Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Getting Started

Labor Day.  Though meant to honor workers, I’m thinking of the other kind of labor -giving birth.  Giving birth to a newly improved, healthier me.  I’ve been thinking about this for about a year so I don’t know why today felt like the day to start but it did.  So I am.

Almost 45 years old and almost 45 pounds overweight – not a good thing for someone who considers herself a healthy person otherwise.  It’s time.   My task is to lose 40 pounds in 40 weeks.  40 pounds is a bit of a stretch as that would mean I’d be at a weight lower than I have been in 13 years and since the birth of my son.  Setting my sights on accomplishing this in 40 weeks means losing an average of 1 pound per week.  Yikes! 

And without dieting.  I will not diet.  I will change  my eating habits but no diet.  Whenever I have dieted in the past, all I can think about is food.  It just doesn’t work for me.

Well, not the introductory blog post of my dreams but better to just get started than to wait (or is that weight?).

Here are my current stats:

Weight 164 lbs

Measurements:  (oops, they’re upstairs)

Here’s what I did for exercise today:

20 minutes brisk walk

30 minutes of moderate gardening

Okay, time is up for tonight.  One of the key pieces of my renovation plan is getting enough sleep. 

Ready to tag along and see what happens?

[Via http://40poundsin40weeks.wordpress.com]

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