Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Smoothie - The "Video How To" on my favorite breakfast food


This has been such a source of delicious-healthful confusion, I thought I would give you all a chance to see how it’s done.  Keep in mind I view the smoothie as a way to get more veggies and healthy fats into my diet.  The fruit is just a way to help get it down.  If you are novice, include more fruits less veggies (ie use spinach and slowly build up to the broccoli and bok choy)  This shouldn’t be painful, it should be enjoyable because this isn’t a fad, but a lifestyle, so always keep the goal in mind.  Spinach and various lettuces are always the easiest veggies to start with.  Kale, broccoli and asparagus are for veterans.  And the BANANA is for everyone ;-p.


by the way, my camera ran out of memory a few seconds from the end, but all you miss is me talking about how delicious it was.  Let the blender run for a few minutes, more depending on how smooth or chunky you like your smoothie.  (if you would like to watch the end… here you go:

Ingredients Used in this Clip: (in order of appearance ;-p)

Frozen Blueberries and Peaches, water, kale, spinach, broccoli, ground flax seeds, organic almond milk, banana, walnuts, olive oil, fish oil, and probiotics.  Mmmmm probiotics.

Fight 4 Health,

-Dr. Nicholas Araza DC CCWP


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