Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, Friday

This felt like a really long week, although in retrospect, it flew by. Today was a weigh-day…that stinkin’ scale hasn’t move at all! Luckily it’s still down 4 from the original number, but no movement since. I am sure if I changed my eating, I could see some movement, but as of yet, I am not super compelled to do that…I gave up coffee this week for Lent, and the thought of limiting my chocolate intake as well…well, that just brings tears to the brink of my eyes. So for now, I am content with maintaining the awesome workouts and running. Which is going really well, if I do say so myself (and I do!). I am running the Nashville half marathon in April with a friend who was looking for some travel partners, so I have my 2 spring races on paper. That takes a load off, now I can just focus on the running! One slight issue for me is that the races are back to back weekends. I have never pushed myself that hard before, so I am hoping all goes well. If I continue to stick with my training, I think good things will happen! I am also signing up for the Disney half marathon for next January…I have to do the register now, as it fills up SO quickly, and I need to make sure I get my spot. my (s)MIL is running it with me, so I think we’ll have a great time! Plus, my auntie lives pretty closeby, so we’ll get to sneak in some visiting time as well. Good news all around!

I have been drinking tea the past 3 mornings. That has helped me avoid a caffeine headache suprisingly well. I used to drink 2 VERY large cups of coffee each morning, but have been able to just drink one cup of tea with no problem. Even thinking by next week, I could make a clean break from the caffeine! Not my original goal, but I don’t think that can be a bad thing. But the nice routine and warmth of my cup is definitely something I miss…but all for a good reason, I know!

Well, off to try to finish a project tonight, so I can kick back and relax this weekend. Kinda wish I had more work to do, but it will be nice to get a mandatory weekend off for a change! More will be arriving Monday, so I better take the break while I can get it! Have a fabulous weekend, and hope the weather is kind to you!


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