Tuesday, January 5, 2010

But I didn't use every part?! :/

Hello world!

Tonight world, I have tried something new… I have eaten Bison.  Whenever we’re browsing the meat section at the supermarket my husband suggests we should make Bison burgers and I ususally defer… no, no, no, we shouldn’t have Bison, why should we?  But tonight the pickings were a bit slimmer then normal… I was frustrated by the lack of skinless boneless chicken breast… so finally said sure, lets try the Bison.  I guess it was well if I can’t get what I want, might as well finally make husband happy.

When we got home I began counting my points before cooking because even though I had planned out my full day I had forgotten to take my simple but balanced lunch to work.  So I had to improvise… I realized going out wouldn’t do, I wasn’t ready for the temptation of resturant portions, even lunch portions… so I chanced the work cafeteria…Well, how about a sandwich.. wait they put like a pound of meat on it, no matter what you ask.  Then I thought, oh, how about egg salad, egg is good.  Well, I didn’t really think that all the way through… egg is good but egg mashed with mayo and other items on thick slices of bread, is not quite as good. 

So when I got home I realized not only had I spent more points on lunch then I calculated I had barely eaten anything I should that day.  I was eating my first vegetable while I did my calculations.  Knowing I didn’t have the energy to combine what left I needed to eat into a nice meal, when my husband offered to make me a bison burger, I accepted… after realizing a bison patty was essentially equivalent to a lean hamburger, and if I skipped the bun, I wouldn’t be in too bad shape.  So while he started cook I started planning the rest of my food…

The burger was done first, so as I sat that this computer I poked a fork into my patty, carefully separating a bite sized piece, I admit in retrospect, I was not savoring this correctly… but then the taste hit my mouth… and it was good!  This was delicious!  I could taste the spice my husband used on it, but I still was able to distinguish the difference between this bison and beef… the Chicago Steak Seasoning actually seemed to compliment the Bison better then beef ever had.  Part of me thought, as I continued to work my way through this patty (much slower then when I started), that we should do this more often… who needs beef burgers….

… and then, it hits me, why I think I didn’t want to try Bison.  Images from stories in gradeschool, explaining the overhunting of the buffalo… flashed before my eyes… what made it funnier was some of the flashing was scenes from the Oregan Trail video game of my youth, hunting mode (one of the most fun parts of the game aside from naming characters after people you don’t like and watching them die of dysentary).  But, this thought is silly, right?  The bison I was eating was specifically raised to be eaten… so its ok… wait, or is it?  Thats not very humane growing living food to eat… well, at least it wasn’t young Bison, like veal.  Or was it?  What do I know about Bison?  On the other hand growing things to eat, we grow plants to eat to, its living too… but I guess a plants life is much more passive…

Wow, was I a vegetarian for 10 seconds? or was I a meatatarian for 5?  All I definitely knew was that was much more thought provacative meat then I had imagined…

… and unfortunatly after my Bison meat relevations I had to finsih up planning the rest of my food.  Eating can be exhausting when you’re trying to be so precise about it.  But as of now all vegatbles, fruts and dairy have been consumed…more observations on food balance later..

Good night world!


[Via http://mytastingroom.wordpress.com]

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