Thursday, December 10, 2009

Survive the Office Party and Stay on Your Weight Loss Plan

This is the season for parties, whether at people’s houses, at a restaurant, or in the office. Belonging to a number of organizations can means lots of parties over the next couple of weeks. How does one survive them without gaining that jelly belly?

Here are 3 easy tips to stay in control.

1. Be the one in charge of the food!  If you can’t be in charge, then volunteer to be on the food committee. You will have more control over what is served, thereby helping you stay on your plan. Keep the desserts down to 100 calories a serving, and you will be able to wake up the next morning knowing that you stuck to your plan.

2. Arrive early and leave early, or arrive late, when a lot of the food will be gone. Focus on talking to people rather than eating. Do NOT hang around the food tables. Eating while standing up is a deadly habit that can sabotage the best of plans. Finger food is dangerous. Drink a large glass of water 20-30 minutes before you go to the party.

3. Add an extra 5-10 minutes to your daily exercise during this month.

Finally, remember that you don’t have to go to ALL the parties. All that food will be back next year, so you aren’t missing a thing except not consuming an overdose of calories.


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