Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December goals

I’m ripping off bloggers everywhere by starting a monthly “goals” post. But, in particular, I got the idea from Serendipity’s Guide to Saving. I think it’s a good idea to make monthly goals and then to post on my status. It’s another way to keep myself accountable. So let’s get started.

December goals:

1. Get off academic probation but more specifically:

a. Make a B in Political Science 101.

b. Make at least a C- in Criminal Law and Procedure.

How do I go about achieving these goals? With stellar final exams, that’s how! I need to make a C+ on my law final to pull my grade up to a C-, and I’ll need a B+ on my Poli Sci 101 final. Study, study, study!

2. Get back into the workout routine and lose 10 pounds for the month of December.

I was in the habit of working out every day, doing 30 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of weight training every day of the week. All it took was a personal crisis to throw all of that hard work off track. I did 30 minutes of cardio last night, upping my elliptical level by two. I burned 40 more calories than my workout buddy (250 total calories), and it felt great! My mission for December is to workout at least every day Monday through Friday, though I would like to go on the weekend too. I’m 40 pounds from being a normal weight, according to the BMI calculator. But my real goal is for my size 8 clothing to fit comfortably. Weighing 140 pounds would be nice but not if I have to buy all new clothing!

3. Have a fun, stress-free holiday with family and friends.

4. Go to bed early!

I do very poorly with this. I’m a night owl by nature, and it’s hard to make myself go to bed when I’d rather be up blogging, perusing news sites or even cleaning. I’d like to get into the habit of going to bed by midnight at the latest to ensure I get 7 hours of sleep before waking up for work.

5. Drink less soda, one a day. Replace usual soda intake with water.

This is in tune with my goal to lose weight, but more specifically, soda gives me what D and I call “the burgles.” I cannot drink soda without the stomach grumbling and belching for a good 20 minutes afterward. It’s uncomfortable and probably a sign that soda really isn’t doing my body any good.

6. Sell all of the remaining “clutter” in the apartment.

I’m feeling pretty good about these goals. They’re all things that will improve my quality of life and prepare for a great 2010!

[Via http://girlwithredballoon.wordpress.com]

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