Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day Four - CHEAT DAY!

As you may have guessed I decided that I would make Monday night my “cheat” nights.  Because I go to a Monday night Bible study class where everyone brings a dish and we have some pretty food that night. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to resist Monday nights so gave myself a “cheat” night.  The plan for cheat night is I stick to the program all day and I allow myself whatever I want for dinner and don’t eat the nutrisystem dinner and dessert. Now this is NOT part of the nutrisystem program although I have heard about there “weekends off” program. I’m not sure how that works. So today was typical. I was in a hurry to get out the door since my daughter is back to school from spring break and it was all “get up”… “eat your breakfast” … “brush your teeth”… “where’s your backpack”… I grabbed some stuff and scurried out the door. I ended up eating breakfast when I got to my desk which I thought was a good idea since it stand to reason if I eat breakfast a little later then I won’t be hungry at 10:30.  Not true…. I think my stomach started to rumble at 10:30 am on the dot.  Tomorrow I’m going to try stretching my breakfast items out a little more so that I’m not starving to death by 11 am and staring at the clock until 12:30.  Now I don’t go to lunch at a specific time but sometimes if I get caught up with something I don’t get around to lunch until 1pm or 2pm.

I did alright after lunch and until around quittin time. By time I picked up the kiddo from school and got over to where we have our Bible study I was starvin like marvin. And the food smelled SO friggin good. They had sausage links with the best BBQ sauce I’ve ever had, home made macaroni and cheese (not the boxed crap), baked beans, fresh corn, potato salad, and gianormous hot buttery rolls. I was in food heaven. I took advantage of my cheat and I LOADED down my plate and ate until I thought I was going to puke. Literally I thought I was going to puke. I kinda wish I had because I felt TERRIBLE afterwards. After that I was kind of looking forward to going back to my smaller portions. I do better when I have a strict guide to go by. When left to my own devices I tend to do things like I did tonight and eat half my body weight. I think next week I will try to practice a little more restraint. And I’m also going to try to stick to the Nutrisystem portion sizes on my own and keep up with my fruit and vegetable requirements and see how I do.

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