Saturday, August 29, 2009


Morning weigh-in: 144.0!

Obviously weight fluctuates and I did weigh myself 5 hours after I’d eaten a weight watcher bagel with a bit of coffee, but hey, it’s better than seeing the scale go up right?

Let’s count alcohol calories to add to my awesome 870 in food and drink:

1/2 summer ale (80) + sugar free redbull with 3 shots (240) + tequila (80) +3/4 bud lite (80) = 480

Grand total for the day was 1350 which is still awesome considering I drank alcohol and had a long day. It is not like I’m going to drink more than 2 nights a week, and the fact that I ate only 870 calories (200 of those being a hazelnut skim latte) means that I really am back on track. I’ve always wanted a scale and now I have one and it is really very motivating! Also my housemates (love them) go to the gym and take classes so I’m going to sign up and go with them. They do Zoomba? Whatever I dont care, I need exercise really bad.

So as far as food goes today I am eating a granola bar (180) when I finish writing and then later on probably starbucks and then dinner with alli. In between that I have to go buy goceries, a laundry bag, a garbage pail, headphones, lug some sh*t out of the my trunk, maybe buy a textbook or two and then finish unpacking and setting up my room! Busy day. Then later on after dinner I am taking jackie, andrew and maybe nicole to alli’s apartment to pregame with her and then TC will show up sometime during that. TC is so great, I cannot wait to see him. He bought me some things for my room but I have no idea what they are. He wont tell me so I guess I’ll have to be surprised.

So I’ll probably give my calories count for today, tomorrow. I’m really excited about this, I feel in control for the first time in ages. Hopefully I can join the gym for only 4 months without it being so much money.



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