Sunday, February 21, 2010

Attack of the Blob!...Day 3/4 of 24 Day Challenge

I apologize for being remiss in not posting the past few days.  I’ve been going going going with work and other activities to the point that I’ve crashed the past couple of nights.

Day 3 and Day 4 went well.  I’m getting into a groove and find myself feeling less hungry then I expected.  I don’t workout in the mornings (I am NOT a morning person and I prefer to start work when I wake up…rolling into my office sometime between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning), but I still follow the same plan.  Spark first thing with Catalyst, followed about an hour later by the meal replacement shake.  Then lunch sometime between noon and 1, depending on how distracted I get at work.  A small snack of nuts or a rice cake with PB then dinner follow.  Depending on how late I eat dinner, I may or may not have a piece of fruit before bed.  It just depends.

I’ve found that I really enjoy all three flavors of the meal replacement shake.  I also mix some fruit in with the shake to make it a little more filling (though the shake by itself does tide me over til it’s time for my mid morning snack.)  The only thing that was a little disconcerting was that I noticed that the shake is a bit gelatinous/blobish in texture.  You know, kind of like pudding.  I don’t know if this picture will show it justice:

It was bizarre.  But still tasty!  I use my magic bullet blender to mix and pureé the fruit in with the shake. Super easy, super quick.

I’m going to confess something…I’ve had some artificial sugar. (*gasp*)  Now, now, before you get your undies in a bunch…I’m taking 1 packet of those mix in water flavor thingies.  There would just be moments that I’d have a craving for something a little sweet, and that would do it.  It’s not like I’m mainlining Aspartame.  So, am I being perfect (as in 100% clean)?  Not technically.  But I’ve stayed off dairy, wheat, soda and alcohol (that one’s not hard…I’m not a drinker) with little problem (though I’ve found myself reading labels much more closely then I ever have) and eating clean save for that one little transgression.  I think I’ll survive (and won’t derail my progress.)

Oh, wanna know what I did last night?  Yeah..screwed up a bit.  I was SOOOOO tired that, when I went to pop my herbal cleanse pills (which are HUGE, btw), I accidentally downed my Probiotic RESTORE pills instead.  Oops.  I realized my error before I crawled my sorry butt into bed and took the correct pills.  I just didn’t have any RESTORE for this morning.

On to day 5…almost 1/2 way through the cleanse.  Woo-hoo!


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