Friday, September 4, 2009


I hit 208 lbs. on Aug. 28 and I’ve been stuck there for a week.

Is it a plateau or is it the end of my losing streak?

There are two things I’ve been doing differently than in previous weeks.

1. I’m skipping the egg whites in the morning and just having water. I’m not hungry when I get up – I get up really early – and it saves me so much time to not have to prepare them and then clean up the kitchen. I’m going to make a pot of hard-boiled eggs to keep in the fridge and add the egg whites back into my morning that way and see if it that gets the weight loss going again.

2. I’ve started running. I know, I can’t believe it either. It was really hard the first time I tried to get through a mile but I did it and now I can run a mile in about 14 minutes. I get really sweaty so that’s good. Also, I take my measurements every couple of weeks and since I started the running I’ve lost a whole inch off my thighs. So I’m wondering if I’m just gaining more muscle than the fat I’m losing.

I’m still focused on getting a 1 back in front of my weight. The moment that scale says 199 I’m going to let out a big sigh of relief – which I know is so sad because it’s just a number but losing weight is a big deal for me right now. I’ve had a lot of big goals in my life and I’ve accomplished all of them except being skinny. Yes, I want to skinny. Not slim, or thin. I want to hear someone (my mother, I admit it) tell me I’m skinny. I want to do everything and not even have it cross my mind that I might be too fat to do it. And the number is important to me. 139 or less would make me feel a lot less insecure.

And I just feel like once I reach this goal then I can make some new ones. My brain is so stuck right now, I’m finding it so hard to move forward in my life that I hope if I can jump this hurdle I can keep running.


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