Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Weight Loss Resolution for 2010

Year 2009 is coming to an end and 2010 will start very soon. Did you reach your weight loss goal set in year 2009? If you did, congratulations to you on your superb achievement; But if you didn’t, well you’d got to be concentrating on your goal and lock in your attention to achieve your goal in year 2010. Below are some easy guides for you to follow. What you need is get yourself a step counter pedometer, start off your weight loss program by walking, use the step pedometer to increase your daily steps traveled. Once you can brisk walking everyday, you can gradually advance to jogging. Besides regular jogging, joining a gym can effectively burn more calories, lose more weight, and eventually achieve your year 2010 weight loss resolution.

Walking is the easiest form of exercise everybody can do. All you require is a pair of sports shoes and a step counter pedometer. Just wear your shoes and step pedometer, and start your walking. Track you steps taken everyday to make sure you increase the number of steps traveled every week, so that you are burning more and more calories every week. Not only is walking easy to do, it can also help you clear your mind if you really go out there walk around the neighborhood, the garden, the park or even the city. Do it just as sight seeing or window shopping, just relax and enjoy.

If you like to build up your exercise volume, jogging is an excellent exercise to do so. It’s considered the advanced level of walking, where it not only can increase your stamina, but also help to tone up your muscles. Use the step counter pedometer to monitor your progress, gradually increase your jogging length and duration. This will surely allow you to burn more calories and lose weight faster. Jogging is also a great exercise to train you to be more alert and active, compare to laziness and lifeless due to lack of exercise.

For a total workout, joining a gym is the best solution. Normally there will be a gym instructor to guide you on the correct use of the exercise equipment and effectively help to improve your workout volume. There will also be other like you who will join the gym, you will meet a lot of new fiends and be on the same goal to reduce weight and stay healthy. This is a good benefit and motivation for you to join a gym and push yourself to achieve your goal.

Set focus on your weight loss resolution, you can definitely accomplish it by putting it into action. Just start off with simple walking, slowly build up your pace and advance to jogging. These are the simple ways to start burning calories and losing weight, you can achieve even more by joining a gym. Eventually you will be living an active and healthy lifestyle, with all those excess weight burnt.

[Via http://stepcounterpedometer.wordpress.com]

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