My good friend and fellow Mastermind member Jeanie Callen Barat “The Fitness Jeanie”, is hosting a FREE teleclass on overcoming emotional eating that is sure to be very informative, productive, and helpful for anyone who has ever struggled with emotional eating.
Jeanie Callen Barat is a world class trainer, life coach, speaker, and talk show host. Jeanie is the absolute best at what she does and she approaches topics such as this front a new and different perspective than your average fitness professional.
Jeanie Callen Barat's Free Teleclass
Listen in to this FREE telclass on TUESDAY, JULY 28TH and take one step closer to living the life you’ve dreamed.
How You Can Overcome Emotional Eating even if You’ve Struggled for Years
FREE TELECLASS: Create a healthy balance between eating healthy and enjoying life!
How have your eating habits become a burden in your life? Have you declined social invitations, fun parties, reunions, dates, your children’s events and girls’ night out?
How does it make you feel when you’ve been eating so well and then just you decide to treat yourself just a few times and all the sudden your clothes feel tight and you don’t even want to look in the mirror.
Do you feel that constant battle of wanting to be your goal weight, but also wanting to enjoy life?
You may stick to healthy eating for awhile, but then decide to have fun and live a little only to feel guilty and mad when you put on weight after just enjoying yourself a few times.
You want to get out of this cycle, but somehow you just can’t find the balance between eating healthy and enjoying life.
What would it be like to be free from the struggles of emotional eating?
Can you imagine walking into a room and not even thinking about how you look? Or, better yet, you could confidently enjoy a night out with friends without being in fear that every calorie was going right to your thighs.
If you’ve experienced struggles with emotional eating, you are not alone.
Often the people who struggle the most are women who are extremely successful in other areas of their life. They seem to have it all together – career, family, relationships, but somehow when it comes to food there is always a struggle.
Jeanie Callen Barat, “The Fitness Jeanie” has unlocked the secret of how successful women just like you have overcome emotional eating and she will share it with you on this one-time only teleclass – How You Can Overcome Emotional Eating for Good, even if You’ve Struggled for Years.
In this teleclass, Jeanie will reveal why successful women seem to struggle the most and more importantly, she will give you tips on how to break the cycle of emotional eating and create a balance between eating healthy while enjoying life.
It’s not as easy as just having a great nutrition or exercises plan – you have already tried that! There is a much deeper issue that needs to be unlocked so you can have a great relationship with food and enjoy a balanced life.
The one-time only FREE teleclass will be offered twice on Tuesday, July 28th
Noon Pacific/1pm Mountain/2pm Central/3pm Eastern
6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain/8pm Central/9pm Eastern
Once you register, you will receive an email with all of the call in details.
If you can’t make the call, register anyway and receive a free MP3 recording to listen at your convenience.
More people just like you who have overcame emotional eating:
Every day was an internal battle about food choices. Knowing that I should want to put good nourishing food into my body and yet continuing to eat toxic over-processed junk food. I used to feel like if I didn’t eat pizza and ice cream, I would not feel satisfied. I would actually feel a deep sense of loss unless I ate whatever high calorie junk food I was craving. Every time after eating this type of food, I would feel sick and just want to go to sleep. Usually waking up to crave the same thing and repeating this exhausting cycle. This food struggle had gone on for years affecting all aspects of my life. I now have the strength to overcome urges to eat junk food and feel stronger each time I triumph.
–Carey Texler, San Diego, California
You helped me understand WHY I was making poor choices with regard to food and exercise, and it taught me how to make better choices. I feel in control of who I am and how feel for the first time in many, many months. My confidence in my own ability has grown by leaps and bounds! I can proudly say that I no longer feel stuck. Thank you so much Jeanie – you are a wonderful teacher and role model. Learning from you felt easy and fun.
–Nancy Huckaby, Clinton, New York
For questions contact 619-923-3002 or email