Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Setting Up the Ideal Pantry for the Mediterranean Diet

Rex Says: Helpful hints similar to what we did to make lifestyle changes after I decided to treat my cancer naturally. AS EVER, please let us know if you’d like some help on developing an individual plan @ Remember, You’re not in this alone.

“Setting Up the Ideal Pantry” excerpted from What Would Jesus Eat by Dr. Don Colbert.

The ideal pantry for eating the way Jesus ate would include these general good items:

BREAD: Select whole-grain breads or whole-grain pita bread. If you are allergic to wheat, choose millet bread or brown rice bread (available at most health food stores)

CEREAL: Choose GoLean soy cereal, all Bran, Fiber One, Shredded Wheat, Grape Nuts, Natural Granola (without added sugar), old-fashioned oatmeal (not instant), or Oat Bran. If you are allergic to wheat, try millet cereal or any gluten-free whole-grain cereal.

CHEESE: Choose parmesan (freshly grated or in a block you can grate yourself), part skim mozzarella, or feta cheese. If you are sensitive or allergic to dairy products, choose soy cheese. I recommend organic cheeses.

EGGS. Choose free-range eggs

FISH. Choose fish with scales and fins. Avoid catfish and shellfish. Make sure that your fish is fresh and that is comes form unpolluted waters.

FRUIT. Fresh is best. Frozen is acceptable. Avoid canned fruit packed in syrup.

HERBS AND SPICES. Many Mediterranean recipes call for garlic powder, parsley, Celtic Salt (available at most health food stores) and black powder. Experiment with herbs and spices – they are a great way to add flavor to your cooking without adding fat or sugar.

MEAT. Choose free-range meat. Avoid pork.

MILK. Choose skim milk and skim milk yogurt or cottage cheese. Soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk are good choices if a person is sensitive or allergic to dairy products.

NUTS.. Almonds and walnuts are preferred nuts. Keep nuts sealed in the bags after they are opened, and tore them in your refrigerator or freezer.

OLIVE OIL. Choose extra virgin or virgin olive oil

PASTA. Choose whole-grain pasta products. If you are allergic to wheat, try spelt or rice pasta.

POULTRY. Choose chicken and turkey, preferably white-meat portions.

SOUPS AND BROTHS. Choose low-sodium, low-fat, natural soup broths (available at health food stores) that are low in food additives.

STARCHES. Other than pasta, choose brown rice or wild rice, beans, legumes, lentils, coarse cornmeal or polenta, and potatoes (fresh, never instant)

SWEETS. Stock a little honey. Consider using Stevia (a natural food source that is very sweet an can be readily add to foods instead of artificial sweetener). It is good for diabetics and has no harmful side effects. You may also want to have a little naturally sweetened fruit spread (no sugar added)

VEGETABLES. Choose fresh or frozen. Low-sodium canned vegetables are acceptable on occasion. Choose especially from these vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peppers, olives, onions, spinach, tomatoes,

Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collard greens, kale squash, turnip greens, and zucchini. Choose dark green lettuce such as romaine lettuce over iceburg lettuce, which does not have nearly as many phytonutrients.

VINEGAR. Choose balsamic, red wine, or apple cider.

WINE. Choose red.

YOGURT. Choose plain, skim or low fat

Remember always – what you bring home from the store is what you have available to eat. If you don’t bring junk food home, you won’t eat junk food at home

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