Thursday, October 29, 2009


For some reason, I’m feeling kind of “blah” … so I’ll try to keep things simple here!  Though knowing me, I’ll end up with some Verbal Vomit at some point.  For the moment, some pictures.

Romaine, baby peppers, ginger teriyaki Tempehtations, roasted asparagus.

Honey wheat braided twist pretzels… I had never tried them before, and I loved them.  I kind of go through stages where I crave pretzels, and then sometimes I don’t touch them for months.  I am weird.

As planned, I put a Garden Gourmet veggie burger in a pita.  While I did like the “burger-in-a-pita” concept, the burgers are definitely not Tivi Valley!  They are a bit greasy, and there are some weird chewy chunks in there.  Not a major fan.  Nor am I a fan of the turnip greens you see in the background… at all!

On the topic of Garden Gourmet, I tried this too:

I kind of liked this… again, though, it was definitely not the same as Tivi Valley’s schnitzel.  It wasn’t bad, but it did have a lot more grease.  I think it goes without saying that I do not like grease.

I know there are hummus purists out there, and those who say that if it doesn’t have tahini, it’s not really hummus.  This is true.  However, I do not like tahini, and therefore, I love the zero-fat hommus from Oasis Mediterranean Cuisine. I had a little issue, so I contacted the company, and they very graciously sent me a package “for my inconvenience”:

I’m especially excited about the black bean dip, because I haven’t been able to find that anywhere.

Mini Verbal Vomit (told ya!)… Part of the reason why I am feeling so … flat is probably because of the weather.  It’s been raining for two days (and the umbrella that I bought yesterday seems to be leaking — I don’t think I ought to have blobs of rain dropping onto my head when I’m under an umbrella!), and that’s depressing enough.  But I always feel like I bloat due to the humidity.  Is it possible to bloat but not actually gain weight?!  Hmm.  It must be, I guess, because after my dash onto my nutritionist’s scale, she wasn’t too happy with me.  I quote: “You are in trouble; I am going to have to yell at you.”  Or something like that.  Apparently, if I feel like I gained X, I lost that much.  Does that mean I need to start flipping around every thought in my head?!  No, I should just stop thinking right now, because it’s been a very very long day and tomorrow looks like more of the same.  It feels like I am always so busy, but doing what?!  You would think that I might actually have a life, but I don’t.  Come to think of it, that’s not so odd under the circumstances.  But sometimes, it really does suck to live in a bubble like that.  I live in my own world… but that’s okay, everybody knows me there.

This is totally random, but I found it really amusing for some reason.  Hair that styles itself?  I wish.

Enjoy your Thursday.

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