Sunday, November 29, 2009

Exercise #88 - EnergizingYour Internal Organs, Part 2


Welcome to Healing T’ai Chi

…the award-winning blog of seated T’ai Chi and Qigong exercises to balance mind, body and spirit for people of all ages and levels of fitness.

(sponsored by the Exercise Equipment Super Store)


“In holding the soul and embracing oneness
Can one be steadfast, without straying?
In concentrating the energy and reaching relaxation
Can one be like an infant?” Tao Te Ching #10, translated by Derek Lin ~~~~~~~~~

Logo re-sized, tiny In this series of exercises we are concentrating on movements that will stimulate, energize and massage our internal organs.  We tend to ignore these important organs in spite of the fact that the health of each of them is vital to our overall well-being.  None of the exercises are geared to one particular organ – all are benefitted by the movements and oxygenated by the specific breathing pattern that we have been practicing.

Palms up torso twists:

  1. Sit as usual with your feet flat on the floot, shoulder-width apart, hips tucked slightly underneath you.
  2. Breathe in slowly as you lift both arms out to the side, palms facing downward.
  3. Turnt to your left as you breathe out slowly and twist your arms so that your palms face upward.  Remember this action locks the ch’i as it’s traveling down your arms
  4. At the furthest point of the waist twist quickly release your arms thereby unlocking the ch’i and allowing it to rush strongly down to  your hands and fingertips.  At this point your palms are facing downward again.  Begin breathing out slowly as you turn back to the center.
  5. Repeat to your right side and alternate with left and right twists for a total of 12 times i.e., 6 twists to each side.

 Reflexology exercise:

  • Locate the liver point on the bottom of your foot on the inside of your foot at about the middle of your arch and a thumb’s width  inward.  Click on the link below to see a chart of this and other points on the bottom of your foot:

  • Massage and knead this point for a few seconds and then hold your thumb firmly on the liver point for at least a full minute.
  • Change feet and repeat the steps above.

 Benefits:  This reflexology/acupressure point is essential to your well-being particularly if you are taking prescribed medications that may adversely affect the health of your liver.


Don’t forget to drink water at the end of your exercise session or any time you begin to feel thirsty.  A Word of Caution…If you have or have had problems with your kidneys, please consult your physician.


This week’s featured blog/site:

Featured video:×4Dk&feature=related

Find great deals on home exercise equipment at the Exercise Equipment Super Store.

~The exercises in this blog are intended for educational purposes only.  Always consult with your health care provider before beginning a new exercise program.~



Exercising the Pelvic Floor

  Mary O’Dwyer is the author of several books. Her latest is Hold it Sister available on and on  Read more about the amazing work of Mary helping women.

Below is what she has to say.

When I run workshops for women, fitness trainers and Physiotherapists, one routine test for participants is to feel what happens at their waist with strong coughing, then relate whether their pelvic floor lifts and holds or pushes down. Typically 50% of the participants relate their pelvic floor pushes down, instead of drawing up in response to the quick rise of intra abdominal pressure. This uncoordinated muscle action between the floor and abdominal muscles is likely to continue with lifting and exercise, further damaging pelvic floor muscle (PFM) control.  Some women display a faulty pattern where by they narrow their waist as they tighten their pelvic floor muscles, again increasing the intra-abdominal pressure.

It is critical to identify women who have PFM control problems before they begin an exercise program. Traditional abdominal programs, some group classes, weighted machines and high level core exercises overwhelm the ability of a weak, uncoordinated pelvic floor to control intra abdominal pressure rises. These women must first identify and exercise the correct pattern of pelvic floor, core and abdominal muscle tensioning, before exercise progresses.

Carol attended a recent workshop I gave for the fitness industry.  She is a very experienced fitness trainer, who recognised immediately her faulty ‘waist sucking’ pattern during exercise.  After a short session to help her relearn the correct pattern she managed to make fundamental changes by training her pelvic floor and core control without the sucking in.  She realised how important this was for her female clients and later wrote to me saying, 

‘For many gym members, the focus is on exercise classes, personal training sessions and their own strength and cardio exercise.  How important it is to teach awareness of core muscle control throughout the exercise movements rather than just counting repetitions. Women will control and prevent PFM damage when they recognise for themselves, when to rest and re-set, go from high impact to low impact, reduce the weight they’re lifting, drop back from running to walking, and so on to maintain core stability. PFM health will be promoted when women learn their mind-body connection, practice pelvic floor safe exercises and develop core stability before progressing to strengthening exercises. ‘

Carol now realises it is not only the ‘at risk’ group, but all women who will benefit from an awareness of potential problems to the female pelvic floor with exercise training.


Are diet pills really worth the risk?

With all the strenuous activities and sweat-generating regimens that most weight loss programs have, more and more people are enticed to opt for a better alternative, without the trouble of exerting too much effort.

With the advent of diet pills that promote weight loss, people go mad over the appealing advertisements of most manufacturers claiming  that their product can easily “melt away” those fats and cellulites.

With these pills dominating the market today, who needs to tone those abs and biceps and do some dieting if there is an easier way to lose weight? Or do these pills really work in showing you how to reduce belly fat without doing any exercise?

With an estimated 60% of the American population that are now considered as obese, these “wonder” drugs are definitely reaping millions of dollars in the United States alone.

Now, the questions are: is there any truth regarding the manufacturers’ claims that these diet pills can ultimately promote weight loss? Are they really effective in helping people lose weight? And if that is the case, do these pills also help those people maintain their ideal weight and curb any fat accumulation in the body?

1.Never crush diet pills to mix in drinks or soups.  Take it whole with a full glass of water.
2.Diet pills causes a person to urinate more frequently due to its diuretic effect.  This could lead to dehydration, thus, causing complications.  As a pre-caution, it is best to drink eight glasses of water everyday while on diet pills.
3.Take only the recommended dosage.  Taking more than required will not help you lose weight but increase the risk of side effects.
4.Heartbeat should be less than 86 beats per minute.  Stop taking the pills if it reaches 90 or higher that is why regular checking of pulse is a must.
5.Always follow the instructions set by the dietician and/or doctor and not only rely on what’s enclosed in the box.  Also diet pills will only work as expected if diet plan is being followed.
6.After three months, stop taking the diet pills.  Common diet phenylpropanolamine is safe to use only up to sixteen weeks.  Other studies show that it can cause health problems if taken under one month.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

New BMI = 26.28

HALF of me is GONE!

I started at the highest recorded weight of 335.6  and I’ve gotten rid of HALF of it!  I’m now 167.8

Next milestone in 1.9 lbs when the BMI will drop below 26.  Once it drops below 25, I’ll be in “normal” BMI range (18 < BMI < 25).  From “Super Morbid Obesity” (BMI > 50).  Wow.

BMI Chasing Ok, that’s it. I’m done.I don’t want to be in the Extra-Super-Scarey BMI category I’m currently in (52.6). According to some websites:“Patients with this condition incur much greater weight-related health risks, including an increased risk of dying – estimated at 5-10 times greater than that of people of normal weight – as well as arthritis, breathing problems, cancer, depression, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux, heart disease, hypertension, infertility, loss of bowel/urinary control, menstrual problems, obstructive sleep apnea, swollen legs, and venous disorders.”

So I’ve pulled out all my old WW materials and started using the journals again to keep track and limit the intake. And I’m walking 1.5 miles every day after work. And I’m starting an 8-week Tai Chi class at work next Thursday. I’m weighing myself once a week at my doctor’s office near work. I set up a computer to email me a motivational quote on persistence every day. I pulled out my copy of Make the Connection and started re-reading it. I’m re-reading The Mastery of Love. And I’m relying on several others at work for moral support who are dealing with similar challenges. And I’ll post my progress here.

Entry posted by origamifreak on May 26 2007 at 10:14 am

I posted that entry on my old Upsaid blog two and a half years ago. It feels like a lifetime and a half ago. Back then I was still going to the doctors at the Finger Lakes Medical Group. I didn’t even own a scale that could weigh me. Over the subsequent months I did remove 40 lbs. And gained back 30 of them.

Eleven months ago I posted this:

January 28, 2009 Back to the BMI chasing. Today=47.08 Filed under: food, health — origamifreak @ 5:48 pm

After a really bad lapse where last fall I gained back up to almost the same weight where I started, I’ve pushed it back down again. Mostly through the help of the pre-gastric ulcer which acts up when 1) I overfill and 2) I eat at night.

The most recent bout on the evening of December 11 / morning of December 12 was so very painful and unpleasant that something clicked in my head and I realized that I would rather be hungry than feel like that ever again. EVER again. Even though this has been going on sporadically for years, the most recent memory of the pain and the vomiting has stuck with me long enough that I have maintained a healthy fear of overeating for over 6 weeks, and as a result am finding out what it feels like to be hungry, how to manage my blood sugar, what being full feels like, how long I need to wait in order to even know if I’m full, etc. In effect, I’ve got the same symptoms as a friend at work who had her stomach stapled, but without the cost and associated issues of elective surgery.

People have asked why I don’t go to the doctor about this. I have two reasons, and I think they’re sound. First, the problem only happens when I overeat at night (i.e. it hasn’t happened since 12/11), and second, this is the first thing ever that has worked that hasn’t involved obsessive calorie-counting (i.e. using WW points, etc.). And I’m sorry, but while obsessive calorie-counting does in the short term help with managing my eating, it does NOT work in the long term because it presents significant quality of life issues. There is an inherent psychological problem with focusing on NOT doing something that I’ve never been able to overcome. So I’ll take the ulcer memory and use it. Consider it my disulfiram.

All the years of calorie-counting have given me the tools to eat in a healthy way, and I’m doing that, but just without counting anything. Oatmeal for breakfast, homemade soup for lunch, etc. Just less of it and not overfilling. And not eating at night. If I’m bored I can clean the bathroom or organize the garage, for Pete’s sake.

Also I’m back with the H2O aerobics, and will hopefully start working out in the basement soon as well. (As soon as the rest of the bamboo planks have been distributed to the rest of the house for acclimation.)

Stay tuned.

P.S. This may have helped, too:


(internally synthesized, of course)

I was in a very different place at that point, mentally and physically. It took a really painful condition to snap me out of my complacency and push me toward being mindful of my food. Since that point I’ve had exactly 2 reflux episodes. And both times because I ate too much fatty food.

Here are some ways in which my life is different from each of those times:

May 2007 December 2008 January 2009 November 2009 Food tracking WW points on my own no no protein intake not tracking not tracking not tracking minimum of 100g per day cardio walking water aerobics water aerobics spinning strength none water aerobics water aerobics weight lifting weight 335.6 326.2 300.6 167.8 BMI 52.56 52.53 47.08 26.28 clothing size 4x 4x 3x 12 pets Miaumoto(Latte had just died) Miaumoto & Sunny Miaumoto & Sunny Miaumoto & Sunny church no no no yes self-esteem no no no yes crushing on someone yes no yes no

…and in some ways it hasn’t changed at all.

cleaned out the garage yet? no no no no

After all, I’m not a COMPLETELY different person! Just literally HALF of the previous one. chart of my weight


Black Friday

How was everyone’s Thanksgiving?

I hope everyone had a great one and kept in mind how much they were eating. I know I did! I pretty much stuck to my game plan, although I did I have a glass of white wine with dinner. Everything was sooooo good and I could have easily got seconds on it all. But I found that after one plate with a little bite of everything was more than plenty. I drank water all day long and I treated myself to a small slice of pumpkin pie.

I actually got up early in the morning and went for a run. I figured I’ve been doing so well on the wii running (running in place) that I would give it a shot. I ran about a quarter of a mile and remembered exactly why I hate running! Why is it that something that’s so good for us makes us feel sooooo awful after words? I know I just need to get used to it and my body was in shock. Obviously real running takes a lot more out of you than running in place. DUHHHHH! But I did it! And after getting passed the “I’m going to vomit” stage I felt pretty good and ready for the rest of the day. I went to bed feeling stuffed which was odd because it didn’t seem like I ate that much.

I did weigh in that morning and I’ve stayed the same since the last weigh in at 151.9 pounds. I’m hoping this coming week I will shed a couple because I’ve gotten a lot more intense with my work out and diet. For instance today I pretty much had the house to myself all day and was amongst all the yummy left overs. I had several thoughts of dishing myself a helping of each of yesterdays goodies and eating that for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But I was good. I had my morning coffee for breakfast, humus, carrots and a small piece of turkey for lunch, I had a couple pita chips for a snack and then for dinner some more turkey and a salad. Oh and lots of water again. Instead of a piece of pie for desert I will go with another cup of coffee.

I know I had said I would be putting pictures up every month to show my progress… well since my progress has been very slow-moving it was kind of pointless. But I decided to do a little update because even though it doesn’t really look like much, I did drop 2 pant sizes since I started. These pictures are not flattering at all, but I think it’s necessary not only for you guys following but for myself. I can look at them and say, okay my body is changing. Even though I’ve dropped in dress sizes, my actual weight hasn’t moved too much and sometimes it’s tough to keep going when you don’t think anything is working.  I was looking at pictures from when I was younger and I was 115 pounds. Back then I thought I was so fat, what I wouldn’t give to be that weight again. At my age 115 is a little far-fetched, but I know if I keep it up I can at least get back to 125.

Not much of a difference here.

This is where I see a change.

Thanks Darlyn for putting the pics together! I hope you all have a safe weekend and be careful of those crazy shoppers!




The hCG Diet Austin -Weight Loss Clinic Austin

The hCG Diet AustinhCG Diet Austin refers to a clinic in Austin Texas that provides hCG shots and hCG treatments to dieters who want to loss weight by applyhcg hormones. Hcg stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Hcg is a natural hormone which is developed by the placenta of a pregnant woman. This hormone is known to help pregnant woman to naturally burn the excess fats in her body throughout her pregnancy period. The hcg diet has not been seen yet in many parts of the United States. Among the states that this diet has come to is Austin, Texas. Many people who intended to loss some weight by the use of hcg shots still goes to Austin, Texas clinics to undergo the hcg diet program specifically. Hcg is a hormone extracted from a pregnant woman’s urine. This specific treatment is proven so safe and effective that people who greatly wanted to try the treatment make sure that they travel all the way to Austin Texas to get the specific treatment.

The hCG Diet Austin or hcg diet treatment puts dieters through series of tests to make sure that the dieter is in good shape before they put them under the hcg weight loss diet program or treatment. They have to make sure that the dieter is not under some sort of medication, treatment and is not suffering from any illnesses as these factors might create some contradiction with the current health issues if applicable. The total cost of the treatment varies depending on the clinic and the supplementary test that they plan to run to any potential dieters. One-to-two pounds is the average pounds that dieter’s loss within a day after continuous injection sessions. The process includes series of injections which means the process is not a one time treatment. The hcg hormone is directly injected to a person’s body and as a result, these hormones helps burn stored and excess fats.

The hCG diet Austin or hcg treatment is a strict treatment that prohibits users from consuming any food that contains sugar. Users should also skip breakfast everyday and they are only allowed to consume 500 calories in total per day. It is advisable that they pair their meal with fresh fruits and vegetables every time they eat. Meat like chicken breast, veal, white fish, lobster and the likes can be consumed each meal provided the meat only sums up to 100 calories per meal. One tablespoonful of milk is the maximum milk that the dieters can consume with 24 hours. Some dieters supplement the treatment not only with a strict diet but with regular exercise as well. In general, reducing your calorie intake will definitely help you loss some weight. However, hcg diet asks its customers to decrease their calorie intake to make sure that they achieve their desired weight loss faster and easier.

To Find out More About this Exciting New Weight Loss Program and to Receive your Free Consultation Click Austin hCG Diet


Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Building the Desire Will Explode the Weight Loss Motivation

A brisk walk, hike or stretching and toning session will release endorphins into the system and give the mood an immediate boost. This leads to quick, natural weight loss!

Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook

Health care professionals generally agree that people that have a BMI of 30 or greater can improve the health through weight loss. It is especially true for people with a BMI of 40 or greater, that are considered extremely obese. A weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of the initial body weight can do much to improve health by lowering blood pressure and other risk factors for obesity-related diseases. The method of treatment depends on the level of obesity, and readiness to lose weight. Weight dominate is a life-long effort, and having realistic expectations about weight loss is an central consideration.

Indication of Source
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001

Related external Links
Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss
Weight Loss Help

Tags: weight loss weight los risk factors natural weight loss lowering blood pressure lose weight health care body weight blood pressure


Burning Fat Is The One Step To Effective Weight Loss Results

A Day in the Life of a lady that used the Medifast products and programs to promote rapid weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook

Other therapies are weight loss, occupational therapy, immunoadsorption therapy, and taking sides tools to improve hard drills. Regular exercise is significant for maintaining joint mobility and making the joint muscles stronger. Popular in Germany and Eastern Europe, can induce beneficial long-term effects for rheumatoid arthritis. The resulting effectiveness of treating RA with acupuncture is inconclusive, and more rigorous research seems to be warranted according to one study. Some people have mild short-term symptoms, but in most the disease is liberal for life. Poor prognostic factors include over-eager synovitis, positive serum RF findings, positive serum anti-CCP autoantibodies, carriership of HLA-DR4 Shared Epitope alleles, poor functional status, elevated acute phase response, and increased clinical severity. Estimates of the life-shortening effect of RA vary; most sources cite a lifespan slackening of 5 to 10 years. The mechanism by that RA causes this increased risk remains unknown; the presence of chronic inflammation has been proposed as a contributing factor. The rate of RA is in the region of 3 cases per 10,000 population per annum.

Prior printed Publication
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001

Suggested Links
Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss
Weight Loss Help

Tags: weight loss weight los rheumatoid arthritis rapid weight loss occupational therapy


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Brooke Burke’s Secret To Pregnancy Weight Loss

Former model and reality show host Brooke Burke, mother of 4, bounces back into shape within a blink of an eye every time she gets a baby. The 36-year old looks amazing and had always been at her best shape even before appearing on Dancing with the Stars.

Brooke laughs when people ask her about her diet. She admits that she finds it strange that people ask her less about rearing children than they do about her body. She says people would ask: “But Brooke, have you seen yourself on Dancing with the Stars? Those abs! Those legs! Four kids? How is it possible,” and she would respond by saying “I did it naturally.”

To view more on Brookes secret to weight loss click here…


The best weight loss supplements and the benefits

A balanced weight loss diet is the diet that gives all the necessary nutrients. Weight loss diet does not ask you to starve. We should take food to gain energy and keep ourselves active. This article discusses the major compositions of balanced diets for losing weight.

Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook

Finding a Weight Loss Program that Works for You. Finding the Way to a Healthier You. Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Publications produced by WIN are carefully reviewed by both NIDDK scientists and outer surface experts. WIN encourages users of this brochure to duplicate and distribute as many copies as desired. CACFP plays a vital role in improving the quality of day care for children and elderly adults by making care more affordable for many low-income families. That the field of adult nurture and literacy will have the best available tools and training to help adult learners build a better future. Nearly 65,000 young adults between the ages of 15 and 40 are diagnosed with cancer.

Indication of Source
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001

Related external Links
Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss
Weight Loss Help

Tags: weight loss program weight loss diet weight loss weight los the ages losing weight balanced diet


For the love of (Soy) Milk

I’ve always been mildly lactose intolerant, so the adjustment to soy milk for me was really none at all because for as long as I can remember I’ve been substituting regular milk for soy in everything from tea and coffee to cereal and in cooking and baking. I’ve even used soy cream in cooking – but lets leave that for another “For the love of…” entry.

Alpro Soya Milk

Alpro Soy products used to be my favourite when living in the UK, everything from their cream to yogurt to flavoured milks I used to absolutely love. Unfortunately I don’t seem to get the same selection here although if I did it would definately be on my permanent shopping list!! I used to love their soy chocolate milk too, full of chocolatey goodness!

So Good Soy Milk

With my limited selection however, So Good Soy Milk is amazing, they have a huge range of sweetened and unsweetend soy milks, with various flavours ranging from plain to vanilla.

The Verdict: This one is definately on my permanent shopping list. I do prefer the individual serving cartons though, as I find that I go through periods where I just don’t drink it fast enough before it goes off or don’t have enough cereal to go with it. So this way, I feel I can have what I want in moderate amounts with no pressure to finish the massive carton super fast. And since I’m the only one that drinks it in my house, it’s perfect!



Sunday, November 22, 2009

Incinerador De Grasa

Incinerador De Grasa es un programa de dieta y ejercicio creado por Rob Poulos está ampliamente disponible en Internet. Sin embargo, el programa hace honor a su reputación (usted puede perder 11 kg de grasa pura, en 7 semanas) o es sólo otra “dieta milagro” que se desvanecen antes de fin de año?

A diferencia de muchos otros que han escrito comentarios, yo estaba usando Incinerador De Grasa por tres semanas y ya vi los resultados.Yo teng un buen conocimiento de lo que el sistema, y de dietas entonces yo puedo darles un buen, verdadero revista del programe.

Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para darle una descripción del libro para que pueda decidir si Incinerador de Grasa (IDG) es para ti también. Siga leyendo para encontrar dos componentes distintos del IDG, y el plan de ejercicio y alimentación saludable.


Los ejercicios que le permiten construir masa muscular magra, que quema más calorías, lo cual crea un déficit de calorías, sin reducir el número de calorías que usted consume.Tenga en cuenta que es necesario tener un déficit calórico de 3.500 calorías por semana para perder ,5 kg de grasa. Así que sugiero que siga el plan de alimentación saludable que acompaña al programa.

Sin embargo, la rutina de ejercicio toma sólo una hora por semana de su tiempo, pero estos ejercicios son muy cortos súper intensa y ayudar a quemar más grasa que solo ejercicios conjuntos. A diferencia de la mayoría de los ejercicios que requieren para llevar a cabo varios conjuntos de cada ejercicio, IDG sólo le pide que haga un juego, eso es todo! La clave de estas series cortas es la velocidad de las repeticiones, cada ejercicio tiene su propio ritmo determinado; tres segundos para levantar las pesas y cuatro segundos para bajar las pesas.

He oído hablar de estas interrupciones en el ritmo de trabajo especificado (que se centran en las repeticiones negativo), pero en realidad nunca tuvo en cuenta en mis últimos cuatro años de trabajo en el gimnasio. Bueno, después de hacer los entrenamientos FBF, me di cuenta de que estos ejercicios realmente le dan grandes resultados, mucho más rápido que otros ejercicios.

Por qué las dietas no funcionan

Creo que la dieta menos que ver con que la IDG ejercicios, pero sigue siendo esencial para seguir una dieta saludable para ver mejor los resultados del ejercicio. Alimentos Personalmente, sugiero comer más fibra para ayudarle a sentirse lleno, beba mucha agua y mantenerse alejado de los alimentos procesados, especialmente los que contienen jarabe de maíz de alto fructosa. Su cuerpo no puede metabolizar el jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa y sólo lo almacena como grasa … ¡Qué asco!

De Libro:

  • Lo que su tasa metabólica en reposo tiene que ver con la pérdida de grasa, y la popularidad de las dietas en realidad dañarlo. Usted no causará la pérdida de grasa, pero el agua de peso y masa muscular en su lugar.
  • Por qué debemos concentrarnos en micronutrientes; vitaminas y minerales, no los macronutrientes; carbohidratos, proteínas y grasas.
  • Por qué nuestro cuerpo necesita carbohidratos para perder peso y mantenerlo.
  • Como los alimentos orgánicos y el índice glucémico desempeñar un papel en la saciedad y la pérdida de peso.
  • Como el agua fría que necesita beber para quemar calorías y derretir la grasa sin esfuerzo.

Descripción general

¿Qué exactamente es Incinerador de Grasa?: El sistema de IDG es una libro de 158 paginas diponible por internet que describe cómo habilitar su cuerpo para quemar grasa 24-7 a pesar de cambios en el sistema simple y el entrenamiento de fuerza.

Creador: Rob Poulos

Sitio web:


IDG Delux:

- Paso a paso, la quema de grasa
-3 Meses de entrenamiento e-mail
-Actualizaciones gratuitas durante un año completo
USD $ 39,97

IDG Ultimate:
- todo de “delux”,mas..
-adicional de 9 meses de entrenamiento e-mail
-IDG-Toolkit éxito final
USD $ 69,97

AHORA $ 39,97.


Achieve Weight Loss Easily by Using Xenical Pills

A motivational checklist when you embark on weight loss program. Key is to have understanding and awareness of goals in weight loss efforts.

Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook

This curbs excess caloric consumption in the patient treated with acupuncture and is a great help in the patients weight loss program. Enhances Fertility TCM practitioner will carefully determine the state of the imbalances and prescribe an individualized program of herbs, acupuncture and diet to help humans create the correct environment for fertility and pregnancy. How To Heal the Life Quickly What maximum people do not realize is that emotions are real things. Acupuncture is one of the most widely recognized and successful methods of alternative treatment in the world. Its effectiveness in treating a wide variety of disorders has been clinically proven by many distinguished researchers. Grateful that the ailments have been alleviated without any side effects, have graciously written testimonials found throughout the website. The study investigates the efficacy of acupuncture for childhood asthma.

List of Literature
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001

Recommended Links
Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss
Weight Loss Help

Tags: weight loss program weight loss weight los side effects side effect childhood asthma alternative treatment


The Key to Healthy Long Lasting Weight Loss

A healthy weight loss plan can include nutritional supplements to make it easier to meet the weight loss goals. We three of the top selling weight loss supplements on the market today.

Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook

Health care professionals generally agree that people that have a BMI of 30 or greater can improve the health through weight loss. It is especially true for people with a BMI of 40 or greater, that are considered extremely obese. A weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of the initial body weight can do much to improve health by lowering blood pressure and other risk factors for obesity-related diseases. The method of treatment depends on the level of obesity, and readiness to lose weight. Weight dominate is a life-long effort, and having realistic expectations about weight loss is an central consideration.

100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001

Related external Links
Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss
Weight Loss Help

Tags: weight loss supplements weight loss supplement weight loss plan weight loss weight los risk factors nutritional supplement lowering blood pressure lose weight healthy weight loss


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 16: And it wasn't that bad.

Yesterday was a PA day and I was very nervous about how it was going to play out. I mean sometimes they are fine, the play in groups and get along fine, but then there are other days. Other days consist of nine to ten hours of petty bickering. “No, I want that pink pen, not this pink pen, THAT pink pen” Waa waa waa. Another thing that happens on these bad days is constant talking back, every little thing has to be questioned to test the boundaries of authority. Usually by hour six I am on the verge of tears.  Let no one say running a daycare is an easy job because that is so not true!

Anyway yesterday was a good day. They did various activities within groups and other than the occasional request to settle down and not run around it went well.  The rain held off so we got to go to the park for a while which helps them burn of some energy. It was freezing cold so we didn’t stay nearly as long as I planned.

Last nights meal was meat loaf. It had a lot of ingredients in it, healthy ingredients.

The recipe called for me to put the carrot, onion, celery, green pepper, zucchini and  dried tomato in a food processor. Now I have never used one or seen one in action for that matter.  I called a friend on the street and borrowed her’s for this deed.  What I discovered is that I really like food processors. I mean when I was done with it you would have no idea what any of the vegetables were. In my house this is a good thing because if you can’t see it then it’s not there.

The kids did not think much of the meatloaf but did eat some. It will take awhile to get them to eat these foods but I will.  HAlf the reason this families eating habits were the mess they where was because the kids wouldn’t eat what I cook.

In the evening we went up to Wal-Mart to do a partial grocery shop. All the basic things we use. I will have to go out again to get the ingredients for the meals I have yet picked for this week.  As I did surpass my goal of 5 lbs loss this week I decided that was worthy of a treat.  I ran into McDonald’s and got an apple pie………………………… ok that is a lie, I treated myself to a food processor and a rice steamer. No food rewards here folks!

Now as I made a joke about McDonald’s I just remembered something from last night.  We where walking from groceries to housewares and I said to the family that something smelt totally disgusting and wrinkled my noise up. They looked around as they didn’t notice it. I then realized the most AMAZING thing. It was McDonald’s. That smell used to lure me in and make my tummy rumble. Now that smell is making my tummy roll over in sickness. AMAZING!!!!

The rest of the night went by quickly, by the time I re arranged the kitchen to accomodate the new appliances it was already 10pm.  One thing I have in my kitchen is a GE 5L deep fryer, which I used so much I keep it on the counter. Well it went on top of the fridge (too big to fit in any cupboard I have). This is a sign of a better life for us.  I remember when I got it trying to figure out where it should go, the top of the fridge was out because it is heavy and I didn’t want to lift it down daily. Now the top of the fridge is fine.

Well this is it for today,  I hope you all have a great day.


Getting "High" On Exercise

I’m hooked.  Jazzercise is kicking up the endorphins and it feels good.  I’m totally loving the feeling that I have the rest of the day after a good workout in class.  Two days ago, after 11 straight days of 45-150 minutes of exercise a day, I got 0 minutes.  That’s right, not one minute of exercise fit into my day Wednesday.  I felt antsy and missed the endorphins.  So, I tried to make up for it yesterday and today.  I’m not back up for the week to an average of 90 minutes per day.  Whew!  That feels better.

Oh, and feeling skinny yesterday but still weighing the same, I snuck out the measuring tape.  An entire 1/2 in off my waist in two weeks!  Now that’s amazing!

Short post today as I’m getting up before 6 am to go skate with my son.

How I did today:
1.  Sleep - 6.5 hours last night
2.  Exercise - 60 minutes Jazzercise and 80 minutes of hiking
3.  Strength training - part of Jazzercise
4.  Yoga – nope
5.  Meditation – 0 
6.  Food – a lot of food – PMS + a lot of exercise = hungry patty

How I did yesterday:
1.  Sleep - 7 hours Wed. night
2.  Exercise - 0 (boy did it feel weird!)
3.  Strength training - none
4.  Yoga – nope
5.  Meditation – 0 
6.  Food – don’t remember

The Truth No One Else Will Tell You on Weight Loss

A number of issues are involved in proper diet efforts that will prove to sustain weight loss over long periods. Many fad diets are incomplete or just plain will not work.

Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook

Health care professionals generally agree that people that have a BMI of 30 or greater can improve the health through weight loss. It is especially true for people with a BMI of 40 or greater, that are considered extremely obese. A weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of the initial body weight can do much to improve health by lowering blood pressure and other risk factors for obesity-related diseases. The method of treatment depends on the level of obesity, and readiness to lose weight. Weight dominate is a life-long effort, and having realistic expectations about weight loss is an central consideration. Individuals that were previously considered overweight and obese individuals are encouraged to capture 60 to 90 minutes of exercise a day to sustain weight loss. Choosing a secure and Successful Weight-loss Program. Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Across the Lifespan. Better Health and You.

Prior printed Publication
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001

Suggested Links
Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss
Weight Loss Help

Tags: weight loss weight los risk factors lowering blood pressure lose weight healthy eating health care fad diets fad diet body weight

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hagerstown Fitness and Weight Loss Programs

Author: Chad R. Smith

Get fit and fabulous! Show your curves and your well-toned muscles. Feel good and look great with Hagerstown programs weight loss through fitness experts who can help burn those unwanted calories and stubborn body fat within 30 minutes in one days. Witness the incredible reduction of self that thumb in your body.

And opt for a healthier approach to your nutrition and diet regime. Tired of your boring routine and will appear nowhere? Now it is time to step out of your cranky advanced exercise gadgets and try plans facilitated by the experts of the health Hagerstown.

A 30 minutes weight loss program can be simpler and quicker way to see amazing results in just a few days. Hagerstown weight loss experts have proven to be effective in their aim to help hundreds of people achieve their desire of Hagerstown are fit and sexy.

Three Way scientific approaches will generate physical improvements if they can help your weight loss program. They can use your power module for an effective way to double your physical transformation to a healthier stage. Improved eating habit will grow metabolize your unwanted fat.

Flushing out toxins from your body will ultimately enhance your good eating habits and experience a healthier view of yourself. You do not have to worry about yourself to starve to death simply to your diet plan complete with Hagerstown weight loss program, healthy eating is still essential as a part of losing weight.

Starting weight loss program with diet and lifestyle can improve a programmed exercise that clients of Hagerstown will encounter. Hagerstown health experts will help their clients with the right exercise program that fits and matches their body type and health conditions.

They have the most effective weight loss exercises that a positive outcome and promised to encourage their customers to ensure the continuation of their health programs. From treadmills to weight lifting machines, Hagerstown health lawyers will certainly enjoy the fruits of their enthusiasm for their goals to be healthy and fit.

After a few days of regular compliance with the health of the program, the progress goes along. Following the simple but effective strategies, recovery of these strenuous exercises and <a href="</p> <p>″ target=”_top”>nutrition format will be taken in. Some health experts knew a little about. It is essential for the health of these clients to return to their normal daily intake of food without suffering an abrupt change in appetite.</p> <p>Hagerstown Health experts are dedicated to their profession as gurus who guide their clients to a healthier lifestyle. Many of the health and fitness clinics will be found in Hagerstown that different but effective weight loss programs that give you faster results satisfactory and that no other clinics can offer.</p> <p>Hagerstown weight loss program can assure you a safer way of achieving your goal in losing weight the healthier your resources. Stand out among the rest and a head Turner in a few days. Do not get left behind, stay away from you your old self and start becoming sexy.</p> <p>Are you looking for a Hagerstown weight loss? Visit today to discover the secrets and benefits of losing weight!</p>

Dottie's Weight Loss Zone Is It Legit?

Is Dottie’s weight loss zone the real deal? Do her methods actually work? If you’ve been looking for weight loss strategies for any period, you know there is a lot of fraudulent info out there.

Want To Lose 30lbs In 30 Days Like Phil For Free? CLICK HERE

Does Dottis weight reduction Zone actually work or is it yet another’fad’ strategy destined to fail?
Dottie’s weight loss zone has no doubt impacted masses of lives in a positive way. From her simple to prepare foods to the numerous testimonials, there is not any doubt it’s a great program. However , what if you are looking to drop a large amount of weight fast? I’m not talking about starving yourself here, but eating healthy and exercising to lose 4-5 pounds per week. Can this strategy still work?

by looking at Dottie’s weight loss zone and chatting to some people who have tried it, I believe there are better alternatives for quick weight loss.
The site includes such tools as a popular forum ( message board ), where dieters exchange everything to do with weight loss including program reviews, tips/tricks/information that they have come across, support and other life talks. To help this there’s also a chat feature in which folk can chat among themselves. In addition to the community the site also offers valuable info on preferred restaurants and the ingredients in their meals ( i.e.

the best way to start your diet, before trusting Dotties weight loss center, is to consult a medical pro.

Another excellent point Dottie’s weight loss zone makes is to plan your meals beforehand and always ensure you have them with you when going out, because otherwise, it’s all too easy to yield to the temptation of getting junk food. If you have got your food with you, this will not be an issue .

make sure that you are not eating late. Back in highschool I used to be a big lad. I lost over forty pounds, and one of the most significant reasons I succeeded was because I never ate after 7 p.m. I know that may sound hard for plenty of you, but just make dinner the last thing you eat. If you must eat something else try fruit rather than greasy nibbles. Another note to think about is that while Dottie’s Weight Watcher section is providing a lot of information and help, it’s also making money for Dottie, so keep it in mind when considering her products and recommendations.

Want To Lose 30lbs In 30 Days Like Phil For Free? CLICK HERE

Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone Is It Legitimate?

1 Pound Of Fat = 3,500 Calories

Clickbank Pirate.

There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. So, if you reduce or working outside only 3500 calories, you will lose the entire pound of fat. Although possible to reduce calorie intake and increase exercise to lose pounds quickly, it is important to note that doctors recommend you lose no more than 2 kg body weight per week in order to ensure that your body adjusts to the correct weight.

Here are some tips to help you secure your routines drop from 3500:


Running for about 1 hour with slow will help you lose around 350 calories, depending on your body type, speed and field. So, if you’re running for an hour five days a week to maintain a consistent diet, you will lose one pound in peace.

It is important to understand that many people will run the new start eating pasta and other high carbohydrate foods in order to balance the energy. They think that because they work so hard outside, they qualify for the treat. In addition, they confirm, pasta will help maintain their energy level quality.

However, what they may not realize is that while they allowed the thought that carbohydrates will instill them with strength training routine, they are not set up to reduce their body weight. When you burn 350 calories but more than 450 over of high carbohydrate quality pasta, you will add more calories to your body than would otherwise do.

Running is not, however, help to increase our metabolism and changed tone your muscles so you burn calories more efficiently. Instead of pasta dishes breathe after running, choose not to have a salad and splurge for a large crouton-rich carbohydrates.

Clickbank Pirate.

Eating In

When you eat outside at a restaurant, you not only facilitate your body to array of high-fat, high calorie food, but you can also persuade yourself to eat a larger portion than you might usually eat. Because of this, what can be 500 calories of food medium can easily be changed fat calorie-fest 1500. In order to lose weight by reducing calories, it is important that you know exactly what you put in your body. Especially at the beginning of your new routines, it is important that you prepare food and monitor the level of hunger.

When eating out, generally you are in social situations where food is not a priority? I spend time with your friends are. For this reason, people tend to eat more than usual. Cover non-food eaters often even spring for an extra round of calories. If you need to eat outside, help yourself avoid the temptation to choose from a plate of pasta salad or burger. You will be amazed at the difference in the number of calories you asupan when you make simple choices such as eating options.

Asupan by reducing calories and increasing your overall level of physical activity, you will lose those 3500 calories without much difficulty. Make sure that you stay focused, motivated and on task. You? II warehouse of unwanted weight in a short time!

Clickbank Pirate.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

7 Tips to Reduce Emotional Eating

It’s amazing how the human mind works! Today, as I was sitting in the clinic, idle, my mind started playing some nasty tricks on me. Images of assorted types of food started popping up. After all, eating was a sight better than staring at the medical journals or the newspaper. Aptly named Comfort Eating, I must say! The task of eating actually gives us something to do besides the mundane tasks at hand. Perhaps, we might be feeling down and that takes our mind off the issue troubling us.

Many people turn to emotional eating or comfort eating when stressed, depressed, bored or just plain lonely. Some love to munch in front of the television, and before they realize, the whole bag of chips is gone. The problem is that we tend to snack on unhealthy food laden with salt and saturated fat or sugar. It does not augur well with our weight loss efforts.

In the clinic today, I sat back and gave myself a few minutes. After that, I picked up my bag to go out for half an hour and by the time I came back, I felt much better. The cravings had passed. This set me thinking. I realize that a lot of people who want to lose weight have issues with cravings. Here are some tips to reduce emotional eating.

1. Plan Your Meals in Advance - “Failing to plan is planning to fail” as the saying goes. Planning our meals 1 week in advance, especially on a Sunday goes a long way toward reducing unhealthy food in our diets. Most people tend to stick to meal plans if they have written them down. Initially, keeping a food log may help. This tells us our trends and even reveals snacks which we have forgotten we ate. Gradually, our food log will be the same as our meal plans at the beginning of the week.

2. Make a List For Grocery Shopping - The next step is to make a list for grocery shopping according to your weekly meal plans. Go groceries shopping once a week and stick to the list at hand. Buy only healthy food. Chances are that if you do not have these unhealthy snacks at home, you will not eat them. Do not go out to buy food when hungry.

These tips of planning your meal and then going grocery shopping may initially take some time but once you get used to it, you can actually recycle a lot of the lists.

3. Keep To A Balanced Diet - Eating a balanced diet with healthy snacks in between can go a long way to reducing cravings. If the calories consumed per day are a lot less than the requirements, we tend to be hungry. Hunger usually leads to cravings of our favorite food. Eating 3 main well balanced meals with 2 snacks in between keep you satisfied the whole day.

You also need to learn to recognize true hunger. If you have just had a meal, it is likely that this is not true hunger.

4. Use a Buddy System – Keeping to a weight loss regime with a friend is a very effective method of weight loss. Numerous studies have shown that people tend to keep to a prescribed diet and exercise when they have a buddy. When faced with cravings, you can call your buddy to distract yourself or motivate yourself to stick to the planned meals. It gives you some time to sit back and think of the consequence of  your actions. Sometimes, that is all we need.

5. Keep Busy - Go shopping for clothes or go for a movie with friends when idle or feeling down. Shopping for clothes generally gives me motivation to lose more weight so I can fit into a smaller size. Keep yourself busy. This gives us less time to dwell on food.

6. Exercise regularly - Regular exercise not only helps with weight loss but also releases endorphins or the “happy hormone”. This elevation of mood helps to reduce cravings. Moreover, people who exercise tend to be more conscious of what they eat, preferring to choose healthy food.

7. Associate with Health Conscious People - Associate with people who are conscious about their health, exercise regularly and are mindful of what they eat. It makes it easier if the people around us have the same goals and ideas like us. Joining a group or association with the same objectives also helps.

There may be times when despite all these measures above, you still give in to the cravings. We should not beat ourselves up over this. Get right back on track. After all, tomorrow is another day. Remember “Do your best today and tomorrow you will do better”.

Tags: emotional eating, weight loss, weight gain, meal planning, shopping list, buddy system, exercise, endorphins

Fatty Fatty Fatty

Ugh.  So I am on the weight loss train again.  First let me just ask, what the hell?  Why is it so hard?  I used to think I was stronger than all of this, but alas, I am falling prey to the common emotions everyone seems to have.  When I am stressed, I like to eat.  There isn’t any other way around it.  I can eat healthy all day long if I am happy, but how do I keep it up when my emotions run high and I don’t have any other way to deal with these emotions?

I guess the questions I should be asking myself have much more to do with my mental state than with my problem with food.  I am an addict.  There I said it.  My drug of choice at the moment is food.  I am always searching for my next fix and my fix right now is food.  So, my weight loss journey is not quite as simple as maybe it is for other people, I do not know.  I do not want to assume that I have it harder than others or anything.  But I do acknowledge that I am an addict.  Isn’t that the first step?  Until I blog again…


So, it’s been months since I last posted. I stopped posting because I got a little too obsessed with losing weight and I felt like a failure. Anyway, I’m about the same weight these days. I stopped weighing myself so much, but I’m usually between 114 and 116. Anyways, over the summer I wasn’t exercising as much or as hard as I should have been, which is probably why I didn’t lose all the weight that I wanted to lose. Also, being around my boyfriend 24/7 wasn’t good for my eating habits. I’ve worked on those (my eating habits), and I’m at a point where I literally cannot eat very much without feeling sick. I had a spell of something, I don’t know what, and my only symptom was extreme nausea, especially when I ate. So for about two weeks I barely ate anything, and I think my stomach must have shrunk or something, because I can’t even drink a full 12-ounce can of soda without feeling sick. I’m trying to eat only when I’m hungry, but I have indulged some, and I think I stretched my tummy out a little bit, but I’m pretty much at a happy medium where I can eat enough without eating too much or feeling full too fast. Whatever, the point is, I’m not as much of a fattie anymore. I’m trying to focus on long-term changes and goals. Slower weight loss is generally more successful weight loss, anyway. I’m more likely to keep it off by losing it slower.

Okay, enough of that. Now to running.

I have decided to start running. I bought I decent pair of running shoes (nothing too expensive or too cheap), a slightly-too-tight sports bra (slightly too tight so that my breasts will stay firmly against my chest), and some new workout capris! Today I wore my new gear and took the first step toward living the life of a runner. I am following a running program that either I’ve adapted from somewhere or made up on my own, I can’t remember because I’ve spent days researching running programs for beginners. Anyway, here’s the program:

Week One: Mon.-Thurs. Run for one minute and walk for four minutes 6 times for a total of 30 minutes. And maybe get a mile or two on the weekend, too.

Today is Monday, which means I ran a total of six minutes today (more than ever; I know, it’s sad) and walked for a total of 24 minutes. Yay! It’s something to be proud of! I thought I was going to end up passing out and dying after the first one-minute run period, so I had intended to do 30-second bursts, but it turns out I’m in better shape than I though, and I managed to survive 6 one-minute bursts of running! It was also the fastest workout I’ve ever had. Like, it felt waaayyy faster than just walking for 32 minutes. I guess it’s because concentrating on and anticipating the one-minute run periods used a lot of my mind that would usually be bored and wandering. :] I’m not sure what I’m going to do for next week, I will have to figure it out when I get there. Plus, it’s Thanksgiving and I will be on holiday and away from my school’s awesome gym. But I think it will allow me to do more running outside, which, I think, will be a good thing.

Anyway, I’m super proud of myself and really happy because I feel like I am taking the initiative to really turn my life around. I’ve always wanted to run, but I’ve just never started; now, finally, I have started, and I have no intention of stopping. My first goal is to be able to run for 30 consecutive minutes. And then my next goal is to be able to run 3 miles in 30 minutes, which would have me running at about six miles per hour, which, honestly, is not that fast to most, but it is to me.

My tentative plan for after I reach my initial goals: After I succeed in being able to run 3 miles in half an hour, I will slowly increase my running time each week like this: 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60. I will then make sure that I can run 6 miles in sixty minutes, and then I will slowly, very slowly, start to add more speed and distance. Of course, I have no idea if this is actually what I will do, but I do know that I am not going to stop running. I love it; it’s so much more fun than walking and it burns so many more calories. I feel so proud knowing that I can run! This is one thing that I will definitely stick with, and I think I might start running outside, like cross country. I ran just a little from the gym to the dorms, and it was really pleasant, I can only imagine how wonderful running in nature, passing trees and plants and flowers with fresh air must be. I want to go to the park this weekend and run (or at least try to).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

30 Foods that Fight Fat

This is taken from Self magazine. I really liked it because it doesn’t offer a miracle cure to good health. Just some really yummy food options that can make you feel and look better!

30 foods that fight fat Want to peel off pounds but can’t handle the hunger? Dig in to SELF’s new bag of diet tricks, one that shows you how eating more of certain foods (even pizza!) can help you lose. The women here shed weight effortlessly—fill up on their picks, and you’ll stay satisfied and get slim, too!

From the August 2006 Issue of Self Magazine Breakfast Cottage cheese

“It’s the perfect breakfast because it keeps me full until lunch,” says Melody Abedinejad, 22, of Weston, Massachusetts. “I lost 40 pounds in 10 weeks!”

Why it works Cottage cheese has whey protein, which releases hormones that tell your brain when you’ve had enough to eat, says Dave Grotto, R.D., of Chicago. Look for lowfat versions, which have 80 calories and 1 gram of fat per 1/2 cup.

Egg whites

“I eat them every day,” says Jennifer Ruff, 36, of New York City. “I throw in a little cheese for flavor.”

Why they work The amino acids in egg whites help build lean muscle that may in turn help rev metabolism. Lowfat cheese will curb calorie creep.


“I’d often pour a second bowl of cold cereal. So now I cook oatmeal—if I want more, it’s not as easy,” says Ana Mantica, 24, of New York City. “In six months, I lost two dress sizes.”

Why it works Plain oatmeal has no added sugar and keeps blood sugar steady. Make it tastier with a dash of cinnamon and chopped nuts.

Lunch Sushi

“It’s low-calorie, filling and something I can order on a date that doesn’t scream ‘I’m watching my figure,’” says Shira Kallus, 29, of New York City.

Why it works A piece of sushi has 30 to 40 calories and plenty of satiating protein. Skip rolls that are fried or are made with mayo.

Peanut butter

“I spread it on light bread, and it sticks with me until dinner,” says Christina Sarracino, 30, of San Francisco. “This lunch helped me lose 90 pounds.”

Why it works ”Peanut butter has satisfying healthy fats,” says Kathy McManus, R.D., director of nutrition at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Watch portions, though: Two tablespoons have 190 calories.


I started eating beans to replace red meat. They’re great when you’re craving something with substance,” says Amy Balestier, 34, of Hoboken, New Jersey.

Why it works You can’t beat beans—they’re only about 150 calories per 1/2 cup and full of protein, fiber and antioxidants. Toss your faves into soups, salads and chili.

Fat-free plain yogurt

“I stir it into tuna salad instead of mayonnaise. It tastes and feels similar,” says Ashley Liu, 26, of New York City.

Why it works The yogurt has fewer than 10 calories per tablespoon, versus 90 in regular mayo. Mix in mustard to create a spicy Dijonaise.


“Whenever my pants are tight, I use lemon to help me drop a couple of pounds,” says Alonna Friedman, 32, of New York City. “I squeeze it on spinach salad, grilled chicken, fish and veggies.”

Why it works Citrus is so fresh and tangy that you may come to prefer it to fatty butter and dressings that mask foods’ natural flavors.

Snack Energy bars

“I love small energy bars like Pria, which, at around 110 calories, are my chocolate fix,” says Kelly Winter, 33, of New York City. “I snacked on one every afternoon instead of a candy bar, and I lost 5 pounds in four weeks.”

Why it works You get a treat for less than half the fat and calories of a regular candy bar. Other choices we love include Kashi TLC Chewy granola bars (120 to 140 calories) and Barbara’s Puffins Cereal & Milk Bars (130 to 140 calories).


“When I was on Weight Watchers, I ate a ton of baby carrots because you’re allowed to have as many as you want. And they’re sweet enough to eat plain,” says Carol Sciotto, 31, of Wantagh, New York.

Why it works Carrots are a classic diet food because they’re low in calories (52 per 1 cup chopped) and a good source of fiber, Grotto says. They’re the ideal snack if you like to nibble.

Soy chips

“I eat them instead of Doritos,” says Randi Walz, 45, of New York City. “I dropped eight dress sizes!”

Why it works A 1.3-ounce bag of soy chips has about 140 calories, 55 fewer than most regular chips. You also get 9 grams of protein.

Part-skim string cheese

“It’s great for an energy boost before or after the gym,” says Sara Newman, 31, of New York City. “I pull the cheese apart. I lost 17 pounds in 10 months.”

Why it works For only 80 calories per stick, you get a decent dose of protein and some calcium. Adding a few whole-grain crackers would hold off hunger even longer.


“I put hummus on celery, broccoli and mushrooms, and I lost 10 pounds,” says Leigh-Anne Kent, 37, of Golden, Colorado. “It tides me over between meals.”

Why it works Hummus is high in healthy fat and supplies protein as well. Many dieters are fatphobes, but “a little fat can help you feel satisfied, so you end up eating less overall,” McManus says.


“I reach for edamame whenever I want something salty, like pretzels,” says Shira Enstrom, 36, of Vienna, Virginia.

Why it works You get nearly 6 grams of fiber for 190 calories in a 3/4-cup serving, plus protein, says Samantha Heller, R.D., senior clinical nutritionist at New York University Medical Center in New York City. “If you buy them in the pod, you also have to shell them, which slows down the eating process.”

Dried fruit

“I started snacking on it seven years ago and lost 40 pounds. I’d have it in the afternoon instead of candy,” says Suzanne Reisman, 30, of New York City.

Why it works Dried fruit is loaded with fiber and has barely any fat. But calories are concentrated, so “limit portions to 1/4 cup,” says Dawn Blatner, R.D., a spokeswoman in Chicago for the American Dietetic Association.

Dinner Shrimp

“I sauté them with a little olive oil, snow peas, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots and teriyaki sauce,” says Laura Egbert, 24, of Philadelphia. “In three months, I lost 15 pounds.”

Why it works At 84 calories per 3-ounce serving, shrimp has about two thirds of the calories of chicken and about half that of sirloin.


“I sprinkle a teaspoon of olive oil across a Boboli pizza crust and top it with fresh spinach, mushrooms, black olives, red onions and a little cheese,” says Shannon Reid, 29, of Chandler, Arizona. “I ate it three times a week and lost 12 pounds in six months.”

Why it works Making your own meals is a smart way to trim calories because you control the ingredients. Using lowfat cheese will also cut saturated fat. And the veggies are loaded with fiber. (vixen tip- try to find a yummy whole wheat crust for added fiber!)


“I lost a lot of weight when I made healthier food choices and took up Ashtanga yoga,” says Ruthanne Feinberg, 34, of New York City. She opts for a simple meal of tofu and spinach with soy sauce.

Why it works Tofu has only about 50 calories per 3-ounce slice, and you can barbecue it, stir-fry it, even use it in dishes like lasagna, Blatner says. Not a fan? Freeze slices before defrosting and cooking. That gives it the chewier texture of beef or chicken.


“I put salsa on everything: baked potatoes, omelets, even salmon,” says Kathleen Robinson, 43, of New York City. “After a month, I took off 5 pounds!”

Why it works Use 2 tablespoons of salsa instead of sour cream and you’ll slash about 50 calories and 5 grams of fat. “Even the bottled salsas are usually lean and a rich source of the cancer-fighting substance lycopene,” Heller says.

Poached chicken

“It’s my standby speedy, healthy dinner,” says Liz Baker, 27, of Chicago.

Why it works Skip sautéing and you save more than 240 calories. Liven up the taste with fresh herbs and spices.

Sweet potatoes

“I eat them for dinner topped with a little bit of Smart Balance Omega Plus spread, along with a serving of chicken or fish,” says Beth Janes, 28, of New York City. “It helped me lose 3 pounds in a month.”

Why it works A medium sweet potato has about 115 calories and won’t raise your blood sugar as much as eating a white potato will. Try slicing and baking with a brush of olive oil for low-cal “fries.”

Sweets Baked apples

“I core a Rome apple, pour diet cherry soda over it, sprinkle on Splenda and cinnamon, and then microwave it for eight minutes. It tastes just like apple pie,” says Amy Levy, 38, of Los Angeles. “I lost 12 pounds eating this!”

Why it works ”Apples are rich in fiber, which may aid in weight loss,” Blatner says.

Fat-free Cool Whip

“I freeze it and spread 2 tablespoons between two chocolate graham crackers,” says Joy Rowland, 35, of Atlanta. “It’s helped me shed 40 pounds.”

Why it works At 15 calories per serving, this tasty topping is truly a guiltless goody.

Frozen fruit

“I microwave a cup of frozen berries for dessert with a little cocoa on top,” says Jennifer Worrell, 34, of Bedford, Texas. “In 15 months, I’ve lost 35 pounds.”

Why it works These nutrient-packed bites are naturally sweet, low in calories and filled with fiber and water to keep you full and satisfied.


“When I was trying to lose 20 pounds after having a baby, I turned to no-sugar-added Fudgesicles,” says Jennifer Weiss, 34, of Napa, California. “They’re only 40 calories each, so even if I want seconds, I’m still eating less than 100 calories.”

Why it works Fudgesicles are creamy, so they feel like a treat. No deprivation!

Fat-free, sugar-free pudding

“I’m a chocolate addict!” says Melissa Aiello, 26, of Rutherford, New Jersey. “But I lost 10 pounds, mainly by eating pudding instead of ice cream.”

Why it works One half cup is a big treat for only 80 calories, Grotto says.

Angel food cake

“I have it with fat-free Cool Whip and fruit,” says Erin O’Leary, 24, of New York City. “It does the trick when I want a sweet.”

Why it works Have your (angel food) cake and eat it, too—it has only 72 calories and no fat per 3/4-inch slice. Fruit makes it more filling.

Drinks Fat-free hot chocolate

“I blend a packet with ice and a cup of skim milk for an amazing and filling milk shake,” says Lindsay Bradshaw, 24, of Atlanta.

Why it works Cocoa mix gives the taste of chocolate for only 50 calories. And a whipped drink may feel more indulgent than a thinner beverage.

Virgin mimosa

“When I’m out, I ask the bartender to mix orange juice with diet ginger ale. It has 55 calories, so I get less than half the calories of most mixed drinks,” says Hayley Lattman, 30, of New York City. “I’ve been doing this for four years, and I’ve lost 15 pounds!”

Why it works You save calories (about 125 over a standard juice-and-vodka screwdriver) and bypass alcohol, which can reduce your inhibitions and lead to overeating.

Herbal tea

“Sweets are my downfall, so I drink vanilla tea when I’m not really hungry but am craving something sugary,” says Mara Clarke, 33, of London.

Why it works A cup of tea can soothe stress, preventing overeating, McManus says. The flavor makes it more satisfying—and isn’t that the point?

Exercise #87 - Energizing Your Internal Organs, Part 1

Welcome to Healing T’ai Chi

…the award-winning blog of seated T’ai Chi and Qigong exercises to balance mind, body and spirit for people of all ages and levels of fitness.

(brought to you by the Exercise Equipment Super Store)


“Cut open doors and windows to create a room
In its emptiness, there is the function of a room Therefore, that which exists is used to create benefit
That which is empty is used to create functionality.” Tao Te Ching #11, translation by Derek Lin


 This exercise will massage and re-vitalize all your internal organs, stimulating their resistance to disease and strengthening your immune system.  

 Your posture should be the same as in previous sessions,  When you’re facing forward, breathe in through your nose as you expand your diaphragm.  Then breathe out slowly through your mouth until you have completed the twist.

 Torso twists:

  1.  Hold your hands in front of your shoulders, palms facing away from you.  Take a deep breath through your nose expanding your diaphragm.
  2. Twist from the waist to the left as you breathe out slowly, pushing your arms out until they are fully extended but without locking your elbows.  Pause in your breathing for a second and then begin breathing in again as you twist back to face forward.
  3. Immediately begin breathing out as you twist to the right and extend your arms.  Remember to visualize the movement of your ch’i as it travels from your lower dan tien (3 finger-widths below your belly button in the center of your body).  Direct your ch’i upward through your chest to the shoulders and down your arms to your hands. 
  4. Release the used-up energy through your palms.  Pause for a moment in your breath cycle before your begin breathing in again and return to face forward.
  5. Continue alternating from side to side with special attention to the “gathering” of your breath and ch’i  and the “releasing” of the stale breath and used-up energy.  I would suggest no less than 12 repetitions or 6 on each side.

Reflexology exercise:

Whether you have problems with your liver or are just interested in keeping this very important organ healthy and strong, the technique below can be of great benefit.

  • Cross one leg over the thigh of your other leg so that you can easily reach the bottom of your foot.  You may lie down to do this or sit in a chair. Pick the position that  is the most comfortable for you.
  • Beginning at the back of the heel and using both thumbs, slide your thumbs alternately ( i.e. the right one than the left one)back and forth  in  a sawing motion across the your heel working your way up to just below your toes.
  • Reverse the direction from toes to the end of your heel.  Change feet and repeat.

Benefits:  Use this massage technique daily to strengthen your liver.  It is also beneficial to relax sore, tired feet.


Don’t forget to drink water at the end of your exercise session or any time you begin to feel thirsty.  A Word of Caution…If you have or have had problems with your kidneys, please consult your physician.


This week’s featured blog/site:

Featured video:

Find great deals on home exercise equipment at the Exercise Equipment Super Store.

~The exercises in this blog are intended for educational purposes only.  Always consult with your health care provider before beginning a new exercise program.~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

gotta do better today

so yesterday i went over my points by about 4 points…probably more.

i want to be better today…tighter with my points allocation. i think i can make the points go alot further. i mean i should be thankful that i have 31 WHOLE points…that’s alot of food if you think about it. the truth is, if you notice, i keep eating the same things over and over and over during the day, week etc. i really need to diversify my food options so i don’t get bored or ‘too familiar’ with them and start giving myself little graces with them.

looks like my shopping list needs revamping!

be encouraged folks!

Got 60 Seconds? Get Healthy!

If you’re looking for ways to lose weight and improve your health, check out these 60 Second Solutions from Prevention TV.

Topics include everything from food (“Better Broccoli”) to exercise (“Surprising Belly Flattener”) to kitchen cosmetics (“At Home Beauty Remedies”) and more.  The videos are free and each one lasts only a minute — time well spent for anyone who’s looking for inexpensive, practical health information.


Things I am thankful for:

  • My hubby, who loves me unconditionally
  • God- who is there to listen
  • MJ who loves to cuddle me anytime I’m feeling down
  • My family and friends who are always there for me
  • A job!
  • A house
  • Food on the table
  • Clothes on my back
  • A car to get to work
  • That I actually ovulated last month
  • That I had a “normal” looking BBT chart last month
  • That I’m losing weight
  • That my BFF is pregnant and I’m gonna be a auntie again!
  • Another month to get pregnant!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

High on Greens

I grew up eating collards, mustard and turnip greens.  My grandmother would tell me, as she dipped me out a generous helping, “Eat these greens.  They’ll make your cheeks rosy.”

Well, I’m not sure about the rosy part, but I know that when I eat greens, I feel so energized and clean.  Yes, greens make me feel very clean.

My latest hankering has been for kale.  I eat kale for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but when I came across the Kale-Parmesan salad at Lu Lu Wilson in Aspen, Colorado last year, I developed a new love affair with this green.

Last night, my husband and I dined at Lu Lu’s, and the place was packed. Kale salads were pouring out of the kitchen.  Honestly, I believe every one in the place ordered this dish.

It’s so popular, and rightfully so.  It is truly delish!

My theory is that people are so high off of this salad, that they have threatened the chef, so he has (generously) shared his recipe.

Even if you don’t like greens, I suggest you just give this recipe a whirl.  It’s like the little black dress that has been jazzed up with a Birkin bag and a Harry Winston pendant.

It’s greens on steroids.

It’s like eating a drug.

Yes, I’m a little high on greens myself, and I think that my cheeks may even be a little more rosy this morning.

LuLu Wilson Kale Salad

One serving. Can be made a few hours ahead, but better if prepared just before serving.

2            ounces dark green kale with no yellow edges

2            tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1            tablespoon lemon juice

1/4            cup currants

1/4            cup grated parmesan cheese

1/4            cup pine nuts, not toasted

Using a very sharp knife, cut away the kale leaves’ tough center stems. Roll the leaves like a cigar and cut them into very fine thin slices, about 1/8th-inch wide.  Put kale and olive oil into a bowl and toss by hand. Add the lemon juice and toss again. Add the currants, parmesan, and pine nuts and toss by hand until the mixture is soft. Taste and adjust quantities if needed. Serve on a cold plate.

NOTE: “Cut the kale using an extremely sharp knife,” says Coffey. “A dull knife will crush the kale and make the salad soggy. It’s also fun to use a recipe like this to learn a technique like chiffonade (where herbs and leafy vegetables are cut into long, thin strips).”

(Courtesy of Aspen Magazine)

My suggestion:  Make this salad ahead of time and let it marinate for a few hours. And, the cold plate really does end the finishing touch.  Bon Appetite!

Day 12 - Insane Yo!

Tonight I was NOT going to workout, I felt so bummed out…but I put the kiddos in bed and I did it. Tonight was day 12 of beachbody insanity…todays workout…cardio power and resistance. This workout is no joke, it is intense. During the stretch immediately after the warm-up workout (I call it a workout because it is more of a workout than what someone would consider a warm-up)…anyway, I was sweating buckets. I don’t think more sweat has rolled off my face ever. Maybe that is pouring on the melodrama pretty thick, but hey! It was an intense workout. I still struggle with some of the moves, but I am sooo much better than the first week.

I have not lost any weight, but that’s okay because I think it will come if I just keep it up.

Until next time….

Losing Weight with Interval Training

Interval training is all about working out or training by alternating high intensity exercises with low intensity exercises. Interval training provides the same benefits as a 30-minute aerobic routine, which has a high enough intensity to strengthen your heart while also providing long-term fat burning. Interval training is a highly effective way to lose weight and keep the weight off.

For example, run as fast as you can for one full minute, either on the treadmill or outside. Follow this one-minute run by two minutes of walking. When the two minutes is up, run again as fast as you for one minute and then walk again for another two minutes. Continue this routine for a full 30-minute session.

Benefits of Interval Training

  • Makes legs stronger
  • Builds more muscle mass
  • Burns more fat
  • Provides cardio-vascular training for a stronger heart
  • Helps to prevent heart disease
  • Improves circulation

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To shart or not to shart, that is the question

Dear J,

I need to set a goal and really, really mean it this time.  I want to lose 80 lbs in 10 months.  This would be in September and when a certain friend is getting married.  I want to be thin and healthy for her nuptials!  Since I will be officiating the wedding I don’t want to look like “the world’s fattest priest” that they referenced five or six times on yesterday’s iCarly episode (don’t judge).

So here is my plan.
Starting ASAP I will attend Pilates classes at the YMCA twice a week.  I will make healthier food for the fam.  I will take the Alli I bought a year ago (again, don’t judge).  Now that I don’t have a regular gig, I won’t live in constant fear that I might accidently “shart” at work.  You know what a shart is, right?  It’s when you think you need to fart and instead you shit yourself a little, yeah, not pleasant and not something I want to do in front of others.  If I am at home, I can shit myself all I want and will be fine.

Seriously, I do want to try it since I already freaking bought it!  Also, I have GOT to hit the gym more often.  If you lived here we could work out together.  Or, we would sabotage each other like when we were in college and joined that gym and would hit the Sonic next door afterwards…yeah, maybe this long-distance thing is better for us.


Almost 60 baby!

Weigh in went splendid! Except that I was starving (oh come on like you dont hold off eating until after your weigh-ins!) and its “Holiday Talk” time so all we did was talk about Holiday food traditions…drool. Anyways I felt like I had a pretty good week, but it was nice to step on the scale and see…


Holla! That puts me 57.8 lbs lost! That my friend is most definitely 60lbs naked! Im very pleased with this.

In other news I really think I might wanna do the Denver Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day. Its a 4 mile walk at 10:30 am and I think it would be the perfect pre-meal activity so I dont feel bad about all the yummy food I will be having! Who else wants to do this with me?



Low Fat Green Bean Casserole


Sunday, November 8, 2009

I was really losing weight now I can't seem to budge!

Plateaus: 5 reasons I can think of:
1. Not enough water. Many times when people hit a plateau they have slacked off on their water. Half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

2. Not enough food. If you don’t eat enough veggies your metabolism will slow down. It is good to change it up every other day or every two days, eat less on one day and then way more on another day (veggies that is). Then your body doesn’t think you are in a famine.

3. Exercise. When your body has eliminated all the inflammation and fat that are related to toxicity your weight loss will slow way down. You are at the perfect time to exercise. Choose something that will make you sweat for an hour or so after you are finished. Intervals work great because they help to stimulate your metabolism. Check out this website, Don’t buy their stuff, you get lots of free info that is really good. We agree with most of what he teaches although he does encourage people to use dairy products and eat peanut butter and we are very much against both of those items as food.

4. Grains and caffeine. Adding those two back in can really mess up your pancreas, cause you to excrete too much insulin which causes your body to create belly fat.

5. Stress. Stress is the biggest cause of weight gain, due to cortisol excretion and the fact that your body thinks you are going to die and holds on to fat to see you through.

Getting adjusted and taking those supplements will also help to get your body in a place where it can heal and release the fat you don’t want.

Want To Lose Weight? AND Get Ripped & Powerful? Start Sprinting

The most functional activity that you could ever do as a human being regardless of age is run. We are a species born to run, and for the majority of our existence we required the ability to run in order to survive. That meant an all out sprint every once in a while to escape danger, hunt prey, or maybe just for kicks or competition with our pals. 

When you break into an all-out sprint, there is a resulting powerful neuroendocrine response that stimulates your genes to build stronger muscle, thicker bones, and faster nerve impulses- thus allowing you to go faster next time!  Sprinting also fires up your metabolism (can you say weight loss?) improves your insulin sensitivity (burn fuel efficiently), and sculpts your body into a lean mean machine.

One of these athletes spends hours on end at a chronic pace breaking their body down slowly, and the other trains intervals of very brief all-out efforts followed by plenty of rest and recovery.  It’s no secret which of these two athletes is healthier, more functional, and more like our ancestors.

Sprint training can be done as little as once or twice every two weeks on top of your regular exercise programming. I do them once per week on top of my crossfit training and I have noticed a tremendous improvement in my explosiveness.  The cool thing about sprint training whether swimming, biking, running, rowing, etc… is that on top of improving your anaerobic fitness (short bursts of speed) it also improves your cardiovascular fitness! But not the other way around. Read more about these metabolic pathways in the October 2002 crossfit journal.

Listen up! A word of caution, if you are a beginner or have not run in a long time make sure you ease into sprinting slowly. Start by gradually picking up the pace of your walking, then to a slow jog, then to a run, then to uphill walking/running to dampen the impact, then to all-out sprints.  There is potential to injure yourself since sprinting requires a good base of strength, fitness and flexibility.  Make sure you scale accordingly. 

Sprint training can be done with any activity and at various intervals. I usually train anywhere from 10 to 30 second intervals, with anywhere from 1-2 minutes of rest in between sprints.  I will usually do anywhere from 4 to 12 rounds of this 1-2 times every 2 weeks. For beginners, pick up the pace for 10 seconds, and rest for 2 minutes. Do this 4 times in a row every week. I promise your body will improve quickly!  A great resource for sprint and distance interval training is the crossfit endurance website.

For some tips on sprinting check this guy’s video’s out:

As the 2007 Crossfit Games champ James Fitzgerald would say: “Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.”

Go get some!

Your health coach,

Dr. Ryan Hewitt

Saturday, November 7, 2009

You Can Count on Nutrition At Your Fingertips for Food Advice

Everybody eats. But not everybody is a food and nutrition expert. Good advice can sometimes be as hard to find as an H1N1 vaccine! But don’t fear, registered dietitian and author Elisa Zied has you covered in her latest book “Nutrition At Your Fingertips” (NAYF). I scored an interview with the MSNBC contributor. Read on to find out more about her book and get some excellent nutrition advice from a real expert. Can you give me an “insiders peek” into NAYF, what is it? Nutrition at Your Fingertips is part of Alpha Books’ At Your Fingertips series of books. It is designed to give you answers to your basic and not-so-basic nutrition questions quickly, accurately, and reliably. The book is highly formatted and jam-packed with food, nutrition, and even fitness information and it’s very easy to weave in and out of chapters to find the information you’re looking for. The best thing about Nutrition At Your Fingertips (besides the fact that, like other books in the series, it’s well organized) is that it’s a fact-based nutrition book–I did my best to compile and organize the latest and best information that’s out there from highly credible and reliable sources. It has certainly become a book I refer to everyday, whether I’m doing a media interview, writing an article, or answering a friend, colleague, or consumer question about food or nutrition. Why did you decide to write it? Ruth Winter, with whom I wrote my first two books (Feed your Family Right! and So What Can I Eat?!, both published by Wiley), actually recommended me for this project. I love to write, and because my first two books were informational but also very personal, I thought writing a great all-purpose reference-type book would be a much different albeit challenging experience. I had no idea what I was getting into with this book until I actually dove in and began writing. But as grueling and exhausting as it was, I truly loved writing it, organizing it, and researching every topic under the sun. How do you think NAYF will help people? I think Nutrition At Your Fingertips has the potential to be the go-to reference for people who care about healthful eating and fitness habits and at the same time, who want reliable information from a credible source. People who care about what they put into their bodies and who want to help their children or family members (or significant others) do the same without making drastic, complicated lifestyle changes. The book can help people of all ages figure out their individual daily calorie and nutrient needs, and make the appropriate adjustments in their daily habits (for example, lowering saturated and trans fat intake and increasing fiber intake). This book provides people with concise, easy to understand answers to their nutrition questions as well as practical tips–so thy won’t just learn what to do and why to do it to improve their health, but how to take action to move in more healthful direction. Though the book has been out for only a week (it debuted on November 3rd), already I’ve heard from colleagues and personal trainers as well as consumers that the book is easy to read through, so informative, and a great resource–this makes me extremely happy and proud to have written this user-friendly book! Since you’re a nutrition expert, and literally wrote the book on all these nutrition topics, what’s a good piece of advice you can give to people to live just a little bit healthier? The best advice I can give anyone who wants to live a more healthful lifestyle is to not think in black or white but in shades of grey. All-or-none thinking does nothing to help any of us be healthier. Giving up favorite foods does not help either, and often sets people up to feel deprived and can even backfire completely and make you want the foods you’re trying to avoid even more desirable! My attitude is you only live once, and you have to choose your battles. Try to eat as many healthful foods as you can–those foods from the basic food groups (fuits, veggies, lean protein sources like fish, chicken, beans, nuts and seeds, and lean meats, low fat dairy foods, and healthful oils. Try to limit (but not eliminate, which would be very hard if not impossible to do) foods and beverages made with added fats and sugars, and stay as active as possible–walk more, play sports, take exercise classes or work out to music or videos, or even videogames at home. Don’t kill yourself or feel guilt if you overdo it at one meal or for a few days–just get back on a healthy eating track and remind yourself how great you feel when you’re in good shape, fit into your clothes comfortably, and have energy for all the things you want to do. Oh and one last question… how can people order this book?

You can find the book almost anywhere,, and all popular. You can also contact the publisher at to get bulk discounts on the book for groups, conferences, book fairs, or any other events that would find the book useful. To sign up for my newsletter and view video tips or read my blog (called TheZiedGuide), you can go to

Here we go again!

Technorati Tags: overweight,weight loss,tired,success

Well, it is time to try again. I have had great success with Spark in the past, then I fell of the wagon and I gained all the weight I lost and then some.
I feel like crap, I am short of breath, all classic signs of being WAY TOO OBESE!

My dad has lost about 50 plus pounds, so he is going to be my inspiration. If my dad, who is 63 this year can do it, then my lay ass can do it at 40!
We are going to start working out together once I get things taken care of with my gym and joining his.

In the mean time, time to get religious with Spark again. Track everything, track all the time.

I am tired of feeling like crap all the time!

Today I take the first steps to succeeding!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Swif N Bake

Baked a batch of Swif Bars! Stick with it fitness made a recipe for homemade protein bars!

1 cup almonds
1 cup cashews
1 cup cranberries
1 cup egg whites (egg beater whites work 2)
1 whole omega-3 egg
4 scoops vanilla CP[5]
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix everything in a bowl, and pour into a non stick 9×9 inch cooking pan. Bake 350 degrees F for 10mins. Cut into bars. All credit goes to the Swif Blog.

The Swif Blog

A group of people interested in conditioning young, and old athletes. They run a blog that’s fairly new but increasing in activity more and more every week. You can find good training tips, videos, nutritional faqs, recipes “like Swif Bars!”, and pretty much anything else related to fitness.

Of course I enjoyed a Swif bar after baking, actually 2 since I was hungry. Teens need food to grow!

A tasty, and simple bar to make. Besides, the best protein bars are made from scratch. Ill be bringing one to my friend J.R whos part of the Swif team tomorrow.

In other news. Spirit of Pittsburgh Half Marathon released professional photographs this afternoon! How exciting!

Smile for the camera .

Oops, looks like I beat your record!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Anabolic Steroids In Sport & Excercise

In most cases, people use anabolic steroids in sports and exercise. Sportspersons, including athletes, bodybuilders, footballers and others, who put a lot of stake in improved performance on the field, resort to frequent usage of the drug.

In most cases, people use anabolic steroids in sports and exercise. Sportspersons, including athletes, footballers and others, who put a lot of stake in improved performance on the field, resort to frequent usage of the drug. The same goes for those who wish to build muscles and cut down on body fat, thereby presenting themselves with well-toned physique.
Researchers have found that there is a growing tendency among youth to abuse. In sport and exercise the phenomenon is known to be happening for quite awhile. But there are cases where apparently well-built persons too use the drug, believing that without it they will look small and insignificant. In medical parlance, it is called muscle dysmorphia, which surprisingly is prevalent in both men and female, though to a lesser degree in latter’s case.
Even as anabolic steroids are known to cause less to grievous harm to health over short to long term of usage, what is equally true is that there are many myths surrounding its supposed ill-effect. One such is that anabolic steroids cause shrinking in penis and testicles. While that is true in short term, over long term the size returns to normalcy soon after exogenous androgen administration is halted. This is one reason why boys at tender age are never suggested to use the drug, for in their case the effect can be quite damaging.
Be that as it may, the fact that the drug can boost muscle size and ability to perform well in exerting games would mean that the use of  in sports and exercise is not going to go away forever. To that extent, the role of agencies to control the abuse of the substances is important.
And indeed that is the reason why the US Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 has been enacted to ban selling and using anabolic steroid and pro-hormone without relevant medical prescription. To what extent the new act is able to check the abuse of anabolic steroids in sport and exercise, while not unnecessarily preventing genuine medical reasons, remains to be seen.

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