Friday, June 5, 2009

5 Tips to Combat and Burn Fat

Fat loss tips for beginners and advanced people, Male or Female.

No Liquid Calories- (unless it’s a post work out protein drink or similar)

Liquefied sugar is the last thing you want when you are trying to Burn fat.So out with all the Juices, soda’s and sports drinks (that are destined to work with your body systems!!) That makes me laugh, but that’s another topic altogether.

It’s vital that you limit your alcohol consumption.Worst still if you are mixing drinks, or doing the alcopops. Calorie explosion. A whisky and coke…200 calories easy. A couple of those in the evening, or on a night out.Blimey! That means there’s work to do.

No Fast Food- Do not be eating at those fast food places. Don’t kid yourself that you are having something healthy from the menu. Fast food is about profits only. This profiting leads to provision of cheap easy to prepare food with low quality ingredients, particularly protein.

I’m sure you have read articles, and heard reports that you can still make the healthy option at these establishments. That opinion is formed from the politically correct society we live in. If it’s Fast Food, It’s Poor Food. A chicken fillet burger in a white bun with a leaf of grotty lettuce and a greenish pink tomato isn’t exactly healthy eating.

The truth in the matter is that it is going to take you time and effort to eat healthy.Planning, shopping, preperation. Cleaning, cutting and cooking what you want to eat.

The benefits though are worth it. The food tastes so much superior. Eating this way will leave you feeling satisfied, and your body alert. Make a single improvement to your nutritional intake everyday.

Eating More fruit and veg- Obvious I know. But if you are only eating 1 or 2 servings a day, then double this. Even if you are eating the recommended 5 items a day, double this, but over a period of time, say 2-3 weeks.

Eat a handful of almonds 0r walnuts a day- Well, lets not say a handful, as you may well have bucket hands. A guideline of 1/2oz in the morning, and 1/2oz in the afternoon. Call this snack time.

Natural or dry roasted nuts are a good source as others are roasted in oils.

Don’t panic here. (what..nuts??)

This small amount will help you lose weight by filling you up when peckish. They will not make you fat.

Workout Regularly- They need to be efficient and effective also. As long as you do something regularly, that’s the key. Swimming is ideal. Every other night. Between that, walking, or cycling. Time of day isn’t important, just be active REGULARLY. Do what you feel is enough for you.

As an added point, Whenever you eat a big meal, lunch or dinner, take yourself for a walk. Research has suggested that this contributes to controling cholesterol and triglycerides. Plus any movent is better that sitting down doing nothing

5 simple but very effective ways to burn Fat.

Why not even lose fat and gain muscle while you’re at it.

Short term -Change habits today

Longterm -Lifestyle change

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