Thursday, February 18, 2010

i remember how beautiful i used to think you are

I took my mom to her GP last week and she asked if Mary could squeeze me in. Lucky for me, she did. I am the proud owner of a sinus infection, an ear infection, a deviated septum (that has been undiagnosed my entire life – my nose has never been broken), and a Split S2 (also undiagnosed my entire life – lucky for me, not life threatening). That was an interesting doctor’s visit, lemme tell you.

I’ve been taking my antibiotics like a good little girl, but I’ve been getting progressively worse. Normally when I’m on Augmentin, I start feeling better within a day of beginning the meds. Today, I looked at the bottle, disgusted with the fact that I had no voice and a throat that felt like hamburger meat, and realized that I haven’t been taking my meds properly. When I first got them, I read “take one pill once a day” but it really said “take one pill twice a day”. *facepalm* So, I’m taking them correctly now on top of drinking gallons of water and cranberry juice (my kidneys are hating me right now and I’m praying I don’t end up with a UTI on top of everything else). I stopped by CVS and picked up some Mucinex DM, three bags of cough drops, some daytime Theraflu (since I have nighttime stuff and I hate taking it since the stuff knocks me out so hard that I can’t get up the next day), and some Zicam.

When I get sick, I don’t play around. I hate being sick and I want to get better RIGHTTHATVERYMINUTE!

Of course, I also had to go and think about everything that was sitting on my to do list. I hung up the new curtains in the living room (I hung the ones for my bedroom yesterday and will hang Emma’s tomorrow), threw on some laundry (I actually need to go change it over, but I don’t wanna go downstairs to use the dryer), and cooked dinner despite the fact that I wasn’t hungry. What did I cook, you ask? Twice baked potato casserole, chicken tortilla casserole, Italian wedding soup, and chicken proscuitto ravioli. No, I didn’t eat it all (I couldn’t even eat that much when I was eating everything in sight!), I only had the Italian wedding soup (chicken broth on a sore throat is win), but the rest smells freaking GOOD. I cooked it all because I had to… I bought the soup kits (that I turned into casseroles) a while ago, and if I didn’t use them today, I’d have to throw them out. I bought the chicken proscuitto ravioli the other day and today was the use or freeze by date (I bought 2 packages, so I used one & froze the other – there’s a lot in the packages).

Apparently I don’t know the meaning of “go get some rest”. I still have to do some homework (two assignments due by 11pm tonight) and toss Emma in the tub. I hope Jason gets home soon so that I can have him toss the kid in the tub. I no longer have the energy to deal with it all.

Since this is my weight loss journal, I figure I should probably announce that I joined 24 Hour Fitness today. I have Richard Simmons, MTV Yoga, Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels, etc. DVDs, but come on – how often have I used them? I paid for three sessions with a personal trainer, set an appointment, and I’m going to go to the gym even if it kills me (although, if I try to go right now, it probably will).

My aunt Donna, cousin DeeDee, and my friend Ashley are all either getting ready to join or already are members of 24HF, and we’re all going to go together (or variations thereof… ie: me & Ashley, DeeDee & Donna, me & DeeDee, etc). I find that I do better when I work out with a friend. And going to see the personal trainer will give me an idea of what I need to do and how to do it safely.

Now playing: “London” – AJ McLean


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