Parents had better get a back bone if they want healthy kids!
Parents have become wimps ruled by their kids when it comes to food choices. Recently in my office, I saw an overweight 12-year-old girl whose concerned parents brought her in because she was 30 pounds overweight and complaining of fatigue. What amazed me most was that during the educational process, this child turned to her parents and basically told them that she will decide what to eat and what to buy, and they can’t do anything about it. Then she left the center and her parents could not get her back in.
Of course, this is an extreme example, but I have seen it too many times. Parents come in with good intentions and their kids overpowering them with aggressive, degrading speech. More often than not, the parents just sit there without any significant or meaningful response. I also see it in the shopping carts of parents when buying high fat, high sugar foods to please their kids. They are simply unable to say ‘No’ to their kids when it comes to these poor choices.
It seems as if everyone is working against the parents: The huge food companies are brainwashing them and their children. Parents are afraid of controlling their children because they do not want to be called an ‘abuser’. This fear has been perpetuated by the media who focus on those rare cases where good parents are accused by a state agency.
Parents must get over this and learn to say ‘No’ to poor quality food. If you have to put it back on the shelf or leave it at the checkout counter, be strong, don’t bring it home. Remember, if it gets into your home, it will get into your kids.
Another observation, I have watched parents at popular coffee shops be manipulated by 9-year-old children who insist on having a 1000 calorie drink, full of fat and empty calories, and double the price of healthy alternatives.
Enough already! Just say ‘No’ – the sooner you start the better. Yes, there will be a tough week or two but stick to your guns and remain firm. Your kids will thank you when they are older. I have seen too many overweight, depressed teenagers. Trust me, the pain from being overweight and depressed at 17 is much greater than not having a sugary drink for a week at the age of 9.
Here are some games/quizzes to share with your kids to start the conversation and introduce new “rules” to the family. Of course, on-going parenting will continually be necessary from teaching kids about good nutrition and choices to be made.
- Explain the food groups for adequate growth and ask where their favorite foods fall.
- Show the kids the nutrition panels of foods to compare calories, fat, sugars, sodium – that alone may prompt them to make a healthier choice. Arm them with the information and then they will be able to be in control. Rarely will a kid seriously choose something unhealthy when given the information. If they do…put your foot down and tell them that you will not allow it.
- Allow occasional splurges but let the kids earn them and have them keep track of how many per day. Just cutting back on 1-2 per day will be a start in the right direction.
- For smaller children, be the family’s “Healthy Hero” and challenge them to pick nutritious choices in a fun, light manner.
Keep an eye out for a FREE educational video I am creating especially for parents that will be on I think it will help some parents improve their parenting skills and stand up to their kids.
Be strong, it’s good to say ‘No’ to your kids when they make poor choices.
Happy New Year!
Dr. Sass
Sasson Moulavi, M.D., LMCC, ABBM
Medical Director
Smart For Life Cookie Diet
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