Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 42:

It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up

~Vince Lombardi~

This expensive ($10 a bottle) little wonder works great in your tea and coffee as a sweetener. It has no calories, is a natural product  and goes a long way. Just one drop per drink will do it.  This is also available as a dry product ( I have not bought that yet) for cooking. It is costly compared to sugar, even compared to Splenda or aspartame but is is NATURAL meaning your body can process it easily.


What a busy day yesterday was.  I went out with a friend for brunch. Skipped breakfast so I could combine the calories and come out ok. I had a 3 egg omelette with cheddar, onion, mushroom and green pepper. It was served with fresh fruit, toast and potato rounds.  I entered in into Calorie count and figured that it inhaled about 1200 of my 1700 calories for the day.  To keep on track I decided not to have dinner (I wasn’t hungry anyway) and opted for a sandwich at 7pm and a granola bar at 8pm.  I used the treadmill for 30 minutes an hour before we left so that helps a bit I guess.  I don’t expect to see much or any weight loss tomorrow and its been an off week even though I have maintained my 1700 a day.

In the afternoon we processed the schools hot lunch order for January and then when the kids got out of school I trundled them all up to the main road to watch the Olympic torch go by.  By the time we got back and I had the coats put away and snack served most of them were headed home.

My house seems to be a disaster all the time now.  I used to have it tidy and clean all the time but it seems like an endless impossibility these days.  I’m hoping that we can get on top of it this weekend but I have my doubts if it will happen between boot camp, training, groceries, Xmas shopping (with what money I have no idea) and a Xmas party.

Had another weird dream last night, it was summer and I was playing in water with Lisa and Ashley. We were trying to put Lisa on Ashley’s shoulders in shallow water. Ashley was strapped onto a wake board (would never happen). Anyway, we tipped over and I was stuck underneath them with my head face down in 2 foot of water. I could feel the air running out of my lungs….panic setting in.

Lots of dreams about being scared and panicking.  Good thing none of my readers are shrinks!

Anyway, I should get the ball rolling on this day.

As always, have a wonderful day!


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