Saturday, May 30, 2009

Earn Money with Ardyss Body Magic

Learn about The Body Magic System and how it can make you a great income, either full time/ part time, offering women and men the opportunity to reshape their lower body. The Body Magic Reshaper allows you to redistribute some of your irregularities to a more desirable area. This redistribution becomes more permanent over time, and it reduces your waist up to 2 sizes. If you need an instant tummy tuck, this Ardyss Body Shaper will sensationalize your figure by lifting your stomach and flattening your abdomen muscles.

If you are interested in helping others get fit, smaller, more curvier, as well as help yourself get 2-3 dress sizes smaller or interested in how to earn some extra money as a distributor, please contact me so we can set up a showcase, talk about placing an order, or getting you placed as a distributor.

Join Us:

more about "Earn Money with Ardyss Body Magic", posted with vodpod

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fitness -- Back to basics

First off, let’s just say that Bob Bancroft is a stud and I want to thank him for his post!  You can be sure you will be hearing from him again and maybe I can convince him to do another video soon.  Hopefully I can course a couple other of my clients to be guest authors and do videos too. 

We also have a few other things waiting in the wings for you:

1.  Cooking with chef boy-r- T and Johnny who is the ‘resident’ results by chef.

2. Destination Fitness L.A., where Lana and I will be taking you to different locations in L.A. to work out and get fresh foods.  You can incorporate all that into your life and we’ll have other different little tidbits to help you turn your life into a healthy life style!

I know a lot of the workouts I post are advanced and I don’t want to alienate anyone, so today we are going to bring it back to basics. When you are starting out, you want to build a strong foundation, starting from the inside with the stabilizers, form, flexibility and basic cardio. You are not going to start with power lifts or plyos, so lets break it down.

1. Form: It is very important to get proper form from the beginning because it is always hard to break those bad habits. You can look around any gym and see the people swinging weight around, doing squats on there toes or rounding there shoulders on all upper body exercises. When I start with a new client, I like to use a ratio method of training, this is when you count the seconds of the negative and positive movement. For example, on a chest press you lower the weights 3 seconds down on the negative and 2 seconds up on the positive for a 2 to 3 ratio. The purpose of this is to really concentrate on your movements and make sure : 1. that you are using the muscles that you are supposed to, and 2. that you will have control of the weights at all times.  So when you are starting out ,don’t worry about the knuckle heads around you, use weights that are not too heavy. When the weight is too much, you start compensating with other muscles and that’s when I always hear people saying: “I don’t feel it in my chest, tris, back…”

When a lot of people start working out, they tend to use there shoulders in every exercises. That has a lot to do with using the wrong weight (too heavy) and not getting in the correct position from the start.   Don’t be afraid to ask the trainers at your gym to watch your form and correct it, most will be happy to advise you.

2. Flexibility: At the end of your workouts stretching for 10 minutes will increase blood supply and nutrients to joint structures giving greater elasticity of the surrounding tissues. Do not force your stretches, flexibility like weight training doesn’t happen over night. With greater flexibility comes less risk of muscle tears.

3.Building a strong core: In just about every athletic movement we do, we engage our core, so to to lower the risk of injury building a strong core (Abs, back, pelvic floor and hips) is essential. They are not as glamorous to work but trust me, very important. On any weight training movement tightening the abs while performing the exercise will keep your form tight and also strengthen the core. Conventional ab work is just one of the many ways to strengthen the core.

4. Cardio for beginners: Because we can’t all start with 4 mile soft sand runs the treadmill is good to start with. Running on the treadmill is not the only way to juice up the workouts, using the elevation is also a good way to intensify the workout without adding the impact of running.  Start with walking intervals at level 1 for 2 minutes and moving up to level 4 for 2 minutes and repeat 10 times. When this gets too easy, move up the level or shorten the amount of time you are at level 1. Cardio is working out in the presence of oxygen so I suggest anywhere from 18 to 30 minutes.

5.  Building strong joints: Building strong joint and stabilizing muscles will increase your ability to strengthen your major muscle groups and help reduce injury.  Building strong rotator cuffs (The small muscles and tendons in the shoulder) will help with form, strength and posture, therma-bands are great ways for beginners to strengthen the rotator cuff ( I will do a video soon demonstrating these exercises)

If you build the body from the inside out and first concentrate on the basics, there is no limmit to where your fitness levels can go! I know it’s not the most glamorous but trust me, in no time you will be increasing the difficulty of your workouts, I always like to revisit the basics myself because it still helps me get to higher levels of fitness.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Clean Eating Magazine

I sometimes pick up the Clean Eating magazine.  Every now and then you like a new recipe.  I’d like the recipe for that chocolate cupcake.  Anyone have it?

Click here to browse the website or to subscribe: .

It’s also available through Muscle Mag via the Oxygen Magazine website:


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

26/05/09 - It's all crap!

Alright well today I finally admitted it to myself. Everything I’ve done in the last 6 months has now been undone with 4 weeks or so of bad eating. I’m afraid my mindset of late has probably slipped back to my fat self. Rather than the 10ish BF% I’m probably sitting around 19 or 20%. Not horrible but I’m still extremely disappointed in myself.

But enough feeling sorry for myself. My plan is just to eat healthy and try to get my mind in control of my stomach, instead of the other way around. Paleo? No. I’m afraid paleo eating requires a level of discipline that I’m not really confident I have at the moment. Will I return to it? I definitely intend to, but for the next month or more I really want to prove to myself that I do still have some self discipline. On top of that, it’s actually very expensive to eat paleo, so once Megan and I have a decent budget worked out, and once I’m happy with where my mind is at, then I will look at returning to a paleo diet.

Training wise, I’ll be sticking with resistance work. It’s hard work, I can pick up some weights any time and I just really enjoy it. My gumdo training is certainly more than enough to give me a good cardio hit at the moment.

I won’t be taking any progress pictures or anything of that kind because I really just need to do this for myself. I’m not doing it to prove any particular diet works, or to track muscle gain, or anything like that so sorry if you’re interested in seeing pictures but I won’t be doing them.

Anyway, on to today’s workout:

  • Bench press – 5×5 @ 90lbs
  • Bent over row – 5×5 @ 90lbs
  • Deadlift – 5×5 @ 110lbs
  • High pull – 5×5 @ 110lbs
  • 10 minutes meditation

Felt pretty good afterwards. 110lbs isn’t really enough to push myself for a deadlift, but that’s all I have so there’s not much option there. Don’t think I enjoy the high pull with dumbells, it’s not quite the same as with a barbell, but it still worked everything pretty well so it doesn’t matter too much.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lose Weight with Portion Control

Your measuring utensils are a good tool in losing weight.  When I began this quest I finally took a look at what a serving a fruit or veggies is.  It’s a 1/2 cup.  That is actually pretty small if you measure it out.  Therefore it’s not so hard for me to get the 7-8 servings a day.  Now I use my measuring cups a lot.  The set of them are actually hanging out in the open ready for me to use.  I also know the correct serving of oatmeal in the morning:  1/2 cup dry, 1 cup wet.  Before I didn’t have as much while now I feel full a lot longer because I’m eating the correct amount.  Here’s a link to Canada’s and the US’s Food guide.

Canada’s Food Guide:



Friday, May 22, 2009

The Best Way to Lose Weight

Let’s face it; there is no substitute for hard work. Everyone knows that one of the best ways to lose weight is through proper diet and exercise. It isn’t always easy to do. Many people lead hectic lives. They have demanding jobs that leave very little time to eat let alone eat properly. Some people have children or have jobs which are very demanding and leave very little time (or energy) for exercise. Proper dieting and exercise is achievable. With a little planning and will power you can be on your way to a slimmer trimmer and healthier new you.

Let’s begin by examining the definition of a diet. Simply put, a diet is eating particular foods in strictly controlled amount in order to regulate or control weight gain or loss. For some people, like athletes, the primary goal is weight gain especially in the form of muscle. For others, the goal is weight loss primarily in the form of fat. Many people diet not to gain or lose any weight, but they diet in order to maintain or stabilize their current or desired body weight.

Proper dieting is not only essential to losing weight but is essential for maintaining good health. However, each person must use caution when dieting. Not every diet is right for you. Sometimes it’s very difficult for some people to not only lose weight but to keep it off for long period of time. This could be due to changes in the person’s lifestyle, metabolism, genetics, hormones or even their general health. In fact, it’s been reported that only 20% of dieters who have lost 10% or more of their body weight are able to keep that weight off for more than a year.

The benefits of a proper diet

Losing weight and keeping it off is not always easy to accomplish, but it is well worth the effort. Among the benefits of losing weight is reduced risk of heart disease. Maintaining good health and having more energy are beneficial as well. Living a long life is also a plus. Being that it isn’t always easy to stick to a diet it’s good to construct a plan that works for you. It’s always best to consult with a professional in order to find a diet that is right for you and safely produce the results you need.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

21/5/09 - Still fit

I have to admit with the distinct lack of resistence work I’ve been doing lately I thought my fitness would have dropped quite a lot. Deciding to kick it back in to gear, I hit the kettlebell swings for 12 minutes of pain. Ahhh it took me back. All the way back to January.

Anyway, it seems I was wrong:

  •  Kettlebell swings x 12 minutes @ 20kg
  • 10 minutes meditation

Proud to say, I beat my personal record of 242 swings. Smashed it infact. Total count was 364 swings in 12 minutes. By the end of the 12 minutes I just plain couldn’t hold on to the bell any more, so I’m happy with that number for now.

It was tempting to do some presses instead of the meditation, but I really need to practice so I stuck to my guns instead. Felt great afterwards I have to admit!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A New Kind of Fatigue

Muscle soreness I can handle.  Pain I can handle.  I absolutely HATE to be sleepy!  I have been so sleepy the past couple of days.  Last night I fell asleep around 10:30.  I haven’t been to sleep that early in AGES.  I usually don’t get to bed before 1 or 2 AM.  I know that I should go to sleep earlier, but when I work out at night, I just can’t go to sleep.  I think that’s going to be the biggest roadblock for me.  I’m just not getting enough rest.  The other option is to work out in the mornings, but I when I go to bed at night without working out, I feel like I’m cheating in some way.  I have to figure something out though, before I burn out.

I could barely keep my eyes open at work today.  I’m still struggling right now.  But I have the gym tonight.  That’ll wake me up for sure.  Cardio night.

Still researching the free weights.  I know the easy thing would be to talk to my PT again, but I really want to try to push myself and she kind of wanted me to stick to the machines.  I really don’t think I’m getting an optimal workout there though.  I should have a program ready by this weekend.  That way, I’ll be able to get over there when no one else is at the gym.

I’ll update later.  Gotta get the kids to cheer.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Exercises to Help Beginners Avoid Plateaus

Plateaus suck, don’t they? And they happen to the best of us. Your body will adjust to any exercise program over time, so you need to fool your body into continuing to progress by changing your program every six weeks or so. Not only should you change your cardio workouts, you should also change your strength training routines as well. This will keep your muscles confused so that they’re constantly challenged. There are many ways to change your routines including:

* Changing the frequency (adding a day or subtracting a day of workouts)

* Changing the intensity (adding more or less weight to your exercises, or working harder or easier on your cardio)

* Changing the amount of time you’re exercising (if you usually walk for 20 minutes, try walking for 25 or 30 minutes)

* Changing the type of activity (for strength training, changing the exercises, for cardio trying something completely new)

Keeping track of your workouts can help you determine when you need to change them. Use a calendar or a workout log and write down your workouts for six weeks. At the end of that time, sit down with your log and create a new routine by changing the elements mentioned above.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Easiest Way to Lose Weight: Low-Impact Workouts

Tired of running around, huffing and puffing like a locomotive until you’re red on the face? Don’t want to “go for the burn?” Is your hand and eye or whole body coordination just not made for sports? Are you still looking for the easiest way to lose weight without sweating out buckets?

The good news is there are relatively easy low-impact exercises that will help you lose weight, improve your muscle tone, and add flexibility. The bad news is that since it is the easiest way to lose weight, it’s not a weighing scale-oriented program.

Sure, the results will be there, but they won’t be there in the next few days or so. Indeed, it might be surprising to know that the easiest way to lose weight is never the fastest, but it does get you there if you keep it up and do it right.

More than Just Exercise

The easiest way to lose weight starts with finding a low-impact exercise routine that you can incorporate into your everyday life. This means that you will not have to juggle everything just to fit some workout time at the gym. That’s because the easiest way to lose weight is ideally unobtrusive and undemanding.

One such option and (undoubtedly) the easiest way to lose weight would be to learn yoga. Be aware, though, that you may have to enroll in a few classes at the beginning of your yoga routines just to make sure you are getting your poses – or “asanas” in yoga-speak – right, as well as if you are breathing the right way. After those first classes, however, you can simply move your yoga mat to your own bedroom floor and work out at your own leisure.

It also is the easiest way to lose weight if you are not a “gym” person, as there are many self-help and instructional manuals available in a variety of mediums, such as DVDs, CDs, and books. And with yoga being one of the oldest types of exercise routines there is, the benefits have long been proven well before you were even born.

Learning yoga also qualifies as the easiest way to lose weight for the very fact that you don’t have to spend hundreds – or even thousands – for the equipment requirement. Most equipment are replaceable with daily household objects, too.

Indeed, a low-impact exercise like yoga is not just the easiest way to lose weight, but can very well be a life-changing experience, as well. It will also have you looking in to your “self”, and help you become more aware of your body through mediation and posture awareness.

Although yoga is not primarily a weight-loss program, it is, without a doubt, the easiest way to lose weight and, perhaps, one of the best, as well. If you follow its tenets and the diet suggestions that go with it, no matter which system you choose will help lead to a better, healthier, and slimmer you. It really can’t get any easier than that!

Click here now to see How To Lose Weight In A Week!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Targeting Belly Fat

Anyone who has struggled with a weight problem knows that there’s nothing quite as stubborn as belly fat. Even people who exercise regularly might see the results in arms, legs, or the face, but the stomach remains stubbornly paunchy. If this is a problem you’ve encountered, it’s important not to get discouraged. If you want to learn how to lose belly fat, you just have to learn how to workout smarter rather than harder.

If you’re only looking to target the weight in your stomach, look into various abdominal workout programs. There are many options to choose from including everything from sit-ups to sitting side crunches. The best tactic is to try multiple programs and find the one that works best for you. Everyone’s body responds differently to workouts. What’s successful for one person might not work for another. Always keep this in mind, and give each routine a solid week to two weeks. If you’re not seeing results, try something else. You’ll eventually stumble on the workout that’s right for you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Go on holiday and lose weight...and maybe the will to live.

There’s a lot of things I’ve learnt in life, things that will no doubt aid me as I get older, here’s a quick list:

1. When you’re young, you can’t be rude, moody, racist, and annoying. However it is expected.

2.When you get older, you’re allowed to be rude, moody, racist, annoying, because it’s expected.

3. When you try to be productive, you usually can’t do it and end up doing fuck all, example: Writing a Blog.

4. If you wear your jeans, half way down your legs, you’ll be considered cool, despite looking like a complete retard.

5. If you want to lose weight whilst on holiday, well I have the answer….

You see I discovered a few things when I went to India about a year ago, despite being brown myself, people from India KNOW you’re not from India. The second you give money to one poor person, a million others will follow you asking for more money.

The most important thing I learnt though was one that I had to experience myself. That would be how to lose weight. It’s pretty simple you see, all you have to do is eat the local cuisine. Simple eh?

Well no. You need a strong heart and a weak stomach to get through this. You seen Indian food can be a wonderful thing. It can provide you with a taste sensation and also a painful rear end.  I was force fed some ice cream at a wedding. That’s another thing about Indian people, they will force feed you food and the only way to get them to stop, is to eat whatever the fuck they offer you.

So Ice Cream, can’t be that bad can it? Fuck no, tastes great and is the perfect thing to eat in the hot climate of India, btw what the hell was God thinking when he decided to make us Indians hairy as hell then put us on one of the hottest countries in the world? Anyway back to the Ice Cream, it basically destroyed my insides to the point where I couldn’t eat anything and yet that didn’t stop me from having super mega ultra diarrhoea! If I tried to eat anything, I would vomit that shit up as well. Tis a hard picture to imagine, lucky for you lot, I’ll make it easier to understand:

Not a pretty sight eh? However because of this illness, I wasn’t able to eat properly and the result? Apart from almost missing my flight back home due to excessive shitting and vomiting, was that I lost quite a bit of weight!

Now ladies, I know what you’re thinking, that’s filthy and shit. Well keep in mind, there are millions of you who inject more shit into yourselves then crack heads do with crack. So what’s a little shitting and vomiting gonna do? Well it’s gonna do this:

See! That’s proper results right there! I mean come on, it’s on the Internet so it’s going to be true right?

Well that’s enough free advice for today!

Here’s a cat that needs the Indian Ice Cream diet!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Saw the movie Knowing with Nicolas Cage.  Pretty cool.

Just got two dvds of peter Ragners first live appearance in some time at the Opulent Reality Symposium. Got to give the guy credit.  He looks great and is probably one of the strongest men on the planet pound for pound at close to 80 as far as we can deduct from references he makes back to the early 30s.  wont talk about his age.

My body is going thru some kind of elimination deep in my lungs.  we will leave it at that.

Roommate is out.  So looks like a peaceful evening with peter ragner, meditation, and early bed.


Dr. George

Friday, May 1, 2009

Add 2 Workout

This workout is a great way to build maximum strength to an area of the body that you feel needs to develop the most.

I always use pull ups or a deadlift because I love pull ups and deadlifts and all they do for the body and your strength for both men and women.

So here’s the drill. You lay out your workout ahead of time and between each set you ADD 2 repetitions of an exercise of your choice. It may not sound like much but it will add up in a hurry. The 2 repetitions allow you to build maximum strength to this body part. You are only using two repetitions, meaning you can use more weight or perform the exercise with greater ease.

Here’s a sample workout:

5 Minute Warm Up

Squat x 12

Pull Up x 2

TRX Tricep Press x 15

Pull Up x 2

Warrior Lunge x 10 R&L

Pull Up x 2

Push Up x 12

Pull Up x 2

Straight Leg Deadlift x 18

Pull Up x 2

Squat and Press x 12 R&L

Pull Up x 2

Bicep Curl x 10

Pull Up x 2

TRX Single Leg Squat x 12

Pull Up x 2

TRX “Y” Fly x 8

Pull Up x 2

TRX “T” Fly x 8

Pull Up x 2

BOSU Bulgarian Lunge Hop x 9 R&L

Pull Up x 2

11 Set x 2 reps = 22 reps

You don’t have to use pull can be anything. Are you working on your arms? You abs? This is a great way to get in extra reps to focus on that trouble spot.

Don’t forget to go to for more great information, down load ebooks, or schedule a consultation with me. Be sure to visit and Slimindiana’s Blog for more information on Slim products that can help you lose weight fast!