Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 4

Hi everyone! Sorry for my lack of posting. I struggled with a lack of motivation to start my Clean Program until Friday, and then I jumped in head first– with a mini-juice fast! I decided to make up for some of my recent splurges, I would give my body a much-needed digestive break. Here’s what my Friday looked like:

Romaine, Kale, Fuji apple, beet and lemon juice– my favorite!

Fresh coconut water. (I drank most of it for lunch, and saved a little for a late-night snack!)

My “dinner” juice was a little different, to mix up my nutrients: Green apple, large cucumber, 1/3 bunch Italian parsley, 2 limes (and a couple drops of liquid stevia, because that sucker was TART!) Not my favorite juice, but it was okay…

Saturday was a HARD day to fast. I went down to Long Beach to visit the Aquarium with my fiancĂ© and a couple of our friends, so I made a large green juice in the morning, hoping it would last me until I found some place I could get another juice. We went to breakfast first, where I sipped on some herbal tea while everyone around me splurged on pancakes and omelets! TORTURE!! But it was a beautiful place to eat breakfast– outside looking at the ocean! So I really didn’t mind not eating. After our time at the Aquarium, we went down to Santa Monica, for some lunch. Of course, everyone wanted pizza, so again, no food for me. They didn’t even have good bottled water, so I ended up getting a bottle of S. Pelligrino instead. I’m not sure if carbonated water is particularly good for you or not, especially on a juice fast, but it was truly my only option. I didn’t feel too bad after drinking it, just a little gurgly in the tummy.

We finally got home in the late afternoon, and I was so exhausted that I needed a nap! I took a brief one, then woke up to make some more juice. It was my favorite, Not-So-Green juice. I chugged it down, then got ready to go to Roscoe’s chicken for dinner with some friends. Yep, that’s THREE restaurants in a row that I went to in one day while fasting. Ugh. I simply drank water while everyone ate fried chicken and waffles around me. Luckily, I made it through, with only a couple moments of feeling sorry for myself…

Sunday, I was planning on getting a colonic. However, last minute we were offered two amazing tickets to a Dodger’s game! We were three rows behind home plate, with unlimited food being served to us! I decided that was the moment to break my fast. I had green juice early that morning, but by 2pm, I was hungry and had no chance of getting juice anytime soon. They were serving a beautiful fruit salad at the game, so I helped myself to a generous portion! Seriously, a heaping plate full of fruit. It had watermelon, honeydew, pineapple, cantelope, and some blueberries. So delicious. I happily munched away at that while we melted away in the hot sun. I don’t know how my finacĂ© could eat fried turkey, hot dogs and cookies while we were so HOT! Crazy!

So far, I’m down 6 pounds since I started. I’m assuming most of that is water weight, but either way, I’m happy! I’m hoping to keep up juicing twice a day now until my BIG DAY. I’m 18 days away! YIKES!!!!!!

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