my weight has reset itself at a higher level - about 10 lbs., more or less, and refuses to budge. I have some odd speculations on that I’ll cover in another post - maybe - but the point is: I can go full-bore low carb…and hardly lose anything. Then I just throw my hands up, get frustrated, and eat the worst possible junk in large amounts…and hardly gain anything.

The low carb mojo ain’t working for some reason. Regardless of the reason, however, it will be 6 years come September that I’ve lived low carb, and it’s been a spectacular success. Right now, I’m still 50 lbs. less than I was at my highest weight almost 6 years ago - and that weight was steadily creeping up.

I can’t see myself in a parallel universe where I kept eating like I was eating and know for sure, but I believe if I had kept up what I was doing, I’d surely be over 300 lbs. and would have full-blown diabetes. Since both my siblings and my parents had it - and my siblings both got it in their early 40s, I think I’ve been able to hold this at bay for a number of years now.

But…I’m still way fatter than I want to be - and about 40 lbs. heavier than my lowest weight on low carb. Ugh. And some of the old tricks are not working.

So it’s time to try some new stuff.

I’ve been given some recordings of hypnosis sessions by a fellow who contacted me from a company called The Hypnosis Network. He gave me ‘Enjoying Weight Loss‘ for a possible review. Hypnosis is not quack science, though there’s a lot of quacks using hypnosis as part of their scam, but this source seems to be legit.

Funny thing - not really following the instructions, I listened to the recordings, and a suggestion of ‘eating more veggies’ seemed to have stuck, because I’ve found myself changing my habits, making a daily salad, and enjoying it. Big change for me…never really did this before.

Coincidence? I dunno - jury’s still out on this one…let’s see how well I do on the veggie-eating, as well as listening to the recordings regularly.

I also gave up completely on alcohol being part of my diet plan. A review of my own history shows that when weight loss was easy, alcohol made it hard - now that weight loss is hard, I’ve got to cut out the vino if I am to have any success at weight loss.

This is no magic bullet, however - almost a month and a half later, there’s been no change in weight.

I am also speculating that Splenda, low carb bread, and nitrated meats are also holding me back, so I am trying to use them as little as possible. I’m speculating because I have no clear evidence to prove this in my personal writings. In fact, one correspondent sent me this fascinating link that questions whether nitrates are bad for you at all.

I’m taking an empirical approach: I try something for a little while and see what results I get. I don’t have to know why something does or doesn’t work - I just need the creativity to try something different, the patience to give it a reasonable time to work, and the sense not to do something dumb.

This bring us back to supplement X.

Supplement X is well-known, been around for hundreds of years, and has some of the following properties:

  • Studies have shown it to be an appetite suppressant
  • Studies have also shown it to increase metabolic rate
  • It has a clear stimulant effect on heart rate and blood pressure
  • Supplement X passes through the blood-brain barrier and has a number of psychoactive effects, such as: feelings of relaxation, sharpness, calmness, increased concentration, pain reduction, and alertness.
  • It is physically addictive, and the American Heart association states: ‘The pharmacological and behavioral characteristics that determine X addiction are similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine
  • It is perfectly legal, and available at any pharmacy - and while some forms carry a social stigma, others pretty much don’t
  • It has never been sold as a weight loss supplement

Now, this sounds like pretty serious stuff - and it is. I don’t know if I would go as far as the AHA in the addiction comparison, but there are people addicted to this stuff that are unable to stop - and it kills them.

So, taking into account my tendency to rethink things, while trying to avoid being just plain dumb, I stopped at the pharmacy on the way to work, and asked for supplement X. He asked a few questions to try and determine the strength I was looking for, and I explained that I wasn’t planning on using it for what it’s sold for - I was going to use it as part of a weight-loss program.

He gave me that look - it’s a mixture of curious wariness, so of the look one might give when trying to determine if a given stranger is dangerous to themselves and others. Then he relaxed - I guess his inner turmoil resolved.

As I left, he called to me: “Let me know how it works out.” I promised him I would.

The pharmacy I went to was part of a grocery store I frequently stop at on the way to and from work. I initially stopped because, that morning, I was hungry as hell, and stopped for some low carb bread and roast beef for a sandwich, which had a 50-50 chance of getting made and eaten in the car because I was so damn hungry.

I left the grocery store with my food and supplement X, then figured I’d try one of the supplements and see what it did to my appetite before I proceeded to make a sandwich and eat it in my car.

Within a minute my appetite was DEAD. I continued to work and wasn’t hungry until late morning - 3 hours later. I took this as a natural and real hunger, didn’t fight it, and ate. Later that afternoon, I had my salad, a bit after that, I left work, had my seltzer, which I drink on the commute home, then when I got home, took a 12oz glass of water with fiber therapy - my attempt to reduce my night hunger, which is my biggest problem.

As of late, this strategy hasn’t really been working - despite drinking more than 2 liters of seltzer and 12 oz. of water, the night hunger was still there.

I took another supplement X and again, the hunger went DEAD. I didn’t eat the rest of the night - I was only mildly hungry.

OK - the initial results were interesting. It needs to be noted that as part of my ‘be creative, be patient, be smart’ credo, I did need to take into account a few things known about supplement X:

  • It is a vasoconstrictor and can raise blood pressure
  • It has mild mind-altering effects - not always bad ones, but it needs to be taken into account
  • It has the potential to be addicting as hell.

When you take supplement X, you feel it - there’s no doubt that you are altering your body chemistry. Did I feel sharper, more concentrated, relaxed, etc.? I don’t know - I didn’t over-analyze it, but I did feel something - and it wasn’t necessarily bad. On the first day, I probably did take more than I probably should have - this is a pure experiment - I have no idea what the ideal dosing schedule would be for something like this - I’m inventing this as I go along.

I decided that, as part of not being stupid - the flip side of being smart - I would take it after a normal-sized meal, which usually is a time I have a tendency to go into ‘perpetual grazing mode’.

I also decided to purchase a blood pressure monitor to measure the actual effect of the vasoconstriction - there is NO controversy in the fact that high blood pressure beats the hell out of your body and shortens lifespan, and as I already have hypertension - and have had it (and have been treated for it) since my twenties - I need to not be stupid here.

As to the addictive potential, I also want to limit the use as much as possible. Normal dosing says no more than 20 per day - I’m trying to keep it to less than a quarter of that.

The blood pressure monitor proved to be a worthwhile investment. I bought an Omron HEM-712C - I paid list, but you can get it on Amazon for $25 less - I’m going to return mine and order from Amazon.

The blood pressure monitor showed that - surprise! - a known vasoconstrictor that raises blood pressure raises my blood pressure - the diastolic number jumping 10 points.

It’s also showing that, contrary to what I thought - that the coffee I drink doesn’t impact my blood pressure because my body is acclimated to it is apparently dead wrong - there’s a nice spike as the caffiene buzz kicks in.

It’s good to have a little biofeedback to show the bullshit in your assumptions - I read somewhere that your body adjusts to the daily caffiene, but maybe that was BS.

So…the resultant out of this is that I am going to reduce the amount of supplement X to the bare minimum - only taking enough of the stuff to kill the appetite, then saving the rest for later.

Maybe now is the time to stop pissing all of you off with this ’supplement X’ crap and just tell you what it is.

Drumroll, please…supplement X is nicotine.

No, I’m not buying Marlboros - I’m using Commit, the nicotine-loaded lozenges that are used as part of smoking cessation. They are essentially candies chock full of nicotine, the ingredient in cigarettes that makes them physically addictive.

There’s a number of reasons why cigarettes are psychologically addictive - all the ritual aspects of lighting the cigarette, puffing - even tamping down the tobacco on the box.

I know this full well because I smoked for about a decade or so in my misspent youth, with the occasional lapse here and there afterward.

I haven’t smoked in about a decade - when my daughter was born.

I bought the 4mg strength - the ‘hard stuff’ - perhaps I should have gone for the lighter stuff. Just because I used to smoke doesn’t mean my body was prepared for that initial reunion with nicotine - woah! there definitely was some noticeable physical and psychological effects going on here.

It’s funny to think that this substance is legal at all - it’s really an accident of history that this isn’t considered in the same league as marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. In fact, it makes less sense to have marijuana illegal and tobacco legal than the other way around - there’s far more evidence of tobacco causing disease and death than marijuana.

A slight digression here: not many people know that Heroin was marketed as a non-addictive morphine substitute and cough suppressant. Bayer marketed heroin as a cure for morphine addiction until about 1910.

Yep - the makers of Bayer Aspirin were selling Heroin as a cough suppressant.

So - digression aside - Because of an accident of history, I am able to walk into any pharmacy in America and buy nicotine lozenges - and use them for any purpose.

And instead of being a social pariah, users taking this are commended for taking steps to end an addiction to a legal product that is first and foremost considered an annoyance to others. Really, while non-smokers complain about the health effects of smoking, they are mostly concerned about themselves, and the fact they don’t like the smell. Most times, they don’t care if smokers drop dead - as long as they don’t do it nearby - and don’t smell of tobacco while doing it.

Jeez - I can even leave the container on my desk in full view if I was a smoker - it would be considered a positive by HR and management!

What a screwed up world.

My use of the stuff, however, is a bit odd. There is ample history up to today where stimulants have been used to aid weight loss. I remember in the 1970s, there were what were known as ‘diet doctors’ - and these people had an easy time of making money - they just wrote prescriptions for amphetamines for fat housewives who would stop eating, start talking at 100 miles per hour, and stay up all night vacuuming the house and cleaning every drawer and closet in sight.

In those days, guys tended to stay fat and have a lot of fatal heart attacks in their 40s - it was a strange time…

Too bad the housewives built a tolerance to the stuff - and kept having to go higher and higher in dosage.

This created a nation of skinny speed-freaks, and was stopped - and all these folks instantly got fat again.

Today, there is a mountain of similar stuff available at your local pharmacy. I’ve never tried them, personally. I think the leader here is Stacker 2, whose parent company, NVE Pharmaceuticals, will gladly assist you in creating your own personal ‘private label’ brand.

So if you ever see ‘Low Carb Confidential Fat-Burning Supplements’, you can be sure I sold out - and used NVE to make my products.

Anyway, the usual digressions aside, is this a worthwhile experiment you YOU, dear reader, to try?

I doubt it.

First, the evidence of this working is anecdotal at best. There has been some discussion about nicotine reducing or eliminating the weight gain when stopping smoking. First, that’s a big difference from helping weight-loss in a non-smoker.

And Consumer Reports came to an uncharacteristically squishy conclusion to the former assertion:

If you want to quit smoking but worry about piling on the pounds, using nicotine replacement products such as lozenges, patches, and gums may help delay–though not prevent–weight gain while you wean yourself off cigarettes. But you should save real attempts at weight loss for after you’ve quit.

Second, if you already smoke, I doubt you need any more nicotine coursing through your veins.

If you do smoke, you should stop - but you already know that, so I’m not going to be Captain Obvious here.

Captain Obvious is alive and well, however - here’s his answer to someone else who got the same bright idea I did:

Nicotine gum, however, is for smoking cessation and not for weight control.

Sounds like he’s quoting gospel - yep - it’s all been figured out in this guy’s book - no shades of grey here.

And Doc-Got-All-The-Answers goes on to tell the questioner…drumroll…diet and exercise are critical for weight loss.

It’s this sort of exchange that makes dieters frustrated with physicians, and physicians frustrated with dieters. To talk in such generalities - as if a former bodybuilder in his 30s who put on 15 lbs. will lose weight the same way a morbidly obese person in their 50s would is just too simplistic.

We know it’s more complicated than that.

When I started low carb, almost by accident nearly 6 years ago, it made me question all my assumptions about what I thought I knew. The following quote sums it up best:

Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. - Andre Gide

I had one person who filled out one of my surveys say something to the effect of: it doesn’t appear you know why low carb works.

You got that right, Jack - I don’t - but what of it? You want answers? Go someplace else. I got a lot of questions, though - and like to ask myself new and interesting questions and see where it leads me.

It was this sort of seeking that had me use Atkins as a guidebook - not a Bible - toward weight loss. I tested each of his assertions and found some applied to me and some didn’t. Nutrasweet DID stall me - coffee didn’t.

So I’ve evolved into my own personal Guinea Pig - and learned later about the notion of Auto-Experimentation in the field of science.

Is there some risk involved? Certainly - which is why I advise you NOT to try this experiement yourself. There’s also risk in extra weight, Western medicine in general, Eastern medicine - and getting out of bed in the morning, for that matter.

Homeopathic medicine is the only safe medicine - simply because it is nothing but sterilized water and harmless fillers - total useless crap. If you use homeopathic remedies, sorry to pop your balloon, but on the Crackpot Continuum, it’s right up there with biophotons.

So…another digression behind us, back to nicotine lozenges. What do I think will happen?

Nothing, probably.

I highly doubt that it will have any impact on my weight, though I am curious to see just what effect it does have.

I’ll fill you in as the results come in.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunshine in Bloomington

Planted two trays of sunflower greens and two tree of wheat grass, and more tomorrow… got compost bin set up in the yard.  We will be expanding up to 100 trays a week plus alfalfa sprouts intially.

Got a box of thai young coconuts yesterday and have been enjoying spoon meet and young coco water.

Taking a few days off  from working out to give the muscles a rest.

Lots of sun today with a concert/benifit for the childrens hospital outside downtown today.

Lots of spinach salads, e3live and coconut water, some avocodos.  The amount of work to get organized with multimedia, podcast, youtube, and internet work, as well as marketing the book, lectures, demos, etc. is over whelming.

Falling asleep everyday in meditation for at least 15 minutes which means I am fatigued and feeling a bit of stress.

Big Aloha

Dr. G

Friday, April 17, 2009

Use A Healthy Diet For Weightloss

Use A Healthy Diet For Weightloss by Janice Chee Healthy diets for loosing weight can be for those who would just want to have and maintain a slim healthy body, or for those serious work out people who are into building up more muscle and keep their body fat low. If you are either one, the formula is the same. The difference lies to just how far you are willing to take it.

Few good books can provide explanation of the process of building the right fats to feed the muscles. These books provide information on why some of the foods we eat burn fat and others foods turn to fat. If you are committed into building muscle and going to a gym a few times a week, it is a must for you to understand what foods will really help you burn fats at a faster rate.You must be aware of what foods will feed your body the protein to burn the fat to build more muscle.

If you are the not one who enjoys working out a few days a week the same principle will apply to you also. It doesn’t matter if you plan to build more muscle or more mass to your body, it makes no difference. However, for this to turn out perfectly as planned, you will have to be extra careful of the foods you buy and some exercise will be required. What I meant by exercise is a regular walk every now and then. Even if it does not come as exercise to you, it’s just good to get outside and take in some fresh air and get your body moving.

Eating the foods that can be beneficial in burning your fat is the key point to loosing weight through healthy diets. Keep a mental note that little exercise is important to weight loss. The idea behind weight loss is to burn more calories than what you were able to take in for the day. If you can eat the foods you want to burn fat and take a stroll to keep the body on the go, you will be on the right tract to a healthier you to a healthier you.

Even if we are familiar with the many types of information given to us on health diets, it is not that easy to work on because we are unsure of what works best for us. Healthy diets to lose weight changes the way you eat. How can I make it a part my life? Easy, you don’t have to be nagged of what is good for you and what is not.

Your parents have planted this into your heads since childhood. All you need is a little guidance to help you overcome that hump. Here are some basic nutritional ways of shopping for the right foods and preparing them.

About the Author: Learn the tips to lose weight in a week. Also, visit to learn about herbal colon cleanse tips.

The Adam Lambert Diet

Bear with me.  I am insane, but there’s something here.

I’d put on a few pounds over the winter.  I was not happy about that.  I’d been trying for the past couple months to take them off, but I proceeded to lose and regain the same two pounds over and over again.

Until I started this blog.  Now, with no conscious effort,  I’m five pounds down.  This, despite the fact that I binge at the beginning of every week worrying about what Adam will sing, how Adam will be received, how many votes Adam will get…

My lovely sister, who is the Original Adam Lambert Fan (she scoped him out in a crowd scene even before he auditioned), was already trim, but when I saw her this past Sunday at her Easter brunch, she looked suspiciously thin.

Too thin.

Here’s my theory.  I think that watching Adam, writing about Adam, voting for Adam, and forcing your husband, kids, and neighbors to obsess with you over Adam clips (”Look at what he does with his eyebrow here.  Did you see that?  OK, I don’t think you were watching closely enough, we need to go back…”) increases the heart rate to such a degree that it speeds the metabolism and causes extra pounds to melt away.

Proximity to the Physical Adam probably increases the effect.  Have you noticed how skinny Allison has gotten?  And Kara is starting to look like a lollipop.

(By contrast, the only person I know who votes for Danny has developed this weird body odor, and we don’t know how to tell her…just so you know the risks.)

I’m contacting the NIH to recommend a broad study.

How’s your heart rate?

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Dangers of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss

One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter’s tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may appear to be effective, but what is not seen may actually harm you.

One of the effects of drinking dieter’s tea is frequent bowel movement. This gives people the feeling of body cleansing. These people may get toxins out of their body but it isn’t exactly the only thing that slimming tea actually does to the body. Slimming tea contains herbs which are natural laxatives. These include aloe, senna, rhubarb root, cascara, buckthorn and castor oil. These are products which are derived from plants and are used since the ancient times because of their potency in treating constipation and to inducing bowel movement.

Cascara, castor oil and senna are substances which are recognized as laxatives available over the counter and are also regulated as drugs. Scientific studies show that diarrhea induced by laxatives does not absorb significant amounts of calories taken in the body.

The reason for this is that laxatives do not act on the small intesines where most of the calories are absorbed. Instead, they work on the large intestines. If taken in large amounts for prolonged periods, it can affect fat absorption of the body. This may lead to greasy diarrhea and loss of weight. Abuse of laxatives is common practice among people who suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa.

While weight loss can be guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, it may also cause permanent damage to the gastrointesitinal tract and the weakening and softening of the bones, a condition known as osteomalacia. Drinkers of slimming teas may actually patronize the product because they are less axpensive and taste better than other laxatives sold in the market. Other people, such as those with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa drink dieter’s tea because they work fast and produce watery stool and having loose consistency.

Women may even be more susceptible to the effects of slimming teas. Although they may are not known to interfer directly with the woman’s menstrual cycle and fertility, they should watch out if drinking them causes them to rapidly shed off weight. It is also not safe for pregnant women to be taking in laxatives of any kind. Wise and reponsible herbalists also discourage the use of senna and other herbal products with laxative properties for pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive. 

One should be wary about these findings because the labeling of slimming teas in the market today can be absolutely misleading. For instance, they commonly refer to the laxative qualities as “natural bowel cleansing properties” and not specifically use the word “laxative”.Some even use the term “low-calorie” on their labelling. These products in fact, contain essentially no calories nor nutrients whatsoever; unless of course, if they are sweetened.

Adverse effects of misusing laxatives in the form of slimming tea generally occur when taken in more than or longer than recommended. These include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding,electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well as injury and worse, death. It was also reported that excess use of stimulant laxatives cause severe constipation and pain for long periods (as much as for decades) due to the colon losing its function. It eventually led to surgery removing the colon altogether.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Inspirational Weight Loss and Healthy Living Blogs

One of my favorite hobbies is to read people’s blogs.  I find so many ideas and so much inspiration from them.  I’ve decided to list some of my favorite weight loss / healthy living blogs for you.  Please check them out!  I highly recommend each and every one of them.

Weight Loss

  • My Angle on Weight Loss — Jason, the author, has transformed his body and his life through running and making better food choices.  He has lost over 130 lbs.  He posts very regularly and is very open and honest about his journey and his daily struggles.  On the outside he looks fit and healthy but he writes about the struggles that continue to plague him.  I recommend that you start reading here.
  • Just Sweet Enough — Nicole, the author, maintains an amazing blog with awesome photos and food ideas.  She has lost 180 lbs.  She often posts photos of the foods that she eats.  I love getting healthy food ideas from her blog.  She is very positive and upbeat and an awesome inspiration for us all.  I recommend that you start reading here.
  • Destination: 175 — Angela is someone else who continues to inspire me.  She has lost almost 100 lbs through diet and exercise.  She writes a very frank, and at times, a very humorous blog.  She write about her emotional and physical transformation as she puts her past behind her and raises 2 children by herself.  I recommend that you start reading here.
  • PastaQueen –Jennette is a blogger and a book author.  At her highest, she weighed 372 lbs.  She has since lost over half her body weight.  She’s a funny lady who makes me laugh pretty regularly.  I recommend that you start reading here.

Healthy Living

Technically all of the blogs above fall into this category as well.  However, I decided to break them into two groups since the “Weigh Loss” blogs are written by individuals that have lost a significant amount of weight.  The “Healthy Living” blogs are just as inspirational although the authors do not focus on weight loss.

  • Green and Crunchy — Sheri is a wife and mom of 5 kids.  She is a raw foodist.  I am constantly inspired to try new foods after reading her blog.  She and her family also live a unique lifestyle.  I really enjoy learning from and reading about her family.
  • Kristen’s Raw — Kristen is a raw vegan chef.  Although I’m not a raw foodist, I try to eat a whole foods diet as much as possible.  Her blog provides me with unique food ideas that involve fresh (i.e. non-processed) ingredients.

I hope you get as much from these wonderful blogs as I do!

- Stephanie

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tollie-Even Before Puberty, Kids Harbor Body Image Concerns

Even Before Puberty, Kids Harbor Body Image Concerns:

Even at a young age, many children are dissatisfied with their bodies. Body dissatisfaction, which involves negative thoughts and feelings about one’s own body, can put kids at risk for disordered eating habits such as binge eating or using laxatives or vomiting to lose weight. Researchers from the University of Turku in Finland investigated whether weight during childhood affected a preteen’s body satisfaction.

The study included 205 girls and 230 boys who’d been participating in a heart disease study and had height and weight measurements taken yearly since 7 months of age. At 8 years of age, the children were shown eight drawings that depicted children ranging in size from very thin to very overweight. The kids in the study noted which one of the figures looked the most like them. They also noted which figure they’d most like to look like.

The results? Eight-year-old girls tended to be more dissatisfied with their bodies than boys. The drawings they chose to represent their real and ideal sizes were significantly thinner than those chosen by the boys. Researchers also noted that weight gain during early childhood was linked to children’s satisfaction with their bodies. Children who wished to be thinner at 8 years of age had been heavier than the other children between 7 months and 3 years of age. And compared to other children, children who wished to be thinner at 8 years of age also had gained weight more rapidly between 3 and 8 years of age.

What This Means to You: The results of this study indicate that concerns about body image can start well before puberty. During the early childhood years, kids may be aware of their bodies - and whether they’re heavier than the societal ideal.

As a parent, you can help your child to develop a positive body image, even during the early childhood years. Helping your child make nutritious food choices and developing an active lifestyle is also a good way to support your child in maintaining or getting to a healthy weight. Today is a crucial time to take a stand for your child. My greatest thrill is being blessed with the opportunity to serve and watch someone empower themselves and dream.

Sadly, we live in a culture where dreaming and thinking outside the normal is looked down upon. Truly to enable yourself to become who you desire you must be empowered to deal with obstacles, and many forms of criticism and teasing. So, starting at an early age building your childs confidence and image is crucial.

Truth is nothing is impossible. However, being a dreamer and daring to create something new and powerful will always be met with resistance. I would encourage you to make sure you empower your child, also encourage the right friends who will always empower their choices and cheer them on. Body image and life sometimes becomes one in the same, sadly. However, with the right encouragement their dreams will come true. Your child will be able to hear hurtful words even from those they felt were friends and feel nothing except excitement for their passion. Remember usually those who only try to tear someone down are those who are the most afraid, sad, unhappy, and they need to be encouraged also.

Today, we are in the midst of the greatest comeback the world has ever seen. Who we become is determined by our character and values we share. I choose to only give love, support, and empower those I am around. What will you choose to give to others?


“Empowering Greatness For A Dream-Infused Life!”

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GENERAL FACT: Every seven years you get new cells.  So by the time you are 50 years old you will have had 7 sets of cells, or 7 new bodies.  The problem is not before long the new cells are treated much like the old cells that where destined to be sick and compromised, mostly preventable with more positive lifestyle choices.  

Therefore, according to study below:

If your HEART can Create New Cells… EVOLYOURSELF SECRET: We Just Need To FEED new Cells WELL/POSITIVE NUTRIENTS, EXERCISE, OXYGEN, REDUCE UNHEALTHY STRESSORS…So they can stay functioning properly through their 7 year cycle, like the body intended.

WHY: So they Don’t Become malfunctioning SICK / NEGATIVE - Dying Cells!!!

Note: If something was going to go wrong/malfunction in the bodies systems, it generally happens as a gradual thing. As the majority of cells weaken and new cells are quickly replaced by sick cells at a rapidly increasing rate… to the point that old cells are the majority, you have what doctors call DISEASE.

Prevention starts from with-in the mind, and a healthy world you want to create is a matter of CHOICES.  Start changing and making your choices more positive, this will start you in the right direction NOW. 

As you increase the positive the negative simply falls away… don’t get into it with yourself… JUST EVOLYOURSELF! The way is easy and buden lite, so add the easy positive habits like exercise, proper hydration, deep breathing, fresh fruits and veggies.


In health, Dr. Joe

STUDY SHOWS: Heart Cells Grow Throughout Life Span

Researchers have discovered that the human heart continues to generate new cells throughout its life span. The finding may lead to the creation of new treatments to boost regeneration in people with heart problems, such as heart attack victims.

Scientists have long thought that organs such as the heart, brain and pancreas are unable to create new cells after development. This theory is largely based on the limited ability of these organs to recover after being damaged by illness or injury. In addition, primary cardiac tumors are very rare, suggesting restricted cell growth within the human heart. However, the rate of cell proliferation in the heart had not been directly measured.



Scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and Dr. Bruce Buchholz at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California have developed an innovative way to solve this problem. Their method is based on the observation that cells in the body contain a carbon-14 “timestamp.”

The atmospheric concentration of carbon-14 was relatively stable until the Cold War, when above-ground testing of nuclear weapons in the late 1950s to early 1960s caused a spike worldwide. This increased the amount of carbon-14 that was incorporated into the DNA of everyone alive on Earth at the time. Since above-ground testing has been banned, the amount of carbon-14 in the atmosphere—and therefore the amount incorporated into new cells—has gradually fallen. Scientists can now pinpoint when a cell was created by measuring its concentration of carbon-14.

In the new study, the researchers performed carbon-14 analyses of DNA from heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) at LLNL’s National Resource for Biomedical Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, a research center supported by NIH’s National Center for Research Resources (NCRR). Tissue samples were obtained from people born up to 22 years before the onset of the nuclear bomb tests.

The researchers reported in Science on April 3, 2009, that the samples’ carbon-14 levels showed that cells in the human heart are created into adulthood. The scientists next determined the rate of heart cell growth over time by measuring the carbon-14 DNA profile of people born both before and after the 1950s testing. Mathematical modeling of the carbon-14 data revealed that a 50-year-old heart still contains more than half the cells it had at birth but that the turnover slows down with time. A 25-year-old heart replaces about 1% of all its cardiomyocytes over the course of a year, while a 75-year-old heart replaces about half a percent.

These findings raise the possibility that, if the heart produces more cardiomyocytes after a heart attack, techniques could be developed to enhance that process and potentially reverse heart damage.

“The advantage of cardiomyocyte regeneration over current clinical treatments is the possibility of repair,” Buchholz explains. “Heart attacks produce scar tissue that never functions properly. If the heart could be stimulated to repair the damage with new cells, recovery from heart attack may be much improved.”

—by Nancy Van Prooyen


Monday, April 13, 2009

Rediscovering Salad

Today is the first weekday of my week-long vacation, and I decided that I was going to make a delicious salad for lunch.  Last year, I ate a salad for lunch everyday, but lately I’ve been bringing leftovers, homemade wraps, and a Lean Cuisine thrown in every so often.

So since I had some time on my hands, I went to Safeway and thought I’d let inspiration strike me.  I used to buy a pre-made Mexican chicken salad from Trader Joe’s that I enjoyed, so that was what influenced today’s creation:

It was so filling, and all for only 7 points!

2 cups of romaine hearts

1/2 cup black beans

1/2 cup canned corn

1 cup of jicama

10 grape tomatoes

3 strips of Trader Joe’s Just Chicken strips

1/4 cup of 2% Mexican four-cheese blend shredded cheddar

2 TBSP Salsa

2 TBSP fat-free ranch dressing

This salad was so delicious!  Much better than the salad that I used to get from Trader Joe’s, and probably cheaper to make, too.  I’m definitely going to make this again, because the combination was just so fresh and satisfying.

The hardest part of the whole salad was cutting the jicama.  If someone knows an easy way to go about it, please let me know.  The skin was too tough for me vegetable peeler, so I ended up using a knife and cutting it up.  It worked fine, but just took a lot of time and effort.  This is whyI usually buy the pre-cut jicama when they have it.  (Today they didn’t).

What are your favorite salad creations?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pick of the Crop: Obese Preschoolers & The Dangers of Too Much Sitting

This is a wrap up of the most interesting stories I found on the web this week.

USA Today reports that 20% of US preschoolers are obese and the cause is most likely a diet high in carbohydrates like breads, pastas and rice.

Conditioning Research reports that too much sitting down is bad for you and can lead to an early death.  Where does that leave those of us who have office jobs that require us to be sitting on our butts for 9 hours a day?

Body & Fitness Blog are holding a Weight Loss carnival featuring yours truly.  Go and pay them some link love.

Also pay some link love to Weight Master who is holding a carnival on weight management and fitness.

The Fit Bottomed Girls have a fabulous post on the best online fitness tools out there for those of you who are looking to track your diet and exercise.

Fat Loss By Eating What You Want exposes five myths about getting killer abs.  How many of them did you use to believe?

Mark’s Daily Apple shoots down all your excuses for not exercising.  There is nowhere to hide now guys, now get off that couch and start getting active.

Scale Work 101. How much do your thoughts weigh?

Currently the debate is around using a scale or not.  I get a lot of resistance from my clients when I tell them we will be doing scale work.  They have read not to focus on the scale or they tape the number they want to weigh over the actual read out. How has that been working out for you?

I want to address why we will do scale work if we are working together on a weight wellness program.  214, 178, 243 just numbers and to be honest when you tell me the actual number on the scale my give a damn is busted.  Does the number show you are 50 pounds heavier than 5 years ago?  Maybe you have gained 5 pounds since we last worked together?  I honestly don’t care about the number but I do care about you.  The actual number is irrelevant.  Weight is the symptom and not the problem.  A scale will quickly bring up your stuff.  It is so powerful because you bring all your limiting beliefs and heavy thoughts to the scale.   What are you making the digital read out mean?   Maybe you are making it mean that you will never lose weight or you are lazy a failure.  Whatever you are making it mean that is where I can offer tools and support.

I want to share an example of the success of releasing a heavy thought.  One of my weight loss clients has been stuck at a plateau.  The scale refused to budge.  She is firmly grounded in the tools and was able to own the number on the scale without judgment.  In another area of her life she was having heavy thoughts and the thoughts were weighing her down mentally.  Could there be a correlation between her heavy thoughts and the scale? She examined the heavy thoughts and was able to release the mental baggage that was weighing heavy on her mind.  Just yesterday I received an excited email from her.  The day after she released her heavy thoughts she stepped on the scale and it was down 2 pounds!  What an exciting breakthrough!

How much are your thoughts weighing you down?  Can you think lighter?

Love & Light,


Saturday, April 11, 2009

How to Determine LifeStyle Changes for Medical Conditions?


Over the last several months I have received a lot of inquires about what LifeStyle Changes to make for medical conditions that are or maybe impacted by diet, weight or fitness. I am not a doctor, so I will not give medical advice, but I can give you ideas on how to proceed and what information you need to know. It would appear that most people are to lazy, want others to tell them what to do, or just get too confused with too much information and don’t know what to do or how to do it.

At your initial Doctor visit when you receive news regarding a medical condition that can either be impacted by diet, weight, or your level of fitness, ask your Doctor for list of foods you can or can not eat. Ask him/her for exercises that you can do safely. Doctors usually have handouts that they can give you or they may refer you to a specialized field to assist you. Usually, after you get home and start thinking again you realize you had questions you did not ask at the office. Start a list of the questions, and keep it handy over the next several days or until your next Doctor visit. continue to write down your questions until you visit your doctor again, and remember to take your list with you. Secondly, you may look up as much information regarding your medical condition as you can find on the Internet. I personally start with WEB-MD, The American Journal of Medicine, and any major teaching hospital that Ican find, such as Chicago’s children’s hospital or the Mayo Clinic in New York. Make sure the hospital is a well respected authority concerning your medical condition. After completing your search for information and learning as much as you can, it is time to formulate a plan, on what changes you need to make to improve your medical condition. If it is weight loss, find a program that fits your LifeStyle, and that you can adjust too. Now some conditions will require a complete change in your LifeStyle and it must be done immediately, others may give you more time to adjust your LifeStyle in more controlled manner. Example is diabetes, your diet will change immediately, you have to reduce sugar intake and carbohydrates that cause your insulin levels to spike. While a non-life threatening weight problem may allow you to begin making small changes to your diet at a time, and a slow progressive fitness program to assist you in reaching your goals.

It is your life and health, become an expert on your Medical condition, make a plan to implement LifeStyle changes that will help you defeat the condition or at least that will make an improvement. Lastly, implement your plan, continue to educate yourself, track your results, and if needed make changes as they are required.

Friday, April 10, 2009

the magic of cinnamon

Love the taste of cinnamon? Well here are even more reasons to sprinkle it on oatmeal, yogurt, cereal, applesauce, baked goods, pancakes, and even savory foods like soups and roasted squash…

  • Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with type II diabetes.
  • In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.
  • In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
  • It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
  • In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.
  • When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.
  • One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
  • Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.
  • It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

Sourced from:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lost in translation ...

I love this … obviously translated into English from some other language … enjoy!

Seen on a Health and Beauty Web site: “You have to be on fire 3500 MORE calories than you eat, to lose 1 pound of fat. Consequently how a lot of total calories you would require to burn would depend on your caloric eating. Characteristically though, an important person eating correct and exercising frequently can lose 1 - 2 lbs a week with refusal difficulty.

I weighed in my opinion before I leaved into a sauna and evaluated 148.8. I went into the sauna for concerning 10 minutes, and weighed for my part behind, I after that weighed 147.6. There single pound, other than if you desire to lose a few weight do a lot of cardio action, somewhat than exciting weights. Losing 1-2 pounds shouldn’t be that tough. I would create yourself off simple though and occupation your weigh up so your body is second-hand to it and you won’t totally tire out yourself and weak. To misplace 1 pound per week you require taking in 500 calories a smaller amount, whether by dropping your food, picking enhanced choices or in grouping with exercise. To mislay 2 pounds per week you require doing the similar, but 1000 calorie decrease per day. Unless you go after a thermo genie diet similar to Kinkiness and then you drop much earlier than the 3500 calorie regulation allows.”

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Setting Up the Ideal Pantry for the Mediterranean Diet

Rex Says: Helpful hints similar to what we did to make lifestyle changes after I decided to treat my cancer naturally. AS EVER, please let us know if you’d like some help on developing an individual plan @ Remember, You’re not in this alone.

“Setting Up the Ideal Pantry” excerpted from What Would Jesus Eat by Dr. Don Colbert.

The ideal pantry for eating the way Jesus ate would include these general good items:

BREAD: Select whole-grain breads or whole-grain pita bread. If you are allergic to wheat, choose millet bread or brown rice bread (available at most health food stores)

CEREAL: Choose GoLean soy cereal, all Bran, Fiber One, Shredded Wheat, Grape Nuts, Natural Granola (without added sugar), old-fashioned oatmeal (not instant), or Oat Bran. If you are allergic to wheat, try millet cereal or any gluten-free whole-grain cereal.

CHEESE: Choose parmesan (freshly grated or in a block you can grate yourself), part skim mozzarella, or feta cheese. If you are sensitive or allergic to dairy products, choose soy cheese. I recommend organic cheeses.

EGGS. Choose free-range eggs

FISH. Choose fish with scales and fins. Avoid catfish and shellfish. Make sure that your fish is fresh and that is comes form unpolluted waters.

FRUIT. Fresh is best. Frozen is acceptable. Avoid canned fruit packed in syrup.

HERBS AND SPICES. Many Mediterranean recipes call for garlic powder, parsley, Celtic Salt (available at most health food stores) and black powder. Experiment with herbs and spices – they are a great way to add flavor to your cooking without adding fat or sugar.

MEAT. Choose free-range meat. Avoid pork.

MILK. Choose skim milk and skim milk yogurt or cottage cheese. Soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk are good choices if a person is sensitive or allergic to dairy products.

NUTS.. Almonds and walnuts are preferred nuts. Keep nuts sealed in the bags after they are opened, and tore them in your refrigerator or freezer.

OLIVE OIL. Choose extra virgin or virgin olive oil

PASTA. Choose whole-grain pasta products. If you are allergic to wheat, try spelt or rice pasta.

POULTRY. Choose chicken and turkey, preferably white-meat portions.

SOUPS AND BROTHS. Choose low-sodium, low-fat, natural soup broths (available at health food stores) that are low in food additives.

STARCHES. Other than pasta, choose brown rice or wild rice, beans, legumes, lentils, coarse cornmeal or polenta, and potatoes (fresh, never instant)

SWEETS. Stock a little honey. Consider using Stevia (a natural food source that is very sweet an can be readily add to foods instead of artificial sweetener). It is good for diabetics and has no harmful side effects. You may also want to have a little naturally sweetened fruit spread (no sugar added)

VEGETABLES. Choose fresh or frozen. Low-sodium canned vegetables are acceptable on occasion. Choose especially from these vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peppers, olives, onions, spinach, tomatoes,

Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collard greens, kale squash, turnip greens, and zucchini. Choose dark green lettuce such as romaine lettuce over iceburg lettuce, which does not have nearly as many phytonutrients.

VINEGAR. Choose balsamic, red wine, or apple cider.

WINE. Choose red.

YOGURT. Choose plain, skim or low fat

Remember always – what you bring home from the store is what you have available to eat. If you don’t bring junk food home, you won’t eat junk food at home

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Best Diet Pill

Why Proactol is the best diet pill ?

I was trying to lose weight for two last years. During this time, I bought several different diet pills None of them worked for me. Three months ago one of my friend told me about Proactol. At first I was skeptical, but decided to try it. It was a very wise decision. Within three months I lost 40 pounds and eat the same food that I ate before! Thats why I`m think Proactol is the best diet pill.

How Proactol works ?

Proactol is 100% natural diet pill made from the nutritious cactus “Opuntia ficus-indica”. It is clinically proven that Proactol:

- bind up to 28% of dietary fat intake. When Proactol non-soluble fibres come into contact with dietary fats they bind with them immediately to form a fluid gel around the fat this makes the fats complex too large to be absorbed by our body. Unabsorbed fats then pass naturally through your body

- suppress your appetite and food cravings. Proactol soluble fibers are highly viscous when they bind with bile acids to create a very viscous solution which slows down digestion and slows down the absorption of glucose. Our stomach finds the viscous solution a lot harder to digest therefore it remains in our stomach far longer than an ordinary meal usually would. This gives us a feeling of being full for much longer.

CLICK HERE to read more about Proactol

Proactol - clinical study

The Five Types of Overeater. Type 1: The Yo-yo Dieter

You'll seek out new diets no matter how many failures you endure

In the next five posts I’ll be describing the five types of overeater and asking you to spot which one you feel most closely fits your type. These ‘types’ are really stages in the lifecycle of an over eater and all overeaters experience at least one (sometimes all) of these stages.

This first overeating type is the most obvious one and if you are at this stage in the overeating life cycle, you will already know that you’re a yo-yo dieter, but this won’t spur you to try to get out of the trap - you’ll just passively keep on yo-yoing out of a belief that there is no other option.

I’d like to introduce you to Wendy who has been in the yo-yo dieting stage since she was a child. She is now 42.

“I’ve been dieting since I was 10. I must have been on every diet going and I have lost quite a lot of weight in the past and for my wedding I managed to get to my target weight with Weight Watchers. I’ve put it all back on again though. I’ve tried Weight Watchers again a few times since then, but I just don’t seem to be able to stick to it. It feels boring. Same old, same old and I get a sinking feeling when I start.

“New diets are the way to go because there is feeling of hope and novelty. I am swiftly running out of diets though! I seem to have done them all. I’ve even done 100 days on a liquid meal replacement diet called LighterLife, I did lose a lot of weight but my hair fell out in chunks and I felt very ill so I had to come off it. I maintained my weight for a while because I’d got used to eating so little, all meals felt enormous! I eventually upped my intake again, began overeating and regained all the weight.

“Most recently I went to Slimming World and I thought that would be my saviour at the time because it allowed me to eat so much. But then I began to feel depressed and I burst into tears when I was out having a meal with my girlfriends. They said not to do the diet and to have a night off if I was getting so upset about it. So I did and after that something took over me and I went on the rampage – stuffing down all of the things I couldn’t have on the diet for two whole weeks. I don’t understand it. It seemed so easy at first and I wasn’t hungry for even one moment.

“I’m a bit stuck as to what to do now and am thinking of trying Atkins once more as you can eat lots of cream and fat, which I like. Although last time I did it I craved bread so much I thought I was going to go mad. I was dreaming about it!

“I think I’m weak and I feel ashamed of myself when I think about how often I’ve let myself down. I am worried about the future and all I can see is ill health and struggling to get about because of my weight. I am so tired of dieting but I don’t think I have a choice if I look at the alternative.

As you can see, Wendy has been on and off diets ever since she was a child and has never succeeded at getting out of this trap. She is convinced she lacks willpower and that it is her fault she can’t stick to a diet. She reads the diet magazines and sees the many successes and doesn’t understand why she can’t do it and they can. Despite all the evidence for her repeated failure, Wendy is still on the lookout for a diet that will ‘work’ for her.

If you’re like Wendy and a Type 1, you’re likely to be stuck in the yo-yo dieting trap. Convinced you lack willpower but that there will be one diet out there that will work for you, you either hunt through different diets or ‘healthy eating plans’ trying to find the one that will work or you keep on trying the same one that worked once or twice before for you but which ultimately failed…

…Each time you begin a diet you feel determined and a little high on the promise of what your life will be like when you’re thin. But you eventually (or sometimes immediately) give in to the overwhelming cravings to eat things that are not allowed on your diet plan. You go into an overeating phase, making the most of your temporary freedom, promising yourself that you will start the diet again soon, usually ‘tomorrow’ or ‘Monday’.

You will be heavily influenced by diet industry marketing. You will ignore your own internal evidence that you’ve never managed to stick to a diet and the evidence in your immediate surroundings (most of your friends might be yo-yo dieters too) and that you don’t really know anyone personally who has lost weight using a diet and kept it off for more than five years and you will focus on diet industry’s use of temporary success stories in magazines and advertisements as your guide to reality.

You will never make any decisions yourself about what you want to eat and will always be following someone else’s guidelines. When you’re in a binge phase, you will eat all the ‘bad’ foods but always feel deep down like you ’shouldn’t’ be eating what you’re eating, although this will remain largely unconscious and be barely perceptible. Always thinking: “I’ll get back on it, I’ll get back on it.”

Then you will “get back on it” and the whole yo-yo cycle begins again.

Please respect my copyright. You’re very welcome to use anything off my blog. If you wish to use all or part of this post for any kind of public display, please add this byline: by Sue Thomason and provide a link to this page: Thank you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

3 months!!

My little chicky is 3 months old. And it is all still amazing. She holds her head up and smiles at me all the time. Her latest discovery is her hands! She holds onto me when I carry her and she rubs the fabric of her blankets and shirts between her perfect little fingers. Right now I can hear her in the next room ‘talking’ to her bear.

On the TTC front, I am now 99% sure I will be transferring my one little frozen emby in December. In the meantime I have to shift some weight in the hopes of not getting the diabetes back. I have joined WWatchers in an attempt to get motivated and shift it. I am not hugely overweight but in the interests of fitting back into my jeans (AND my health!!) I have to get moving. I would like to start TTC (and go back to work in July) smaller than I was before my BFP.

I live in a beautiful part of the world where it never gets cold! In fact it is too hot (for me) to excercise sometimes. Today I will be meeting up with a girlfriend to do a fast-walk around the river, it is 5 minutes drive from my house and really beautiful. At the end we are planning to swim at the local pools that are riverside. It will be Paige’s first swim. I might post some photos of it tomorrow.

Here is an updated picture of my darling.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to Cook Real Food Fast

Ok, so you’ve committed to changing your lifestyle and diet.  You’re going to start exercising and eating healthily, largely by reducing the amount of meat you consume and adding additional vegetables to your diet.  You’ve found a few vegetarian recipes on this blog or elsewhere that you want to try.  But for many of you, that’s where it will end.  Because even though you want to make these recipes, you won’t!  The reason?  You don’t cook.  You eat out a few times a week, your roommate or spouse makes the standard fare once or twice, and for the rest of the week you manage to get by on whatever looks safe for consumption in the fridge.  You know it’s not healthy, so you tell yourself (again) that maybe this weekend you’ll plan some meals and get on top of things.  And of course the same scene plays out week after week, month after month.

I know because I’ve been there, and I know that I only started eating right when I started cooking.  I was conscious about my diet long before I learned to cook, but until I started cooking I just didn’t eat many vegetables.  It was so easy to put a piece of chicken on the George Foreman grill, heat up a can of sliced potatoes, and call that a healthy meal.  After all, it didn’t have anything “bad” in it, and it was better than the Ramen noodles that other college kids were eating.

But this isn’t a healthy meal, and making it isn’t cooking.  You’ve got to get fresh vegetables, as much as the producers of the processed, packaged foods that line supermarket shelves would love to convince you otherwise.  And the only way you’ll get them is by making real food.  You think you’ll start adding some broccoli or asparagus to the chicken and canned potatoes, but it won’t last.  I’ve done it.  You get lazy, and vegetables are the first thing to go.

You’ve got to cook.  And it takes some work to get started.  You have to plan the meals in advance (I’ve made this easy for you), go to the grocery store (because you know you won’t find the ingredients in your fridge), and as if that weren’t enough, you have to actually cook the meals.  If you can get your spouse to do it, so much the better, but usually the only way to change someone else is by example.

So that’s my argument for cooking.  And you know what?  There’s a really good chance you’ll start to love it.  I did.  I went well beyond the basics, venturing into making fresh pasta, gnocchi, pizza dough (whole-wheat, of course), pesto, and so many more.  If you can’t tell, I got really into Italian cooking.  And it all started with Italian wine, but that’s another story.  But you don’t have to do any of that fancy stuff.  Just get in the kitchen and start with something easy.  I can guarantee it will take you a while at first, but stick it out for a few meals and see if you don’t start feeling terrific about cooking wholesome, healthy meals every night.

So here are my tips to get you started, geared more towards time-saving that turning out fancy food.  If you saw my onion video, you know I’m no expert.  I hardly ever cook without a recipe, and I used to be known for causing one kitchen disaster with every meal I cooked.  But I’ve learned a ton about how to cook faster and smarter, and now the disasters are few and far between.  And best of all, I don’t feel like cooking takes up my entire night anymore.  If a meal takes me more than half an hour, start to finish, I tend to think it’s best saved for a weekend or special occasion.  So here you go:

  1. Use a garbage bowl.  Chop everything before you get started, unless there are long downtimes during the cooking (waiting for pasta to cook, for example), and throw packinging, vegetable peels, and anything else you don’t need into the garbage bowl next to you.  Trips to the trashcan add up.
  2. Stop measuring!  Unless you’re baking, you don’t need to be precise.  You don’t see recipes calling for 1.2 tablespoons do you?  They just round it to a whole or half number, so they’re not exact anyway.  For dry ingredients, learn what a teaspoon or tablespoon looks like in your hand and just go by that.  Liquid is a little harder, but still just estimate it.  My favorite Rachael Ray tip is that a drizzle around the pan equals a tablespoon of oil.
  3. Learn how to chop efficiently.  Most importantly, cut things in half first so that there’s a big flat side on the cutting board.  I’ll post Take Two of how to chop vegetables soon; in the meantime you can find something on YouTube.
  4. Spend a little more for quality ingredients.  This is absolutely essential to making your food taste good, and it feels great to know you’re putting only the highest-quality stuff into your body.
  5. Make twice as much as you need so you’ll have leftovers for lunch or dinner the next day.  This is such an excellent way to save time, money, and calories that you would have spent eating out the next day.
  6. Reuse pots and cooking utensils by rinsing them quickly while you cook, rather than filling up the sink.  I’m still working on this one.  Alternatively, convince someone else that since you’re cooking, they should do the dishes.

And I’ll leave you with one more reason you should cook– when you make your own food, you know exactly what goes in it!  I can guarantee you won’t find yourself yelling “Honey, where’s the high fructose corn syrup?” next time you’re cooking dinner.

Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk.

I have hope lately.  Something I thought I lost long ago.  I wanted to leave and never come back.  I couldn’t stand the thoughts I was having.  Not going to my counseling appointments anymore was for a reason, a stupid one.  I didn’t want her to stop me from developing an eating disorder.  I wanted chain smoke and not eat anything.  I want to lose the weight and stop gaining it, no matter how desperate I get.  I still want to so badly and have not discovered a compromise besides binging and saying I’d stop and not eat the next day.  I am going to buy cigarettes tomorrow, I can’t continue like this.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

This is Stupid

This diet. I mean, seriously, it’s just dumb.

On day one, I ate half a grapefruit, a piece of toast with some peanut butter on it, half a cup of tuna, another piece of toast, three ounces of chicken, some green beans and carrots, an apple and some ice cream.

On day two, I ate an egg, a banana, a piece of toast, some more tuna, two all beef franks, eight crackers, some broccoli and carrots, and some ice cream.

Today, so far I’ve had eight crackers, some cheddar cheese, an apple, a boiled egg, a piece of toast, some more tuna, some carrots and cauliflower and some melon. I will have my ice cream later.

This diet is so remarkably arbitrary it blows my mind.

I think it’s just a simple low-calorie diet that provides the basic vitamins and minerals you need to survive, followed by “no eatin’-instigated” weight loss.

Shopping for this diet has been absolutely stupid. I’ve bought two cans of tuna, the smallest chicken breast I could find, random vegetables and a teeny, tiny tub of vanilla ice cream. I just feel weird shopping for this diet, and even weirder eating it. Sure, the food tastes fine, but oh, god, it does not satisfy any hunger cravings.

I’m honestly glad that it’s done tomorrow. It’s just annoyingly stupid and makes me have to think too much when it comes to preparing my meals.

Side effects of Atkins diet.

It has been found that most of those who are following the Atkins diet plan are suffering from one intestinal problems or the other. These problems range from constipation to diarrhea. Those persons who are on Atkins are more prone to these problems which may vary from person to person and can strike any person at any point of time. The problems occur du to the low carb diet plan of the Atkins diet.

The major complaint of those who use the Atkins diet is the intestinal problems that are associated with reducing carbohydrates. These problems can include constipation and diarrhea. These symptoms can happen to anybody at some point, but those who follow a low-carb diet are especially prone.

Most commonly dieters will experience diarrhea during the early days of induction. This is a result of the body getting rid of excess carbohydrates. It also marks the beginning of the ketosis process. So in actuality, experiencing diarrhea at the beginning of the diet is a good thing. It indicates that you are on the road to becoming a fat burning machine.

Constipation is a side effect of lack of fiber in the low carb diet. Whole grains, legumes and fruit are the normal sources of dietary fiber, and they are all restricted on the Atkins diet’s initial phases.

However, you shouldn’t be scared off from the low-carb way of life because of these issues. There are simple solutions that can prevent and help with these symptoms and allow you to continue with staying on the diet plan.

The first tip is to make sure to include the proper amount of low-carb vegetables in your daily diet. In the induction phase, you can eat up to 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. This is roughly equal to 3 cups of salad vegetables. Some people are tempted to use their carbohydrate grams on cheese or artificially sweetened soda. Eating acceptable vegetables is a vital part of maintaining intestinal health while following the Atkins plan. It’s also important to drink a minimum of 8 eight-ounce glasses of water per day and get exercise. Both of these steps can help with intestinal programs.

If you are experiencing constipation specifically, then there are many methods for relief. When you switch from a diet full of processed and refined sugar products, your body will need some time to adjust to this new way of eating. You’ll need to make sure to up your fiber intake with acceptable vegetables and fruits (certain fruits are allowed after the initial induction phase). You can also try a fiber supplement like sugar-free Metamucil.

Make sure you are eating enough fats and oils. Constipation can be a result of too little fat in your diet. Adding tablespoon of olive oil or flax oil to salads or other vegetables can help your intestinal health. Also, try to incorporate a variety of vegetables in your salad. Pale iceberg lettuce does not have much fiber in it. Try dark green lettuces or have a serving of dark green steamed veggies (broccoli, asparagus or spinach are good choices).

If these tips don’t work, try cutting out all salt from your diet for a couple of days. This includes pickles, mustard, diet soda, ham, bacon and bottled salad dressing. This will decrease your fluid retention and sometimes helps with bowel movements.

Diarrhea should not be a problem after the first week of the Induction plan. However, on rare occasion, it does persist longer. First, analyze your diet. If you are eating low carb protein bars or other sugar free products, eliminate them. They may contain sweeteners like glycerine, sorbitol and malitol which are known to cause diarrhea and gas. Homemade low carb desserts may also be a cause of problems. Most of them use maltodextrin, an artificial sweetener used in baking. Maltodextrin is made from corn and can cause problems for some people.

If you are not used to eating raw vegetables everyday, this may be a cause of diarrhea. Understand that your body will adjust to the vegetables and the intestinal side effects won’t last forever. Make sure you are chewing your raw vegetables thoroughly. Also, using lightly steamed vegetables rather than raw can be a solution to this problem.

Intestinal problems are common during the first portion of the Atkins diet. Keep in mind, however, that these problems will go away within the first few weeks of the new way of eating. If the problems persist, try the previously mentioned tips to get relief….Read more.

Go to the Fitness Zone for more articles on weight loss and dieting

Friday, April 3, 2009

Huge thanks to Debba from!

Thanks Debba for featuring our group today on BlogTalk Radio! Also thanks to those of you who called in and posted in the chat room. If you missed it, you can still listen by going to BlogTalkRadio — I hope you enjoy it!

One of the things I mentioned on the show today is that I got on my wii fit yesterday and checked my weight. I have moved from the “overweight” zone to “normal” range which is awesome! We purchased wii fit about 3 months ago and I’ve had to endure seeing my weight in overweight zone all these months. I was shocked and NOT expecting this — a wonderful surprise! Also, both Rebecca and Casey have reported that they have both already dropped poundage!

Be sure to visit my other blog — Everything in Order — and leave a comment to win Yanni’s New “Voices” CD/DVD. The music might inspire you to plan a surprise romantic evening with your DH — I’m sure that could burn some calories. Oh no I didn’t just say that.

Weekly Weigh In

Starting Weight: 84.5kg (185.9lbs)

Last Week’s Weight:77.7kg (171lbs)

This Week’s Weight: 76.6kg (168.5 lbs)

This Week’s Loss: 1.1kg (2.4lbs)

Total Loss: 7.9kg (17.4 lbs)

Hip to Waist Ratio: 0.88

Waist: 90.5cm (35.6  inches)

Hips: 103 cm (40.5 inches)

BMI: 25.01

Body Fat Last Week: 35.29%

Body Fat This Week: 34.77%

I am now at the halfway point to my weight loss goal, actually just a little over halfway.  Had another great week dietwise and am just loving the Zone Diet.


Dogs got walked 3 times this week, which is  not great, although this was because of the really bad weather and not lack of motivation.  I did three Kung Fu classes, one kickboxing class and did the CrossFit WODs on Sunday and Monday.  I had a rest day on Wednesday and again today, although I did take the dogs for a 20 minute walk this evening to make up for the lack of walks during the week.

So, how did everyone else do this week?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Treatment Effects of Xenical Weight Loss Pill

Xenical helps in weight loss by working in the digestive system. You can lose 10% to 15% of your initial body weight with the help of Xenical weight loss pill.

With the help of this medication, slimming normally starts in two weeks. If you take Xenical, weight loss may continue for six to 12 months. After this period, Xenical weight loss pill normally does give significant results. But many doctors prescribe Xenical for weight loss maintenance after this period.

Xenical weight loss pill is the only pill that is prescribed for a period longer than one year. It has many benefits:

  • You can take Xenical for weight loss and for significant obesity
  • Xenical is the only weight loss pill for adolescents
  • It can improve risk factors, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar, which if left untreated, could lead risks such as hypertension and diabetes

Most of the treatment effects or side effects of Xenical for weight loss occur if your fat intake increases or you high fat-content food such as fried foods and red meat. Some of the side effects are as:

  • Passing wind
  • Pain in rectum
  • Orange stools or leaks
  • Oily stools
  • Sudden urgency to use the washroom
  • Some oily discharge in the stool

These side effects normally go away after some time and do not happen if you maintain a low fat diet. When you take Xenical for slimming, you should remember that it is necessary to maintain your fat intake. If you indulge in over-intake of fats in meals, you may experience some side effects. Weight loss results are not easy to get and balanced low-fat diet along with Xenical weight loss pills are very necessary.

If you do not want to have side effects when you take Xenical for slimming, try to stick to low-fat diet. You should try to restrict your fat intake in every meal to 15g when you take Xenical for weight loss. Your total daily fat intake should not be more than 45g if you do not want to experience side effects of Xenical slimming pills. If you skip your meals or your meal does not contain fats at all, you should not take Xenical slimming pills.

Xenical helps you to lose weight significantly. What is more, side effects of Orlistat weight loss pill indirectly to consume only low-fat food. If you are really bent upon losing weight then you should not be bothered about side effects of Xenical slimming pills.

Many people lose significant weight when taking Xenical weight loss pill and therefore are not bothered about side effects. So ask your doctor if Xenical is safe for you or not. If he says that it is safe for you to take Xenical for slimming, go ahead and take it.

High Impact Cycling Workout #12 - Pyramid Intervals: Constant Cadence

       Today’s Pyramid Interval workout, Constant Cadence, is the most difficult training session to date.  It is the first in this series where you will be working in Zone 5 past your lactate threshold (the absolute hardest effort you can maintain for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your current level of fitness).  You will be performing intervals at a fairly high cadence throughout the hard effort while at the same time increasing gearing every 60 seconds.  This is a very tough workout!  At the ‘top of the pyramid’ you will be well into Zone 5!  If you are new to cycling or are in relatively poor condition, do not attempt this workout.  It will not help you and could seriously injure you.  If fact, unless you are a serious competitive cyclist, you don’t ever need to work this hard.  Spend your time training in Training Zones 1 - 3.  Click below to download the workout.  And remember, these are the workouts that facilitate the physiological adaptation process and significantly improve your performance.  So hang in there and you will get stronger and faster.

Pyramid Intervals: Constant Cadence

NEXT POST - April 6, 2009

Pyramid Intervals: Constant Gearing