Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Two goal paced runs.

On Sunday and Monday my running schedule called for an 8 mile goal pace run for each day.  My goal pace for the Portland Marathon on October 3rd is 7:40.  So on these goal paced runs my goal is to keep my pace between 7:30-7:50 minute miles.    Surprising to me, this is getting easier and easier for me to accomplish.  My first run at this goal pace was a KILLER.  Now, the pace is starting to feel a little comfortable but not like a long run pace.  It is still a good hard effort to keep this pace but it is just easier now.

I was able to finish both runs within the paces desired.  The weather was very windy but the sun was out so that made both runs very enjoyable albiet hard.  I like these runs because each one that I finish succesfully, my confidence in my ability for Portland increases a bit.  This is essential because running is a serious mental challenge along with the physical.  I have never run a marathon “for time”.  I did try and set a PR some time ago in the marathon and I was able to do that, but it still was not an “all out” pace.  This will be a very new experience for me.  Although it will be a very rich experience, I am sure it will not be as enjoyable as past marathons.  However, the finish will be much more enjoyable.

[Via http://run4change.wordpress.com]

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