Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday

How was everyone’s Thanksgiving?

I hope everyone had a great one and kept in mind how much they were eating. I know I did! I pretty much stuck to my game plan, although I did I have a glass of white wine with dinner. Everything was sooooo good and I could have easily got seconds on it all. But I found that after one plate with a little bite of everything was more than plenty. I drank water all day long and I treated myself to a small slice of pumpkin pie.

I actually got up early in the morning and went for a run. I figured I’ve been doing so well on the wii running (running in place) that I would give it a shot. I ran about a quarter of a mile and remembered exactly why I hate running! Why is it that something that’s so good for us makes us feel sooooo awful after words? I know I just need to get used to it and my body was in shock. Obviously real running takes a lot more out of you than running in place. DUHHHHH! But I did it! And after getting passed the “I’m going to vomit” stage I felt pretty good and ready for the rest of the day. I went to bed feeling stuffed which was odd because it didn’t seem like I ate that much.

I did weigh in that morning and I’ve stayed the same since the last weigh in at 151.9 pounds. I’m hoping this coming week I will shed a couple because I’ve gotten a lot more intense with my work out and diet. For instance today I pretty much had the house to myself all day and was amongst all the yummy left overs. I had several thoughts of dishing myself a helping of each of yesterdays goodies and eating that for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But I was good. I had my morning coffee for breakfast, humus, carrots and a small piece of turkey for lunch, I had a couple pita chips for a snack and then for dinner some more turkey and a salad. Oh and lots of water again. Instead of a piece of pie for desert I will go with another cup of coffee.

I know I had said I would be putting pictures up every month to show my progress… well since my progress has been very slow-moving it was kind of pointless. But I decided to do a little update because even though it doesn’t really look like much, I did drop 2 pant sizes since I started. These pictures are not flattering at all, but I think it’s necessary not only for you guys following but for myself. I can look at them and say, okay my body is changing. Even though I’ve dropped in dress sizes, my actual weight hasn’t moved too much and sometimes it’s tough to keep going when you don’t think anything is working.  I was looking at pictures from when I was younger and I was 115 pounds. Back then I thought I was so fat, what I wouldn’t give to be that weight again. At my age 115 is a little far-fetched, but I know if I keep it up I can at least get back to 125.

Not much of a difference here.

This is where I see a change.

Thanks Darlyn for putting the pics together! I hope you all have a safe weekend and be careful of those crazy shoppers!



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