Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 12 - Return to the Gym... Too Bad I Feel Like Crap...

I made it to see CJ tonight but I just wasn’t into it. I haven’t been feeling well this past week… stomach issues… and today I started with a minor sore throat. By the time I finished my cardio and got into his grasp, I wanted to collapse. We did our thing but halfway through I just felt very weak in the stomach and it didn’t feel like it was going to get any better. We took it nice and slow and he told me I need to drink more water and rest.

So rest is what I am going to do. I am about to go to bed and I am going to work from home tomorrow curled up on the couch, drinking an endless supply of water and I hope by mid-day tomorrow I start to feel OK with the additional rest. If I’m still feeling up and down, it’s time to face the emergency clinic and have them take a look at what the deal is. CJ thinks my body is just getting used to all of the harder cardio workouts and increased weight… I hope he is right.

I am completely wiped out right now and still feel extremely weak. Maybe I am doing this to myself and my mental state lately is affecting my physical state? I don’t know… I’m definitely struggling right now physically to feel strong. I am looking forward to what I hope will be a night of 8+ hours sleep, something I have not had in awhile.

My posts have sucked lately but I guess that’s the kind of weight loss blog u get when the blogger has no energy and feels like he is going to pass out. This nausea has been on and off for days, at least a week, but tonight it’s ON and it’s definitely on with a vengeance. I am going to write down everything I have been eating and hand it over to the warden and let him see if perhaps I am doing something wrong. I really don’t think I’ve changed my eating habits… but something’s changed. I’m just glad that I haven’t throw up yet because at some points I feel like I have to.

Why now? I was on such a roll lately. It was bad enough that my brain was putting up a fight but now my body? How can I hit the workouts hard when I feel like my stomach area is going topsy turvy all day and I just want to lay down. At least I made it to see CJ tonight and I did a brief run with weights… better than nothing I guess. I’m praying for a speedy recovery.

Until next time folks…


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