Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer Work-Out Ideas

Sometimes joining a gym, getting a trainer or entertaining a new fad diet can be expensive and serve as a deterrent to people who are on a tight budget. However, getting fit and staying healthy is good for our overall well-being. Here are ten fiscally refined fitness tips that you can incorporate into your everyday life that will keep you motivated and trim without blowing your budget.

1. Instead of hiring a personal trainer or joining expensive group classes, check out exercise videos from your local library. Check out a different exercise DVD each week.

2. Take Steps Instead of the Elevator. This is a very effective exercise that can be incorporated into almost anyone’s life.

3. Cleaning your house shouldn’t be work; it can be an enjoyable exercise. The pay off: burn calories and then lay back and enjoy a clean home.

4. Walk it Out! It’s the simplest way to lose stomach fat. Most experts say you should walk 1-2 miles per day at a brisk pace to stay healthy.

5. Buy Used Equipment. Don’t buy retail. Check with friends and family who probably have unused or stored exercise equipment they don’t want anymore.

6. Avoid Junk Food. Eating junk food while you’re busy or traveling is a serious culprit. With a little planning you can transform your diet to include mostly healthy foods; plan out your meals for the week.

7. Take advantage of local parks and community recreation programs. Check with your local center to find out what programs they have to offer.

8. Use the Internet to help find fitness clubs or groups in your local area that are free or little cost.

9. Just Dance. Grab your ipod, favorite CD or turn on a TV music channel and get your body in motion. Dancing is great exercise – and it doesn’t cost a dime.

10. Got kids? Put them in the stroller and take them for a walk. If it is raining and cold, walk indoors.

Use the above tips to jump start your road to better health, wealth and happiness.

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