Saturday, January 23, 2010

Catrina's food intolerances revealed

As part of an initial Nutritional Therapy consultation I often carry out a food intolerance test using EDS (Electrodermal screening). This is a completely painless test that is 75 – 80% accurate in pinpointing foods that may be causing or aggravating symptoms. Given that it takes up to 4 days for your body to throw out a symptom if often really difficult to work out what you’re intolerances are for yourself.

I don’t normally weigh my clients as scales tend to reinforce the “diet” mentality but given the plan to blog Catrina’s progress I dug out my scales that also measure body fat percentage.

Catrina weighed in at 20 stone and 11lb with a body fat of 55%. Now 55% may sound high but given her overall weight I was surprised it wasn’t much higher than that. I believe therefore that a lot of her excess weight isn’t fat but retained water. This will happen partly as she’s massively dehydrated given the amount of caffiene intake (see previous post) but as a result of regularly eating foods and drinks that are toxic to her. When we bombard our body with toxins continually the liver can’t cope and a back log is created. In order to make the toxin safe in the meantime it binds the toxin with water within a fat cell. Stop ingesting the toxin and the body gets a chance to clear the backlog and the water is released along with the toxin through the normal waste channels.

The test revealed that Catrina has 5 major intolerances:





sugar cane

Given that she has so many that a day won’t go past without exposure to one or more of these substances it’s not surprising that she hasn’t noticed a link between eating them and a particular symptom. Although I can see from her food/mood diary that her mood dipped after a Sunday dinner that included broccoli.

So rather than worry about “slimming” I’ve asked her to cut out the above foods one by one, once she’s got her hydration programme underway.

Most Nutritional Therapy clients come back in 6 – 8 weeks for a follow up but Catrina will be back next week for step 2 of the life change process – follow this blog to find out how she’s getting on with the challenges I’ve set her.


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