Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 2: Duty Calls

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.   Exodus 20:12

My morning weigh-in (which I probably shouldn’t do each day) showed me at 208.4 pounds with a body fat percentage of 24.8%.  Allowing for the 3% tolerance band of the scale for determining body fat, I am comprised of  somewhere between 45.4 and 57.9 pounds of fat.  Dang, that’s a lot o’ chubby to be carrying around.  Wanting to shed 30 pounds means I need to burn off 195,000 calories.  Seems like a big number until you remember that I am tackling that number 500 calories at a time.

My lead verse was chosen to help put my day in perspective.  My intent was to leave school (I teach) and go directly to the gym.  Well, I never got there.   I didn’t make it to the gym because two events came up. 

First, as I was preparing to leave this afternoon, a fellow teacher and good friend asked me to help him chase down an electrical problem he was having with the switch on one of the table saws in his Cabinetmaking shop.  An hour and a half later, I had the problem identified and a new switch block installed. 

The other problem I had started about a month ago.  My mom who is getting on in years called me and told me her car had died and she needed a new one.  She said she wanted a Honda like my wife drives so off I go to my home town and buy Mom a new Honda Civic.  Well, at her age, the new technological stuff in the car was just too much.  After three weeks and driving her new car only about 100 miles, she wanted to get rid of it and get an older car more like the one she had driven since my dad bought it for her in 1989.  I called a buddy who has friends in the used car business and we found Mom a nice ‘98 Buick LeSabre … a perfect car for an older lady.  I sold her new car  took the Buick to her last Monday.  I got the paperwork from the dealer and took it to be signed on Tuesday. 

Today, I was going to drop by DMV on the way to the gym and get the paperwork finalized.  By the time I left school and ran to the DMV and waited in line, it had gotten too late to go to the gym before supper.  All this leads to what I consumed today, especially supper.

The morning started with 2 slices of bacon (120 calories), 1 egg (75 calories), two pieces of whole wheat toast (120 calories) and a teaspoon of strawberry jelly.  This fabulous breakfast had a caloric cost of only 340 calories. 

Lunch was a ham sandwich on whole wheat bread with 3 ounces of deli style honey ham and a bare wisp of light mayo.  Added a bunch of seedless grapes and rounded everything off with a low fat yogurt with bran cereal.  My afternoon snack was a FiberOne bar.  All were consumed with water that I keep chilled in my refrigerator.  So far, I had eaten only 915 calories, a bit less than half of the 2000 calories I am eating each day.

Dinner was the result of having gone to DMV.  The sattelite office for DMV is located near a large Asian market that offers fresh fish and shellfish including head-on shrimp.  I got a pound of large shrimp and made shrimp and grits for supper tonight.  I had a Skinny Cow ice cream bar after supper for a total daily intake of approximately 2050 calories. 

What does any of this have to do with my lead verse?  Today, I put my interests of going to the gym behind the necessity of getting Mom’s car in order so she won’t have any problems with the paperwork.  Part of my reward was immediate in that I was able to get fresh seafood for dinner and Mom was happy.  I’ll have to wait on the other part till later.

Sleep well.

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