Thursday, October 1, 2009

a meditation on food

A dear friend recently asked a group of us for our opinion on what people would like to learn about healthy eating and weight loss.  I thought I’d have a concise response, but I am apparently quite passionate on the topic, and decided to jot down my ideas here as well.  (I am finding myself to be passionate about most topics these days…who knew I was so opinionated?!)

I will try to keep this as brief as possible.

First and foremost, healthy eating must be looked at not from solely a physical body perspective, but as a reflection of one’s inner contentment.  A person who feels content with her mind, body, and soul, will be much more likely to make positive eating choices.  As we all know, emotions play an enormous role in how we eat, and why we are eating.  So before creating a thousand rules about what is and is not acceptable to eat, take note of your mental and emotional state of being.

Secondly, or maybe this should be first and foremost…hmm…anyway- awareness.  These days much of our society simply runs on autopilot.  We’ve forgotten the power of remaining conscious throughout everyday activities.  Eating can become as much of a meditation as anything else; becoming aware of every morsel you place in your mouth will persuade you to choose healthier options.  Keeping gratitude at the tip of your tongue wouldn’t hurt either.

Along those lines, I think it is important to have a connection to the origin of your food.  Know where your meat was raised.  Find out if it is injected with antibiotics, hormones, or gluten.  (Yes.  Some meat is injected with gluten to make it look plumper.  Odd.)  Know how your food reached your table- a process that can’t help but procure some gratitude and awareness.

Every person is different.  Everyone’s body type is different, metabolism, likes and dislikes, digestive system…you name it- we’re all unique for a reason.  Listen to that and follow your intuition.  I spent many years (I won’t go into detail for those of you who don’t know me well:) struggling with digestion issues, and found myself incredibly frustrated with the lack of recognition that ‘one size doesn’t fit all.’  Finally I learned about ayurvedic medicine, and through that ancient science of health, and in developing more intuition about myself, I now feel equipped to make the food choices that serve me best.

Last, when considering food options, go for the mantra “Eat Real Food.”  (If you haven’t read that book, it is a great read).  Stay away from the packaged goodies with incomprehensible ingredients (that don’t make any sense anyway) and choose foods that are actually that…food.  Believe me, your taste buds will rejoice.

Healthy eating is about nutrition.  Nutrition is about nurturing.  Be certain the foods you eat truly nourish not only your body, but your mind and spirit as well.  Your health and happiness will thank you for it.

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