Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Wink and a Smile

Today, a guy winked at me at the gym.

And not just any guy. A HOT guy.

I didn’t want to go to the gym today. I woke up late, still tired, and not ok with the fact it was morning. It’s ok to take a day off, I thought to myself as I dragged my sorry butt into the shower.

Despite my inner protests, I threw my gym clothes in a bag and headed out the door. I figured I’d have them just in case I wanted to work out anyway. Things change over eight hours. How was I to know how I’d be feeling at 530?

At 3pm, I still wasn’t thrilled with the idea of working out. But then I remembered. Today is a spinning day. Braids had told me if you do it right, you burn up to 500 calories in one hour. I started getting psyched for the class.

In the locker room, I changed from my work clothes into my yoga pants and tank top. I slipped the pants on under my dress, the slipped the dress over my head. I bent over my gym bag, willing myself to look straight in front of me.

Now, I can’t speak for my male counterparts, but there is an awful lot of nakedness in the gym locker room. And, may I add, most of it is unnecessary. It’s one thing if you’re changing out of a bathing suit or something, but come on people, there is absolutely no reason to change your underwear before and after you work out. I do not want to see your vagina.

So there I was, leaning over my bag, trying not to look at vaginas, when I realized I had left something very important on my bed. My exercise bra. It was no where to be found.

Oh crap, I thought. My regular bar is very lacy and very under wire-y (is that a word?!). I could just picture the wire snapping in half and stabbing me in the heart, mid-work out. I’m still 91.5 lbs away from my goal weight—I can’t die yet!

Luckily, my tank top had a built in shelf bra. I slipped it on over my head and prayed to God it would hold. I’m only a B cup, but still…I was nervous.

So there I was, lying on the exercise ball, crunching the hell out of my abs. On the 13th rep, I sat up, exhaled and looked up. Walking towards me, his white t-shirt stretched over his perfectly proportioned muscles, was a Hot Guy. We made eye contact.

And he winked.


This is big for a few reasons. First, I don’t get winked at by anyone other than Dirty Old Men or Drunk Men. Secondly, I certainly don’t get winked at while at the gym, when I’m surrounded by female twigs I could easily snap in half with one hand. Thirdly, I looked like ass. I didn’t have time to put on any make up. My hair was frizzy and I have noticeable roots.

I am never wearing an exercise bra again.

Alas, no conversation, as he continued walking to the free weight section. (I couldn’t follow—I have a personal training session tomorrow, and that means weights. I can’t lift two days in a row. Damn me and my not psychicness!) In the end, I guess it was for the best—it was time for spinning.

I decided to set up my bike on the other side from where I was last week. I also decided to slide the seat one slot down from last week, and voila!! No aching lady parts! That is ALWAYS cause for celebration, at least in my book.

Biker Girl was my instructor again. She’s great. I can tell visualization is one of her strong points—she had such great imagery for us to think about. Today, my goal was to make it through the class as she called it. In other words, I stood when she said stand. I sat when she sat sit. If Biker Girl said to increase the resistance, I increased the resistance.

Sidenote: The spinning room utilizes black lights. Normally, this looks cool. Unless you have a mostly white cat who apparently likes to sleep in my gym bag.

And I did it. My thighs burned like Californian wild fires. There were times I wanted to give up. Twenty minutes into the class, the girl two bikes down from me just left. She had enough and quit. I refused to be That Girl.

What’s more—ten minutes into the work out, I smiled. I’ve never smiled during a cardio class before. Normally I’m frowning and quietly praying for death. But not today! I don’t know if it was the wink or if I broke through a barrier or something, but I was having fun and feeling good.

I left the gym feeling wonderful. So here’s to more sweating, more smiles and more winks!!


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