Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scale Work 101. How much do your thoughts weigh?

Currently the debate is around using a scale or not.  I get a lot of resistance from my clients when I tell them we will be doing scale work.  They have read not to focus on the scale or they tape the number they want to weigh over the actual read out. How has that been working out for you?

I want to address why we will do scale work if we are working together on a weight wellness program.  214, 178, 243 just numbers and to be honest when you tell me the actual number on the scale my give a damn is busted.  Does the number show you are 50 pounds heavier than 5 years ago?  Maybe you have gained 5 pounds since we last worked together?  I honestly don’t care about the number but I do care about you.  The actual number is irrelevant.  Weight is the symptom and not the problem.  A scale will quickly bring up your stuff.  It is so powerful because you bring all your limiting beliefs and heavy thoughts to the scale.   What are you making the digital read out mean?   Maybe you are making it mean that you will never lose weight or you are lazy a failure.  Whatever you are making it mean that is where I can offer tools and support.

I want to share an example of the success of releasing a heavy thought.  One of my weight loss clients has been stuck at a plateau.  The scale refused to budge.  She is firmly grounded in the tools and was able to own the number on the scale without judgment.  In another area of her life she was having heavy thoughts and the thoughts were weighing her down mentally.  Could there be a correlation between her heavy thoughts and the scale? She examined the heavy thoughts and was able to release the mental baggage that was weighing heavy on her mind.  Just yesterday I received an excited email from her.  The day after she released her heavy thoughts she stepped on the scale and it was down 2 pounds!  What an exciting breakthrough!

How much are your thoughts weighing you down?  Can you think lighter?

Love & Light,


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