Thursday, December 10, 2009

I did it! (Or: An update on my December goals)

Technically, I didn’t meet the December goals I set out for myself, but…


My goal for December was to get off academic probation by making a  C- in Criminal Law and Procedure and a B in Political Science. I really don’t know what my final grade will be in Poli Sci, but I computed my grade, not including extra credit or an alleged “bump up” our professor promised those of us who drastically improved our grade from our first test and attended the class on the day before Thanksgiving. I have a  B- without taking those extras into account! So I probably will reach my goal, if I don’t exceed it, for that course.

Criminal Law and Procedure is a different story. I made a C- on the final exam… Does that count? :-p I stayed up the entire night before the exam and continued making notecards until my fingers were so sore that I could not wrap them around my pen anymore. (That’s how I study best when it comes to memorization material. I make notecards with questions on the front and answers on the back to quiz myself.) I have a D+ in the course. But that’s okay with me! I failed the first exam in that class. I had a test in my other course that Monday and stayed up all night Sunday studying for it. Then I worked overtime that Monday because I had a meeting to attend for my oh-so-important job. Then I tried to stay up all night on Monday to study for the Criminal Law and Procedure exam that next morning. (Lesson learned: Do not pull all nights to study. Spread the material covered out over a week and save the last day to review all notes.) Needless to say, I was able to stay awake to study for two hours before faceplanting into my textbook and sleeping that way until an hour before the test.

That’s why I’m a-okay with a D+ for the course. That and it’s not a requirement for my major since I’m switching to English.

I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I can breathe again! I can enjoy my Christmas break! I can harass next semester’s teachers about sending me an early syllabus. (Yes, I’m that annoying.)

In other goal news, I’ve been going to work out almost every day, though I’m falling short of my “every day of the week” goal. Now that studying is over, I plan to pick up the pace. (Technically, my goal says to “get back in the routine,” so I give my progress a B so far.)

I’ve not limited my soda intake to one a day. I’ve been doing okay at replacing my work-time caffeine with water. I’d give this goal’s progress an F+ (ha ha) because I have cut it down a little. I’m making an effort, just not the most stringent effort I can. I have noticed a difference in the way I feel early in the morning on the days that I skip the morning Diet Dr. Pepper so I hope that feeling can carry me through this challenge. I’d love to be soda free. Aspartame just has too many side effects for my liking.

I’ve been doing better with going to bed early. Actually, this goal was pretty simple. When I get tired, I go to bed instead of propping myself up to watch TV or to scroll through my favorite blogs. I wouldn’t call the time I go to bed “early” – at 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. – but it’s early compared to my normal routine.

And last but not least, I’ve sold four pieces of clutter, plus my DVDs (with the exception of Sex and the City, Pride and Prejudice and Sleeping Beauty). I have five things left to sell, unless I find more now that I can relax through the day (instead of sitting on the couch in a fit of anxiety, worrying that I’ll have to take next semester off because the school kicked me out). I’m selling a “Masterpiece” elephant figurine, Scrabble delux turntable edition, Sex and the City Trivia a stray lamp from the bedroom that will (hopefully) be replaced during Christmas (All I asked for from Mom was a set of bedside lamps for the bedroom. D said, “What are you going to do if you don’t get them?” Guess we won’t have any lamps!), and a textbook from Criminal Law and Procedure.

If you set monthly goals, I hope yours are going well, that you’re making good use of the remaining weeks of 2009 and preparing for a kickass 2010!


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