Saturday, April 4, 2009

This is Stupid

This diet. I mean, seriously, it’s just dumb.

On day one, I ate half a grapefruit, a piece of toast with some peanut butter on it, half a cup of tuna, another piece of toast, three ounces of chicken, some green beans and carrots, an apple and some ice cream.

On day two, I ate an egg, a banana, a piece of toast, some more tuna, two all beef franks, eight crackers, some broccoli and carrots, and some ice cream.

Today, so far I’ve had eight crackers, some cheddar cheese, an apple, a boiled egg, a piece of toast, some more tuna, some carrots and cauliflower and some melon. I will have my ice cream later.

This diet is so remarkably arbitrary it blows my mind.

I think it’s just a simple low-calorie diet that provides the basic vitamins and minerals you need to survive, followed by “no eatin’-instigated” weight loss.

Shopping for this diet has been absolutely stupid. I’ve bought two cans of tuna, the smallest chicken breast I could find, random vegetables and a teeny, tiny tub of vanilla ice cream. I just feel weird shopping for this diet, and even weirder eating it. Sure, the food tastes fine, but oh, god, it does not satisfy any hunger cravings.

I’m honestly glad that it’s done tomorrow. It’s just annoyingly stupid and makes me have to think too much when it comes to preparing my meals.

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