Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is Weight Loss The Formula For Happiness: Day 191

Evolution Three – week Two

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 8, 2009: Day 191


Hello Folks,

There are so many funny opposites that exist. Somehow we give value to the things that bring us pleasure. But what is pleasure? For some people pleasure could be watching the Superbowl and for others that is not the case at all.

We individually define what makes us happy as much as society as a whole defines what happiness is. There are formulas out there telling us what to do to achieve happiness; a seemingly unachievable thing. Why is it unachievable? Maybe because many of us don’t know what it is, at least not consistently. We have moments of happiness…kind of like a taste of the good life…right? But then we also have moments of unhappiness.

Some people might say happiness is being rich, but that isn’t always true. There are lots of unhappy rich people. I think it has more to do with what many spiritual leaders are talking about; happiness is a decision. It is not determined by any outer circumstance. It is a feeling of equanimity in the face of any situation…whether good or bad.

 Is it possible that good and bad don’t really exist either; without PERCIEVING good and bad, do either of those values have meaning?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise? Can any one thing have value without one other thing giving it value?

The Tarot cards of ancient say it is impossible to exist with out two things. If you study science deeply I suspect this will be the case. We need OTHER to give anything value or meaning. What if everything was green…do you think that any other color would mean anything to anyone? Probably not.

I have decided that losing weight and exercising and eating healthy will make me happy; or why else would I work so hard at it? But I am finding that my happiness with my weight and exercise has more to do with my attitude about my self in response to my weight, eating habits, health…etc. The process is healing for me, but not necessarily happiness. Once one goal is fulfilled, the old feeling of what should I do next to feel better comes up.

This type of thing is a normal human condition. I guess my hope is that if I THINK hard enough about this…and CONTEMPLATE the true goal I am setting for myself I will unveil some hidden personal truths. I think it mostly comes down to what makes me happy.

What I am finding is that what makes me happy isn’t necessarily any one thing…like being thin or getting a good grade in school; it has more to do with getting some kind of reward my effort. The more reward I get the better I feel about myself and the harder I am willing to continue to work at it.

Weight loss is a fun way to see results from effort and it also tells you when you need to adapt. All of this effort that goes a long with failure and success can either prove that effort pays or that effort does not pay. If it proves that effort does not pay it is easy to give up. So, again, success comes back to PERCEPTION. If I perceive 1 pound lost as success then I continue my effort, but if I see it as failure then I might give up and FEEL like  failure (which makes me unhappy).

As a compliment to this kind of process…

I found a free e-book site for a book called Think And Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.

I think it has some useful tools in it that could be applied to weight loss as well. Basically, the writer in many words describes the secret to success. Why many succeed while others failed. He studied many successful people and drew his own conclusions.

The things that pop out for me make perfect sense….and have we not heard this before…but repetition is the key to success…so here is a little list gleaned from this book.


Take Chances

Capitalize On Great Ideas

Learn From Mistakes And Improve

Define Goals

Have Purpose

And the list goes on….

You get the point….

If you want a free download of Napolean Hills book Think And Grow Rich CLICK HERE.

Here is an inspiring video on this topic…




Exercise: bike 30 minutes, turbulance training, ankle stretches (it never ends)

Menu: Protein and veggies


Until next time…


Think, Believe, Act, Adjust, Never Give up




Today’s Mantra: Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.

Napolean Hill 


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