Saturday, March 28, 2009

Intimidation in the Weight Room

Today’s score: Intimidation: 2, Me: 0

I went to my lovely gym today, which was a journey in itself. I love my gym, I’ve written about that before, but every now and then (as in constantly), I get extremely intimidated when I need to do my strength-training routine. So today, I gave myself my usual pep-talk to get myself in the car, to the gym, out the door, in the locker room, in my gym clothes, and out in fitness central with my water bottle, towel, and ipod. I looked through some exercises my trainer had recommended for me as I was warming up on the treadmill, and immediately I felt some intimidation. So, pep-talk continued while I was warming up–this time like “Oh who cares if you’re literally referring to this piece of paper as you’re lifting weights with all these bulky men around you where there are no other women and you’re wearing a pink t-shirt so you’re really going to stick out…but really…who care?” I care..I care! (said like Elisabeth Hasselbeck in the SNL skit of The View). I care! But you know what?? I started doing it. I did one superset. I was figuring out ways to avoid eye contact in the weights room, I was moving forward….and then…

cute personal trainer i’ve had my eye on sets up his workout RIGHT NEXT TO ME. Sadly, I did not take this as a form of flattery because, being 227 (notice how that is less than the weight I started this blog at?? mhmm), I was like “Oh he is so not into me. And ZOMG he’s going to see my stomach flab when I bend over. Gah!). So what did I do? Finished the last few reps of my set (at least I did that!), and then packed up and went upstairs to do cardio. And that, my friends, is how the scoreboard got to Intimidation: 2, Me: 0.

Anyone else get intimidated like that? Or self-conscious. Yes, yes, I know no one cares how I look, if anyone is even looking at me, but I can’t help it. Any suggestions for getting over it?

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