Friday, August 21, 2009

Where's the light?

Kinda been feeling down lately.  I get into these periods where I want the weight loss to be consistant.  If I put in the work, the pounds should come off.  I worked my butt off this week, pushed myself, ran harder and farther, sweated like never before.  Problem is if the scale continues to show what it has shown me the last few days, my official weigh in will have slipped from last week.  I know that I’ve gained a lot of muscle this week.  I can feel it and it feels great.  But why does it have to go up and down?  Why can’t it consistently go down at the pace that I want?  All I have to do is look back at my progress and see the zeros.  It happens.  The body does funny things during this process and it’s probably physically changing.  I have a lot to be proud of.  Not only the weight loss, but my determination and effort.  I’ve never done anything like this before.  Tonight I watched a preseason football game for an hour while on an exercise bike.  That is not normal for the old Ehren.  The old Ehren would have stayed on the couch, eating something he should not have at a time of the day that isn’t good.  Behaviors have changed.  Patterns have changed.  And because of that, my body has changed.  Next week I’ll see a difference and will be closer to my goal.  My body just needed a break this week.

Exercise yesterday were my sprints.  I didn’t go the full 10mph now that I’ve doubled my time but 9mph was a good push and really showed up on my watch.  The treadmill is great for keeping consistent speeds.  This morning was 40 minutes on the exercise bike where I really pushed myself.  That thing I just don’t understand.  I don’t really push my heart rate when I’m exercising but I sure do sweat more.  Maybe it’s because my upper body isn’t involved in the workout but my lower body really is getting a workout.  I was sore the last two days but it feels good to be sore.  To know I still have a long way to go to push myself, to become stronger.  And that I’ll be able to tap into that as I continue to lose weight.


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